Biohofladen Miller


15. Februar 2021

instagram story insights erklärung

The best part of Instagram Stories is that if you’re continually engaging with your audience. This means that they: So the conclusion is that your primer goal of the story is to have as a lower percentage of the exits when compared with the reach. View Story insights. Dieser zeigt euch an, wie viele neue Nutzer ihr erreicht habt. Wie ihr das erstellt, zeigen wir euch in unserem Artikel über Instagram Business-Profile. Generate, analyze and embed Instagram stories on any website. Und wenn der Instafame zum Greifen nah ist, lohnt sich ein Blick in unseren Artikel über Social-Media-Strategie. Angesichts der Popularität der App dürften diese Zahlen in im letzten Jahr eher noch gestiegen als gefallen sein. Ohne Statistiken kannst du nur vage Vermutungen anstellen, wer deine Instagram-Follower sind. There are a few ways how you can view your stories statistics, depending if you want to view the insights for the current/live story or you want to check historical data about the previous stories. Each metric can be changed by clicking on the top metric blue word that is selected at the moment. 33% of all your followers only consume stories. Wenn eure Follower sich eure Stories jedoch wieder und wieder ansehen, dann habt ihr sie mit dem richtigen Content am Haken. So an idea could be: When you have a story or message to share with your audience, come up with a storyboard of the photos and videos you need. If you click on the See All button next to Stories, you can filter out metrics by date range and type of interaction. Letztere Möglichkeit steht allerdings nur Accounts ab 10.000 Followern zur Verfügung. Instagram recently introduced Growth Insights, which allows you to see which Stories and posts earned the most followers. Hier seht ihr, wie viele Leute eure Posts gesehen und damit interagiert haben, was sie genau auf eurem Profil gemacht haben und wie viele Personen euch insgesamt folgen – einschließlich sämtlicher auf- und abwärts Trends. Hier seht ihr, wie viele Leute. Tipp: Seht euch die Interaktionen an, die eure letzte Story generiert hat. Anhand von Instagram Insights könnt ihr erkennen, welche Inhalte bei eurer Zielgruppe ankommen und welche nicht. So for any previous stories, you will not able to view their insights. It seems that this vertical, mobile format is responding more to the user’s behavior, so having a native ad that can engage with them in a full screen makes total sense to drive great results. Erstelle ein Konto oder melde dich bei Instagram an. If you follow The Uncorked Librarian (TUL) on social media, you know that Instagram collab scams and ugly Instagram rear their vicious, greedy heads in the form of kissy emojis and overkill cutesy terms of endearment from smaller clothing and makeup brands. Track and analyze Instagram accounts. With Instagram Story insights—a nicer term for “analytics”— soon to be available to business accounts, social strategists will have a huge new pile of data to interpret and explain. Organic Stories are seen by people that follow your Instagram account and disappear from view after 24 hours. When your story is added to the search results for a location, you should receive a notification from Instagram. So findet ihr schnell heraus, wann die beste Zeit zum Posten eurer Beiträge ist, um besonders viele Interaktionen herauszukitzeln. Zahlen und Statistiken wirken oft langweilig und kompliziert. Some of the newest metrics are Directions, Calls, Texts, Emails – which are related to the effect that Instagram stories had on the action performed on your profile CTA buttons. To see someone’s Instagram story you just need to tap their profile picture at the top of the feed. Toggle between hours and days to see if there are any noticeable peaks. — Instagram Comms (@InstagramComms) February 28, 2020. We use cookies to improve your experience. Here are other Instagram Story Ads metrics you will need to monitor: To access the insights of the Instagram story ads you will need to go to your Facebook Ads Manager account and view the Chart data for the Instagram story ad. Zu welcher Zeit ihr am besten auf Instagram postet, wurde bereits in zahlreichen Studien untersucht. Du kannst z.B. Wanna hear the truth? And when someone views your story from a hashtag or location page, when you view your Instagram Insights, you’ll see the name of that page when looking at who watched your story. We're having trouble playing this video. Marketing API geek and a Call of Duty fan. Auf diese Weise bekommen eure Follower, was sie wollen, und ihr steigert eure Reichweite. So siehst du genau, welche Inhalte gut bei deinen Fans ankommen und zu welchen Uhrzeiten du die meisten Likes und Kommentare bekommst. January 2020 Instagram updates. 5 General Statistics About Instagram Stories. Next Story; Next up: Individual Instagram Insights for Stories. Instagram profile is converted to a business profile, One third (1/3) of the most viewed Instagram Stories are from businesses, 50% of businesses on Instagram worldwide created at least one story during a typical month, 96% of US marketers surveyed plan to continue using Stories ads in the next 6 months, It will open a bottom drawer view with the story insights, Tap the (eye) icon to view the actual Instagram users who have viewed the story, Tap the (chart) icon to view the insights for the story, In the Insights screen, tap on the Content menu, Swiped to the next story of another account, Generate automatically stories and their Instagram data points, Collect and store this data in one place with easily accessible functions, Unique data points for the success of your stories on your website, More purchases with ads in Stories compared to feed, Lower cost per acquisition with ads in Stories compared to feed, Larger % of prospecting purchases attributable to ads in Instagram Stories, Increased lift in ad recall and overall  awareness. Tippt auf Insights ansehen um Genaueres zu einem bestimmten Post, einer Story oder einem Video zu erfahren. A “takeover” is when you’re inviting influencers to post to your Stories for 24hrs. 9. If you convert a personal account to a business account, you’ll see Insights … Selbst, wenn ihr euch noch nie zuvor mit Statistik beschäftigt habt, findet ihr euch schnell zurecht. Instagram is on the rise, and more and more brands are looking to establish an Instagram presence in order to better tap into their audience's interests.But there is a key challenge in modern Instagram publishing - with the subsequent rise of Instagram Stories, it can be difficult, at times, to decide which posts are feed-relevant, and which are, alternatively, Stories-worthy. In diesem Bereich seht ihr nun Interaktionen, Discovery und Promotion. Tap on the Content tab, and you’ll see data for your Instagram Stories from the past 14 days and data on your regular Instagram posts from the last year. But instagram stories will soon expire in just 24 hours of the period. To access the Instagram stories of the active story, follow these steps: If you want to access the insights for Instagram Highlights, the above steps are the same. In the following text, we will show you a few tips on how to analyze the metrics of your Instagram stories and will answer some common questions that you might have about the stories’ data you will see in your account. Content-Interaktionen zeigen euch ganz detailliert, wie viele Personen mit euren Posts, Stories und Videos interagiert haben. Wie oft ein Post gespeichert wurde, ist besonders aufschlussreich. Sobald Sie sich im Kameramodus befinden, klicken Sie nun jedoch auf „Live“. Use your iOS or Android device to film your story, then open the Canva app to take it from plain to polished. Try an organic story. Sich durch einen Haufen Zahlen zu arbeiten, klingt nach einer Menge Arbeit. Especially if you want to show something nice, or say “Happy Weekend”, or you just want to create a “Title” for your Instagram Story. Then you can upload them whenever you want. The CPM for Instagram was $5.14, similar to Facebook’s $5.12, but the CPC at $0.61 was considerably smaller than Facebook's $0.80. We’ve seen that there are lots of unique metrics for this format, that need to be monitored and analyzed in order to improve every future campaign that will include both organic or sponsored Instagram stories. What Are the Instagram Stories Specific Insights? Instagram is a visual platform where brands that invest in good photography excel. Please note: before you start looking for the Insights section, make sure your Instagram profile is converted to a business profile by connecting your Instagram account with your official Facebook business page. Much like with Instagram feed posts, you can discover Instagram Stories analytics through the Insights tab, or by swiping up on a live Instagram story. Gesamtzahl der Abonnenten bietet euch mehr, als man auf den ersten Blick vermuten möchte. Read now! 6. To check these insights, go to the Audience tab in Instagram Insights. Sage - Instagram Story Templates Here you will find useful statistics and insights, starting from general data about the overall usage of Instagram stories, to real case studies that give evidence about the performance of the Instagram story ads. 9. Instagram Insights ist leicht verständlich, denn zu fast jedem Zahlenwert gibt es eine kurze Erklärung. Instagram updates in January included several new business tools. So könnt ihr leicht nachvollziehen, wie Leute auf eure Posts reagieren und welche Art von Content sie am meisten anspricht. We’ve analyzed few success stories that are published by Instagram on their official business page, and based on this survey, we’ve come to the following common statistics that can be expected if you run Instagram stories ads: Additionally, one important metric that marketers usually define for their Instagram marketing objectives is to increase website clicks is the Link Clicks metric. Denn offenbar hat der Beitrag euren Followern so gut gefallen, dass sie ihn sich später noch einmal ansehen oder ihn mit einem Freund teilen möchten. And when it comes to the reach metric, it represents the number of unique people who viewed the story, regarding the number of times they viewed the story. Dabei machen die 20- bis 29-Jährigen den Löwenanteil mit 58 Prozent aus. A previous owner of a Facebook Partner Company and a digital marketing agency. Jetzt seht ihr aufgelistet, wie oft beispielsweise auf einen Hashtag Sticker oder eine Location getippt wurde. Discovery insights also include data on a post's reach -- which reflects the number of unique accounts that saw your post. Überprüft also eure Statistiken für Likes, Interaktionen und Stories. The Navigation section offers key performance indicators such as Forward, Back and Next Story you can gage your audience’s interest in your Stories. If you are logged into your Instagram account you can link the content of our webpages to your Instagram profile by clicking the Instagram button. Das hat einen ganz anderen Wert, als wenn jemand im Vorbeiscrollen auf “Gefällt mir” tippt. Frank ist Copywriter bei Jimdo und insbesondere zuständig für Texte in niederländischer Sprache. The following insights are available for professional accounts on Instagram: Recent Highlights: This section announces any notable increases in account performance in the last 7 or 30 days. Interesting History. sich euer Profil angesehen oder auf den Link zu eurer Website geklickt haben, Die beste Zeit, um auf Instagram zu posten, ist, Ein beständig hohes Engagement erhaltet ihr, Am wenigsten Engagement erzeugt ihr (wen wundert’s), Scrollt nach unten bis zu “Abonnenten”, Dort findet ihr die gesuchten Infos unter “Stunden” und “Tage”. Instagram advertising has … We are all aware that Instagram stories in a very short time have acquired the attention of every marketer in the world. Click on the audience tab. Ein Beispiel: Haben euch viele neue Follower über bestimmte Hashtags gefunden, dann wird euch das hier angezeigt. Scroll down to Growth where you’ll find a chart that shows you follower changes by day of the week. Looking at Hopper HQ ’s account, on average 80% of users ‘Forward Tap’ through Instagram Stories … Verabschiedet sich ein großer Teil der Zuschauer gleich zu Beginn, dann ist euer Inhalt vielleicht nicht interessant für sie. 2. Er schreibt Artikel rund um die Themen Website, SEO, Marketing und E-Commerce. The Insights section lets you explore your Instagram Story engagement rate, view percentages, as well as your content’s reach and impressions. Das Feature hilft euch dabei, mehr über eure Besucher zu erfahren und darüber, welche Inhalte sie besonders oft angesehen haben. ️ But it never hurts to use templates to plan and create your Stories ahead of time. The Instagram Story Views Mystery. Learn more Analyze and track your Instagram stories. ... 'Legojacker' uses Instagram … This is a super fun Insta Story trick for everyday Insta Stories. Habt ihr Geld ausgegeben, um einen eurer Beiträge zu bewerben? They found that Instagram had a click-through rate (CTR) of 0.8%, compared to Facebook’s 0.6%. Well, let’s see if this strong number can really impact your usage of the stories and if you can get some of the results that this format is promising. This does not mean that they went back or tapped forward. Using Instagram insights for Stories can derive conclusions on the type of content that works best. 2. Here are our quick guides to the four new pieces of data Instagram will offer you on your stories: reach, impressions, replies and exits. Whether you have a public or private account, you can share your reel to your Story, close friends, or in a direct message. Story storms stand out from the typical blink-and-it’s-over Story format and create the opportunity to expand your message. Jetzt können Sie Videos live übertragen, während Sie filmen. Something Went Wrong. Instagram hat das Setzen von Links stark limitiert. Similar to the analytics section for your account and Instagram posts, your Stories insights can found in the top right corner of your Instagram business profile, by tapping the “Insights” button. From the Instagram app, go to Insights. Instagram Stories—a camera-first fullscreen visual format that disappears after 24 hours, modelled after Snapchat—doesn’t show up in the Instagram news feed. This is the main use case for Instagram accounts that still do not have the option to add links to their organic stories. We collect all the metrics your clients care about: engagement, reach, impressions, then calculate your impact. Step 1. In short, taps backward. Mit Instagram-Insights kannst du so einige Daten über deine Follower herausfinden und diese vor allem für dein aktuelles Mediakit nutzen. Source: Instagram. Instagram Insights is a native analytics tool that provides data on follower demographics and actions, as well as your content. Über einzelne Beiträge: Zu einem Beitrag navigieren und unter dem Bild „Insights ansehen“ klicken; Über die Story: Eine Story aufzurufen und nach oben swipen, um zu Insights zu gelangen. Here are some brilliant examples of brands that are harnessing the power of visual storytelling on Instagram: 1. Setting up your Instagram Story ads is similar to setting up other Instagram ads. How to Set Up Your Instagram Stories Ads. Now, Instagram is trying to serve content based on what you’d like to see. Können eure Follower während ihrer Mittagspause zwischen 12 und 14 Uhr den Blick nicht von ihrem Smartphone lassen, sieht die Sache ganz anders aus. Wie das geht, könnt ihr in diesem Artikel lesen. Um die Statistiken für Sticker aufzurufen, öffnet ihr eure Instagram Insights, ruft eine einzelne Story auf und öffnet die detaillierten Statistiken mit einem Swipe Up. Here are a few features that EmbedStories provides: Here is a quick view in a comparison mode for the insights of the generated stories in the EmbedStories system: Regarding the Instagram analytics of the stories embedded on your website, here is a sample view of the report about the performance of a story beyond Instagram: When it comes to using the Stories format to create and boost sponsored ads, the results that most of the companies are getting are pretty awesome. But, if you want to have a professional approach in the stories insights analysis, you will need a third-party tool or software that will help you do more with your stories data. Instagram Insights Instagram Insights provides more basic metrics than some premium analytics tools but is free and included in Instagram. A Different Kind Of Instagram Scam. Die Ergebnisse unterscheiden sich teils stark nach Thema des geposteten Contents (Produkte, Medien, Tech etc. But in order to see this for ourselves, we need to start monitoring Instagram insights for our own stories. Bookmark this post and use these ideas as a source of inspiration when crafting your own Instagram Stories ads. But please note that on the slides where you have arrows or explicit call to action to navigate further, the taps forward can be increasingly high if compared with other slides. Doch ihr bekommt ebenso eine ganze Reihe weiterer nützlicher Informationen. Ist das eure Zielgruppe, ist Instagram also der richtige Ort für euch. In this section, you are able to view insights for each particular story. Just go to your profile and tap on a Highlight, swipe up and tap the chart icon explained before. Instagram Business insights show you how many people clicked forward on to the next Story from yours, and how many left the conveyor belt. The Instagram stories platform, EmbedStories tackles this issue and addresses the problem through a variety of functionalities that can help to analyze stories’ data at a larger scale. Growth metrics added to Instagram Insights . Start creating Instagram stories ads Another effective Instagram tactic is the Instagram Story Takeover. A few months ago we shared that Instagram began to roll out some pretty powerful analytic tools called "Insights," though as many of you might have gathered it's … See how your Instagram Stories are performing and rank them by impressions, reach, completion rate, reply count, and more Get detailed analytics for each story so you can improve your posting times and test different content types Business and creator accounts can now better track follower growth from the Instagram Insights dashboard. In order to understand their meaning and how Instagram measure them, please check the official Instagram stories insights definition for the most common metrics: In the preview of the story insights, you will also see a section with Interactions, that might include the following data points: Replies, Website clicks and Profile visits. Instagram Insights provides data such as impressions, exits, and replies, which you can use to tell better Instagram Stories. Was ist ein virtueller Assistent und wie kann er euch helfen? Pro tip: Instagram’s API does not yet allow for advanced scheduling of Instagram Stories. It feels a bit like flipping through a photo book. So überprüft ihr eure Instagram Insights für eure Posts, Stories und IGTV-Vidoes. Allerdings kann der Nutzer sie auch früher löschen. For more about live broadcasting, check out How to Broadcast Live on Instagram. Instagram Stories ähnelt der bekannten Snapchat-Funktion: Die eingestellten Fotos und Videos verschwinden nach 24 Stunden automatisch. With 12 templates that look awesome with photos, quotes, and more, you’ll be inspiring your followers day in and day out. Werde jetzt Mitglied und tausch dich mit anderen Selbstständigen, Freelancern und Unternehmern aus. Find what your audience likes the most 5 Fragen, die ihr euch stellen solltet, bevor ihr euch selbstständig macht, 6 Ideen, um online euer Business-Netzwerk auszubauen. Story Statistiken. Bringing you closer to the people and things you love. [2021 Guide]. So findet ihr schnell heraus, wann eure Follower online sind und wie sie sich ihr Verhalten vom Durchschnitt unterscheidet. Instagram initially rolled out "Story Highlights" on December 5, 2017. When you start viewing someone’s story from the top of the feed, the stories will automatically scroll from one person’s to the next person’s story. Stories can be modified with the typical features of the popular social media app. Once you do this you will get the Insights option in your Instagram profile. So seht ihr beispielsweise, ob eure neuste Promotion sich auch tatsächlich auf die Zahl eurer Follower ausgewirkt hat. To view Instagram stories analytics and insights for all your previous stories, follow these steps: Next, you can see how to access the historical data about all your stories. Here are some key takeaways: Ja, natürlich seht ihr hier, wie viele Follower ihr insgesamt habt und ob sich diese Zahl in den letzten 7 Tagen verändert hat. Tips for optimizing your Instagram Stories strategy. Ebenso helfen euch diese Zahlen dabei, einen Überblick über die gesamte Aktivität auf eurem Konto zu erhalten. Time period Key developments at Instagram 2010–2012: Instagram launches on the iPhone and grows to 13 employees and to 30 million users (closing at $50 million at a $500 million valuation). grundlegende Informationen über Alter und Geschlecht herausfinden, aber auch welche Beiträge am besten ankommen oder bei welchen Posts am meisten Kommentare hinterlassen wurden. Januar 2017 verfügt Instagram nun auch für seine europäischen Nutzer über die Live-Funktion. “Reichweite” bezeichnet, wie viele Instagram-Konten einen Beitrag gesehen haben. These Instagram Story Insights let you discover which Stories performed best, and why they’ve done so well. Another one worth mentioning here is the Sticker Taps, which shows the number of times people have tapped on a hashtag, location tag, mention, or product sticker on your Story.

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