Biohofladen Miller


13. September 2021

commander inquiry memo example

17 September 1990 CG-8. I Corps Staff Memorandum 16 April 2012 . Uploaded By ChrisN352. 303.) To that extent, don't take "no" for the final answer; travel up the PEBLO's leadership channel until an official unfit memo receipt or an official no … FROM: Jonathon Fitzgerald, Market Research Assistant . The Nimrod Review was set up to examine the arrangements for ensuring airworthiness and safe operation of the Nimrod MR2, to assess where responsibility lies for any failure and what lessons are to be learned. 303 Preliminary Inquiry 5. This book is a terrific source for sound, cost-effective energy management and investment practices to enhance the DoD's energy security and environmental stewardship. MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, U.S. Army Recruiting Command, ATTN: RCRO-SP, Fort Knox, KY 40121-2725 . 6-3): a. Father Brown Cast Season 2, Endorsement Memo. Commander s inquirymemorandum example - Yf series of pay, Rummy's Diaries: Memo: Commander's report of Commander's Inquiry, Enclosure: Commander’s Checklist for Non-Support Inquiry (AR 608-99). Crypto Pump And Dump Detector, This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. All the free writing samples shown can be downloaded via the download link button below each sample. Assunção Fifa 21 Career Mode, . 303 and Chapter 4, AR 15-6. . Found inside – Page 168Second , top Pentagon officials have signaled that commanders have wide discretion to ignore the credible information standard . In June 1994 , for example , the Navy's appellate litigation group issued a memorandum entitled ... Motogp 2019 Final Standings, You may conduct the preliminary inquiry yourself or direct someone else to do so. 2015 . Commanders at all levels will forward the report to Commander, IF Guardian. Commanders will look into alleged errors, injustices, and illegalities in evaluation reports. Army Memo re: Commander's Inquiry Memo in to Abuse and Mock Executions of Detainees (0038-03-CID899-63498) Memo for the Record concerning an AR 15-6 investigation findings of investigation in to alleged detainee abuse and mock executions by U.S. forces. Started by Eclipse, July 24, 2013, 08:52:35 pm. Like most forms of writing, memos come with so many rules, instructions, and suggestions that it's easy to forget a few. If just a commander's inquiry all you should need is the sworn statement form, a memo, and any documentation from the people you are investigating. commanders inquiry findings memo example. A copy of the approval (memorandum or email) will be forwarded. MCO 5530.14A 05 Jun 09 5 Reports Required: I. a) Commanders (O-5 or higher) will screen the record brief of current and incoming Soldiers for court-martial convictions, nonjudicial punishment or punitive administrative actions for sex related offenses. (See MCM, R.C.M. Sincerely, [Signature] Henry Durand CPT, U.S. Army … Commanders are responsible for sustaining a positive EO climate within their units. I currently serve as a Mortar Platoon Sergeant in 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division. References: AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement, 13December 2007, ATP 3-34.5, Environmental Considerations, August 2015. Example commanders army memo for clearing cif early. I recommend Miss. Found inside – Page 35But other cases are more ambiguous and deserve a thoughtful plan , as the previous EOF example demonstrates . ... the time and personnel resources available to the commander , and the advice of a servicing JA advisor , the inquiry can ... Gene L. Dodaro is the eighth Comptroller General of the United States and head of GAO. b. A study of the establishment of inspection practices in the United States Army told chronologically, in large part through the experiences of officers assigned to the inspection service. Dec 4, 2008 #1 Hi, I was referred to a medical board six weeks ago and my commander, after being emailed 3 different times by my peblo, has still not written my letter. Joloanon Chicken Description, Commanders are responsible for sustaining a positive EO climate within their units. A quick overview would be helpful from anyone that has done it. "/> 7-1 “SLA” Memorandum) 7-7 (Fig. - Yahoo! Relevance. Fiddlers Phone Number, PURPOSE: To prescribe the standard content and format of Marine protest to be filed by the Master of the ship in accordance with Regulation XIX/3, Chapter XIX of the 1997 PMMR to ensure competence and pertinence of details incorporated in the protest in order to facilitate administrative inquiry … Fundraising. (j) Process change in leave state involving change in status. Crypto Pump And Dump Detector, Memorandum. (a. REPLY TO ATTENTION OF . Organizational Inspection Program (OIP). Commander's Checklist for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault. 2. Commanders inquiry on lost equipment and the statement of chargers process. The preliminary inquiry (PI) is a quick and informal investigative tool that can be used to determine initially whether a particular incident is serious enough to warrant some form of JAGMAN investigation. Renovate the Reprimand Mill. The authors are convinced that without unity among military and civilian actors, long-term mission success is difficult at best. They believe the essays contained in this volume attest to this assertion. (4) Commanders will immediately report allegations of criminal behavior in violation of this paragraph to law enforcement. Memo Letter Example | Memo Letter Sample. Feb. 4, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 2610 . Download: Army commanders inquiry memo format at Marks Web of. Father Brown Cast Season 2, For the commander memo. What is a commanders inquiry in the army? Uhf tutup panci Sep 25, 2015 . X Individual is member of the ARNGUS on active duty or ADT in excess of 30 days. 1. Owen Brown Pasadena, Search Hospital Sitka, Lead by example and you will ensure a safe and healthy environment for all of us to train and work under. It should include a good mailing address. It also requires an in-depth understanding of Before we look at the example memos, let's have a quick overview of the memo format to understand Sample memo for using digital marketing campaigns for toys. The investigation was led by Paul Brereton, who is both a New South Wales Supreme Court judge and a major general in the army … The Army’s redress program is based upon principles structured to prevent and/or provide a remedy for alleged injustices or regulatory violations, as well as to correct them once they have occur John U. Lv 7. SFRG fundraising will be approved at the battalion level (or equivalent), after consultation with the local ethics counselor. Motogp 2019 Final Standings, › Get more: Commander's inquiry templateDetail Government. The investigator cannot determine if … First … 1-2 Stryker briGaDe combat team, 7th INFANTRY DIVISION. Each command operating and managing a convenience check account who fails to file is … Follow the format located in AR 623-205, Figures 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4 for the appropriate type of request. A study of how Air Force enlisted personnel helped shape the fi%ture Air Force and foster professionalism among noncommissioned officers in the 195Os. Fiddlers Phone Number, I know her to be an intelligent, strong, and loyal individual. X The U.S. Army will provide EO and fair treatment for military personnel and family members without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful … If you gain value from this article or think it would assist other perspective commanding officers please share the article and follow me on … responsibility.. Battalion Commander. Assunção Fifa 21 Career Mode, This is where the responder can send correspondence back if they need to. Example Packet. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY . Soldier and Government: for example, hospitalization for other than diag-nostic purposes within 1 year of anticipated separation date. Policy Memos. Whether it's called a business memorandum, memoranda, or memo, it is a common form of business communication when the information to be disseminated is informal and not private. The information captured is mainly the materials and the quantity.More details could be added to the document which. SAMPLE MEMORANDUM - Request for Extension of Time Limit for Travel and Household (HHG) Transformation to Home of Selection (HOS) DATE: DD MONTH YYYY TO: Office of Commissioned Corps Operations ATTN: Travel Coordinator, Division of Commissioned Corps Officer Support 1101 Wootton Parkway, Plaza Level, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20852 We need more examples. This memo is used in the event a DSC missing an OCIE item listed on the USADSA packing list. They can be reached at (904) … ROLE OF COMMANDERS As company commanders… Department of the Army. In serious or complex criminal cases, you should seek the help of law enforcement personnel. o Clarifies policy on how Army command, Army service component command, and direct reporting unit commanders may request a permanent change of senior commander (para 2-5b(4)(g)1). (1) A Board of Inquiry does not have the authority to subpoena civilian witnesses unless convened under Article 135, UCMJ, but can order naval personnel to appear, testify, and produce evidence. EO Policy. MEMORANDUM FOR Director Acquisition Career Management (DACM), 9900 Belvoir Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 SUBJECT: INSERT PROGRAM NAME Command Endorsement Memorandum for INSERT APPLICANT’S NAME 1. Thank you in advance for your assistance. CHAPTER XI. Crypto Pump And Dump Detector, A memo, or memorandum, is a written document businesses use to communicate an announcement or notification. The State Safety and Occupational Health Office stands ready to help you with any technical assistance or questions you may have. Yamaha Keyboard Voice List, This form will ... USADSA Commanders Checklist.pdf. Commander’s Inquiry • 1–15, page 3 Access to Reports • 1–16, page 3 Requests For Microfiche • 1–17, page 4 Mobilization • 1–18, page 4 *On the effective date published above, this regulation supersedes AR 623-105 dated 15 November 1981 only for Active Army officers and Title 10 ARNGUS officers. הַגָּנָה), the underground military organization of the yishuv in Ereẓ Israel from 1920 to 1948. Replaced in all Chapters: ROTC Battalion Commanders with Professor of Military Science . Army Training Memo Example Executive Memo Example Air Force Memo Example Army Waiver Memo Example Army Memorandum for Commander Army Assumption of Command Memo Example Army Key Control Memo Response to Inquiry Letter Sample Clear without Orders Memo. 92% Upvoted. The memorandum of at no further stated that the same is an employee town, where we will be taken on modern and down. A letter of concern is a written reprimand issued to a Soldier stating that a Commander is concerned about their conduct. I recommend this individual be Although commanders may not solicit dona-tions of coins, 8 they may encourage the donation of coins to the command in response to an inquiry by a private entity wishing to help the soldiers. page 52 Table 61 Steps in conducting a Commanders Inquiry page 60 Table 62. Uploaded by. Self-Incrimination, Confessions, and Rights Warn ing 9. A GOMOR will certainly block a Soldier’s promotion. The latest technologies high quality electronic pubs and forms view U.S. Army Regulations and DA Forms. The current understanding is that MEMO helps us to cache components, determine. Memo: Commander's report of Commander's Inquiry Today, the Commander's report of the Commander's Inquiry. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila, represented herein by its General Manager & Chief Executive Officer, ROBERT DEAN S. BARBERS, MNSA, hereinafter referred to … 7-3 “Voided DA Form 31”) 7-9 Chapter Eight ALLOWANCES Separate Rations 8-1 Basic Allowance for Housing 8-2 BAH with Dependents 8-2 BAH Own Right/Election 8-3 BAH without Dependents 8-3 BAH Secondary Dependents 8-3 BAH Soldier married to Soldier 8-4 R.C.M. Conflicting Identities In One Night The Moon, $(".wcControls ").slideToggle(); Commander's Release Memo example: Does anyone happen to have an example of a commander's release memo? From: Scott Trainor, Marketing Manager at Jackpot Example #4: Confirmation Memo. Replaced in all Chapters: ROTC Battalion Commanders with Professor of Military Science . Fiddlers Phone Number, a. The PHILIPPINE TOURISM AUTHORITY, a government owned and controlled corporation with office address at DOT Building, T.M. GAIN This is the gain indicator - members who are fully gained to the system will have three 'G's posted to this field. Example from AR 25-50. Soldiers clearing withoutorders are required to meet certain requirements. The top line “Department of the Army… A character statement helps judges, Commanders, First Sergeants, and other strangers make fair decisions by providing a factual description of a person's character. Assunção Fifa 21 Career Mode, An Article 15 or “nonjudicial punishment” (NJP) is a type of administrative discipline that commanders may use to address . For example, a lengthy memorandum has a longer and more detailed body as compared to a short memo. This example packet is … save. With correction slip dated March 1999 Our POC is. For example, does it come from the sender, the commander, or noted as both in the from? Definition of a Navy Record. Disclosure to the Department of Justice for Litigation Routine Use: A record from a system of records maintained by a Component may be disclosed Inquiry (DA Form 1059) provisions to forward information derogatory to the rated Soldier. . Typically, an investigating officer is appointed to look into … The Command Inspection Program (CIP) sought to remedy this problem. 1 decade ago. Example Commanders Army Memo For Clearing Cif Early Example commanders army memo for clearing cif early * Most popular. Adidas Stan Smith Reddit, $(document).ready(function(){ Encl (1) Chap.3, par 3001.4 and App E Information Book” in order to standardize information for TRADOC commanders in Fort Jackson. Written as a Top Secret US Army procedural manual and released under the Freedom of Information act this manual describes the step-by-step process recommended to control and contain the minds of the enemy and the general public alike. 2015 . Whether oral or written, the appointment should specify clearly the purpose and scope of the investigation and the nature of the findings and recommendations required. This handout will help you solve your memo-writing problems by discussing what a memo is, describing the parts of memos, and providing examples and explanations that will make your memos more effective. Short for "memorandum," a memo is a type of document used to communicate with others in the same organization. o Adds policy that commanders notify Soldiers of requirements in the Domestic Violence Amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968 (para 4–22. Army DA administrative publications and forms by the Army Publishing Directorate APD. Search Hospital Sitka, If the CA is not a general court-martial convening authority (GCMCA) and therefore not empowered to convene a court or board of inquiry, the CA may request, via the chain-of-command, that an officer with such authority convene the … _____, Your rank and name, SSN, Amount of money char ged. It contains my prospective of a philosophy, relevant articles, steps to build your philosophy and over 20 Army, Navy, Air Force and USMC commanders philosophies to use as an example. Found insideUnited States Army in Vietnam. (2) (U) Conduct a commander's inquiry JAW ref. S u m m a r y . Forces. The main purpose of writing a memorandum is to keep record or convey information and decisions or to make. I have read carefully your memorandum of the 20th of September regarding an investigation of the manner in which certain Top Secret communications were handled; also the memorandum to you of the investigation of this same matter, signed Carter W. Clarke. UNITED STATES ARMY STUDENT DETACHMENT 5450 STROM THURMOND BOULEVARD, ROOM 244 FORT JACKSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29207 ATMT-LTB-SD 25 October 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR All personnel permanently assigned and/or attached to the United States Army Student Detachment (USASD) SUBJECT: Policy Memorandum #2 – Commander’s Open Door Policy 1. Coverage These guidelines shall cover all official communications emanating from and submitted to the DOTC. COs at MTFs will ensure verifying personnel receive annual DEERS training from the MTF DEERS SSM. SUBJECT: Commander’s Clearance for Officer Candidate School (OCS) 1. Answers, Army Evaluation Report Appeals - United States Military Information. " Our physical training programs must do more for our soldiers than just get them ready for the semiannual Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). This book is directed at leaders who plan and conduct physical fitness training. Investigation into the alleged abuse of prisoners of war by members of the 800th Military Police Brigade at Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq. B. Subj: REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF CIVILIAN DENTAL CARE ICO MEMORANDUM FOR 2LT ___, Investigating Officer, [Unit Information, Tower Barracks, APO AE 09114] SUBJECT: PFC Joe Smith, Rebuttal Matters, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL) WARJFF-19-173ABN-115 1. IOM; Posted 29 Apr 2021 Originally published 29 Apr 2021. o Adds policy for personnel recovery and code of conduct training Reports available in CSV file format allowing users to work with the data in other applications such as Microsoft Excel and Access Squadron Inquiry Consolidated Squadron Report Process Membership _____ Fill out this form and mail or fax to us to register. Unit commanders approve convalescent leave based on recommendations by either the MTF (military treatment facility) authority or physician most familiar with the member’s medical condition. This Handbook is designed to assist Army Commanders in taking proper immediate action when faced with a variety of legal issues that might arise during your command. Father Brown Cast Season 2, If the Commander determines that there needs to be an inquiry, then he can either do it himself or appoint someone to do it - I've never seen a Commander do one himself, although … SUBJECT: Moral Request Waiver for SSG Doe, John B., 1234, CURRENT UNIT . Learn to: Get in shape for the physical fitness test Pack the right gear for boot camp Rev up your mental toughness The easy way to survive and thrive in boot camp Whether you join the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard ... Its pages introduce many general subjects Soldiers must understand to develop professionally. The information contained in this volume comes from Army field manuals, training circulars, regulations, and other sources. ROLE OF COMMANDERS As company commanders, you are responsible for both enforcing the law and protecting soldiers’ rights. This form is used as the USADSA final checklist for school attendance. Joint BasE Lewis-mCchord, WA 98433. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. This evidentiary workaround is unfair and unjust and must stop. Best Non Luxury Cars 2020, Example Commanders Army Memo For Clearing Cif Early Example commanders army memo for clearing cif early * Most popular and Sewa kostum tari semarang article Several photographers are. Samsung Memo SyncAdapter 4.0 ( Army Memo re: Commander's Inquiry Memo in to Abuse and. If you need to initiate a preliminary inquiry, an informal investigation or a board of officer under AR 15-6 (including EO investigations), or a line of duty or financial liability ... memorandum that governs the scope of the investigation. To: Tom Carson, Associate Salesperson, Deed's Technology Company. Contribute to tj/commander.js development by creating an account on GitHub. To assist commanders with these formidable tasks, we?ve created this helpful volume, The Military Commander and the Law.This deskbook contains a series of papers that give commanders a head start on the wide array of issues they will handle ... 1 Answer. safety awareness throughout the Florida Army National Guard. Is the closing "for the commander" above the actual senders name? This manual is to be used in conjunction with SECNAV Manual M-5210.1, Department of the Navy Records Management Manual, dated November 2007. . $(".wcMessages ").slideToggle(); read more... Bungalow No, 125-B, Main Khayaban-e-Bahria, Defence Housing Authority, Phase VII Karachi. Army Memo re: Commander's Inquiry Memo in to Abuse and Mock Executions of Detainees (0038-03-CID899-63498) References: AR 200-1, Environmental Examples can be posted by using the form below. Commanders of Army commands, Army service component commands, and direct reporting units • 1 – 13, page : 3: Commanders of Army installations, Joint bases, and mobilization stations • 1 – 14, . This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. "/> A threshold inquiry for a First Amendment claim is whether any protected "speech" is even at issue. memorandum for the record from: commander in chief, u.s. pacific fleet subj: court of inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the collision between uss greeneville (ssn 772) and japanese o Clarifies policy for Army commanders in the grade of lieutenant general or above assuming command of Army installations as an … USADSA Commander's Checklist . OFFICE SYMBOL DATE . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNIT NAME UNIT ADDRESS UNIT ADDRESS . On June 13th, 2003 , LTC Dale Burtyk , Commander , 400th Military Police MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD . Search Hospital Sitka, Download: Army commanders inquiry memo format at Marks Web of. To: Recent hires in the marketing division of Jackpot Brands. Motogp 2019 Final Standings, Print Name: _____ Signature: _____ Phone Number: _____ Annex F Army … Example Packet.pdf. T h i s r e g u l a t i o n e s t a b l i s h e s You may also see informative writing examples … share. node.js command-line interfaces made easy. Please type or print. Distribution is in electronic format only. TO: Kelly Anderson, Marketing Executive. Memos (or memoranda) are typically used for fairly short messages of one page or less, but informal reports of several pages may also employ memo format. Best Non Luxury Cars 2020, References: AR 600-20, Army … Expires 17 July 2017 . U.S. Army Fort Bliss. Feb 15, 2018. Donated or privately purchased coins may be given to soldiers without running afoul of any limitations on gift giving. 2. An investigation is a step-by-step method for determining facts about an issue or incident. Samsung Print Service Plugin 1.4.140317 ( Found inside – Page 50Related to this area of inquiry is the question of whether command influence , paradoxically , becomes more ... For example , in the Aberdeen cases , a memorandum from the commander of the Ordnance School , home of the accused soldiers ... … Department of the Army Washington, DC 1 April 2016 Boards, Commissions, and Committees Procedures for Administrative Investigations and Boards of Officers *Army Regulation 15–6 Effective 1 May 2016 H i s t o r y . SUBJECT: APACHE Command Team Philosophy. A memorandum (memo for short) is a short piece of writing generally written by the officers of an organization for sharing information among them. }); 1. Crypto Pump And Dump Detector, TYPE: UCMJ (Article 15) RELEASE DATE: June 30, 2006 | DOD . The Air Reserve Personnel Center is your resource for all things Air Force Reserve! Memo examples have two main parts: Body and Heading. Dependency. An inquiry document is an internal document .It records the information about the request from prospective customer to be circulated in the company and is not a legal document. Getting Ready for "The Day" EGAD. Verify Youtube Account. Revisions to Army Regulation 15-6 now give field grade officers the opportunity to respond to adverse information before it is centrally filed. When determining the total cost use the depreciated price should be used per Para B–2b(1). The investigator cannot determine if the mock … MEMORANDUM FOR ALL APACHE SOLDIERS. A memo (also known as a memorandum, or "reminder") is used for internal communications regarding procedures or official business within an organization. Travel Man Season 9 Streaming, on eid’l fitr celebration, eleazar tells pnp commanders: strengthen good working relationship with muslim community leaders ; pnp covid-19 cases update as of may 14, 2021; swift police action leads to arrest of 2 motorcycle thieves; 6 motorcyles and assorted parts recovered; pnp chief-security forces in control of maguindanao MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT. ATIN: LTC James O' Hare MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, 400 th Military Police Battalion , LTC Dale Burtyk. The 1989 revision of Army … Policy Memorandom #1 - Open Door Policy; Policy Memorandom #2 - Right of Soldiers … The subject often includes “RE” which means “regarding” the subject. Memo for the Record concerning an AR 15-6 investigation findings of investigation in to alleged detainee abuse and mock executions by U.S. forces. 2. Found insideThis book examines the rapid development of the fundamental concept of a crime in international criminal law from a comparative law perspective. Home; About; Garrison; Garrison Command Leadership; Garrison Commander's Policy Memorandums; Garrison Commander's Policy Memorandums. It Information Book” in order to standardize information for TRADOC commanders in Fort Jackson. Commanders need to conduct a preliminary inquiry using the procedures in R.C.M. Found insideThis guide clarifies the preparedness, response, & short-term recovery planning elements that warrant inclusion in emergency operations plans. 5. example, it sets forth the rules of evidence for courts-martial and contains a list of maximum punishments for each offense. 3. Fort Knox Inspector General. If you would like to download an editable memo example click here. Conflicting Identities In One Night The Moon, MEMORANDUM FOR COMMANDERS… SPC Jones understands that he/she may … ENDORSEMENT MEMORANDUM EXAMPLE LETTER HEAD Office Symbol Date MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command (AHRC-OPL-R), 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40122 SUBJECT: Voluntary Retirement – Last, First MI, Rank, Branch 1. The body of the memo is comprised of three parts namely the introduction, recommendations or purpose, and the conclusion. Comments and suggestions from users of this Manual are welcomed. GROSS-AMT-RECOUP The conditions and The work was approved by a Memorandum for Record signed by the Deputy Commandant, U. Download: Army commanders inquiry memo format at Marks Web of. Search Hospital Sitka, However, there are many forms of complaint, and one or another may be used for virtually any injustice, wrong, or form of oppression. TOP 5 WATER SLIDE FAILS 2017 | Fail Compilation 2017, Conflicting Identities In One Night The Moon, Joe Biden Tells Little Girl – “I Love Those Barrettes in Your Hair… You Look 19 Years Old”, SHOCKING: Clinic Offers Kids Free Ice Cream To Get Covid Vaccine, No Parental Permission Required. Version 1.0 of this document, in PDF format with TRADOC-specific bits removed and retitled to . External Links Disclaimer: The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of this Web Site or the information, products, or services contained therein. Commanders should consult with the SJA regarding whether or not a CDI is the best means of investigating a matter. Best Non Luxury Cars 2020, AFZH-INB-A 29 June 2016. Table 6–1 Steps in conducting a Commander’s Inquiry for ar623_3, Memorandum For Commander Example Documents >, Sample Commanders InquiryClearing CIF Commander's Memorandum? 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