Biohofladen Miller


13. September 2021

ct land conservation council

More details and registration instructions under the cut. CT Land Conservation Council. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) is the state's umbrella organization for the land conservation community, including its ~130 land trusts. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) serves Connecticut's land trusts by representing their interests to state government, connecting them to training and guidance resources on both statewide and local levels, and providing direct assistance to help them achieve their conservation goals and ensure their long-term viability. The job of governing is fundamental to an organization's health and survival, even more so during the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this month's issue we have some exciting news about Newtown's Al's Trail, WestCOG's new Regional Map Viewer, a Land . Found inside – Page 43Past Member , State Emergency Response Commission and CT Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations . Member , Simsbury Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission , Simsbury Land Conservation Trust . Found insideNational Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, Committee on Scientific and Technical Criteria for Federal Acquisition of Lands for Conservation. REFERENCES 229 sium on Society and Resource ... Connecticut Land Conservation Council Inc. lock Unlock financial insights by subscribing to our monthly plan. Found inside – Page 1Federal Regional Council of New England New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions Office of Legislative Research , Hartford , CT . Society of American Foresters , ME . American Association of University Women , ME . Primarily focusing on: (1) erosion and sedimentation control (2) water quality and . We officially released the 2020 report on Thursday, December 3. Found inside – Page 75150713 ct of late - season top - dressings of N ( and K ) ( nitrogen , potassium ) applied to conifer translants in the nursery on their survival and growth on British ... ( Victoria ) Land conservation Council enquiry ( Australia ) . CONNECTICUT LAND CONSERVATION COUNCIL INC. Feb 2020 - Jan 20211 year. The CLCC's "Excellence in Conservation Organization Award" was presented to the East Haddam Land Trust . But there’s a catch... Advanced Collaboration & Merger Assistance, Nomination for Excellence in Conservation Award, Share Your Stories & Photos for #LoveYourCTLandTrust, Land Trust & Conservation Organization Membership, Congratulations to the Winners of the 2021 Diana Atwood Johnson OSWA Photo Contest, CLCC Executive Director Featured on Podcast, 2021 Connecticut Land Conservation Conference, Connecticut Risk Management Initiative — Information Session, Connecticut Risk Management Initiative – Weekly Sessions. Sandy Breslin Conservation Fellowship Program, Conservation Careers and Job Opportunities, CLCC Testimony on HB 6441 and Municipal Funding Option, Governor Lamont Moves Connecticut Forward with New Options for Local Funding to Adapt to Climate Change, Conserving Land by Staying Connected 2021, Governor's Budget Brings Good News for Open Space, 3/15 - New Land Trust Board Member Boot Camp - Session 1: An Introduction to Land Trusts. Click on the button below to access them. This grant supports two booklets that will assist land trusts in educating the public about their work. We work to ensure that our parks, forests, farmlands, community gardens, streams, and wetlands are protected in perpetuity for the benefit of our present and future generations. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) is the state's umbrella organization for the land conservation community, including its ~130 land trusts. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council works with land trusts, other conservation and advocacy organizations, government entities, landowners and other interested individuals to increase the pace, quality and scale of land conservation in Connecticut while assuring the perpetual, high quality stewardship of conserved lands in the state. Country. Property titles registration information for lawyers, conveyancers and other property . Wait for it.Yaw releasing a banded catbird during @ctconservation and @kentlandtrust … Titled "Pandemic: Conservationists scramble in the field, the lab, and the legislature," […] Found inside – Page 16Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd ; Marjen v ( 1996 ) ( Land and Environment Ct of NSW , Pearlman J ) Coles ... Conservation Commission of Northern Territory ; Romeo v ( 1998 ) ( High Ct of Aust , FC ) Cook v Faithland Inc ( 1993 ) ... Related Pages. Connecticut Land Conservation Council. |  Designed by W Design. Keith is a life member of the Madison Land Conservation Trust and served on the national leadership council of Trout Unlimited. February 10, 2020 WestCOG Leave a … Amy Blaymore Paterson, Executive Director of the Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC), and Katie Dykes, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), have announced their Connecticut Conservation Partnership Program has been awarded more than $6.7 million by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Keith is a life member of the Madison Land Conservation Trust and served on the national leadership council of Trout Unlimited. CT Land Conservation Council. Keith is a life member of the Madison Land Conservation Trust and served on the national leadership council of Trout Unlimited. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council is committed to the conservation and stewardship of Connecticut's lands. He was a Trustee of the Council from 1998 to 2004. Found inside – Page 107Lyme Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission ; Don Gerber , Chairman 2. ... Lyme Land Conservation Trust ; Anthony Irving , President 2. ... The Nature Conservancy , CT Chapter ; Nathan Frohling , Tidelands Program Director 5. Keith also serves as General Counsel to Vista Live Innovations, Inc., a private educational institute for adults with intellectual disabilities. The Connecticut Council on Soil and Water Conservation (Council) is created by state statute to coordinate activities and partnering opportunities of Connecticut's soil and water conservation districts with other federal, state and local agencies on environmental and natural resource land use projects. The NRCA team comprises faculty members in Natural Resources & the Environment , UConn Center for Land Use Education and . We advocate for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and work to ensure the long-term strength and viability of land conservation in Connecticut. Found inside – Page 126Finally , the current buzzword in international conservation is " sustainable development . ... Capetown , South Africa : Human & Rousseau Ltd. Land Conservation Council . 1990. ... New Haven , CT : Yale University Press . or. Keith is also an avid outdoorsman and author of several volumes of . Create New Account. 15) Assent Date: 9 Jan 1946: Portfolio: Minister for Agriculture and Food: Agency: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development: Consolidated Version Currency start Currency end Suffix Download Buy; Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945: 1 Aug 2021: Current . The february newsletter has arrived. Aquarion Water Company. CLCC advocates for land conservation, stewardship and … Found inside – Page 957( LA ) 166 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION BRANCH ( CT ) 59 ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT ( TN ) . 372 LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ( OR ) 332 SAN FRANCISCO BAY CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION . Rick Newton Board of directors / treasurer at CONNECTICUT LAND CONSERVATION COUNCIL INC Groton, Connecticut, United States 28 connections Found inside – Page 28Connecticut CONNECTICUT CLEAN WATER COALITION and interests in land at key locations within the same area 118 Oak ... CONNECTICUT RIVER ASSEMBLY and local governments , and helps shape state policy on water Capitol Region Council of ... Rules, standards and guidelines for surveyors to successfully carry out land transactions. Found inside – Page 54Neal Bldg . , 1313 Sherman St. , Denver , CO 80203 Connecticut Council on Soil and Water Conservation , Room 207 ... of Land and Nat . ural Resources , Box 373 , Honolulu , HI 96809 Idaho Soil Conservation Commission , 801 S. Capitol ... Found inside – Page 510Soil and Water PA Conservation Bur , Recreation and PA Conservation Bur , Soil & Water FL Conservation Commission KS Conservation Commission Soil ID Conservation Commission OK Conservation Commission WA Conservation Commission , Land SC ... 27 Washington Street As Connecticut's umbrella organization for the land conservation community, CLCC focuses on building land trust capacity and sustainability, leading a unified land conservation voice for public policies that support land conservation and engaging broad constituencies to foster a deep understanding of the benefits and need for land conservation. 11 talking about this. Keith is also an avid outdoorsman and the author of several volumes . Update on SouthPAN. I want to hear about project updates, conservation tips, breaking news, and events. Found inside – Page 192... D.C. Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service , Cortez , CO Bureau of Indian Affairs , Southern Ute ... CO Colorado Land Use Commission , Denver , CO Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission , Denver , CO Colorado ... Found inside – Page 44proposal is accepted by the Departncnt of Conservation and the Executive Council , the areas are nienaged and contrcllcd by ... ct least three years ; ( 2 ) noneys expended for this purpose must be from funds opprupriated under this act ... Found inside – Page 5-26... Haddam Conservation Commission Haddam Land Trust Hampden County Farm Bureau Hampden County Sportsmens Council Harris ... of Connecticut , Inc. Rural Vermont Salam Land Trust Science Center of Connecticut Sierra Club - Connecticut ... Connecticut State Council on Environmental Quality . Found inside – Page 37Katchen is an irrepressible advocate for conservation , is curious about everything , and always full of fun . ... Torrington Sara Heminway - CT Audubon - Hampton Bill Horne - Trolley Trails , Branford Land Trust Mike Houde - Jesse ... The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) serves Connecticut's land trusts by representing their interests to state government, connecting them to training and guidance resources on both statewide and local levels, and providing direct assistance to help them achieve their conservation goals and ensure their long-term viability. CLCC and Audubon Connecticut release press statement regarding Governor's Bill HB 6441 to address climate change. Related Videos. This book brings to light the richness and diversity of Connecticut’s indigenous histories, corrects misinformation about the vanishing Connecticut Indian, and reveals the significant roles and contributions of Native Americans to modern ... Found inside – Page 4They focus on conservation , natural resource management , fish and wildlife management , outdoor recreation , hunting ... 400 local conservation and outdoor recreation club affiliates and more than New York State Conservation Council ... State/Province. Connecticut Land Conservation Council added 9 new photos to the album: 2021 Staff Hikes Across the State. The modifications of Connecticut's models were drafted by Rhode Island attorneys with . Since its formation in 2006, CLCC has grown into one of . Found insideRivers and Trails Conservation Assistance ... CT Hudson River Access Forum Hudson River Greenway Coalition Ledyard , CT Maine Audubon Society Maine Rivers Program , Department of Conservation Merrimack River Watershed Council New ... Website . At the Connecticut Land Conservation Council's conference at Wesleyan University with Executive Director Amy Blaymore … The Connecticut Land Conservation Council is committed to the conservation and stewardship of Connecticut’s lands. Found inside – Page 1043... Resources Council of Maine Connecticut Forest & Park Association New England Forestry Foundation Connecticut Fund for the EnvironmentSave the Sound New England Wild Flower Society Connecticut Land Conservation Councii NH Recreation ... Working to increase the pace, quality, scale, and permanency of land conservation in Connecticut. Not Now. Thank you for this opportunity to present testimony on behalf of the Connecticut Land . Connecticut Land Conservation Council March 11, 2020 Co-Chairs Cohen and Demicco, Vice-Chairs Gresko and Kushner, Ranking Members Harding and Miner, and members of the Environment Committee: Thank you for this opportunity to present testimony on behalf of the Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) in support of Senate Bill No. Found insideThe Connecticut River Watershed Council , Inc. recently announced receipt of a 165 - acre wooded tract in Putney and ... The agreement opens an effort to streamline the Land and Water Conservation Fund grants - in - aid program by ... Found inside – Page 1237... Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust ( MA ) Connecticut Fund for the Environment / Save MA Woodlands Institute The Sound Monadnock Conservancy ( NH ) Connecticut Land Conservation Council The Nature Conservancy Connecticut Forest and ... Millions of conservation dollars have been awarded for Connecticut land conservation work. Connecticut State Council on Environmental Quality . Forgot account? February 10, 2020 WestCOG Leave a comment. More details and registration instructions under the cut. The legislation is administered by the Environment, Energy and Science Group within the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Local Land Services and the NSW Biodiversity . Found inside – Page 15Lay , C.T. Observations on a species of Pteropus from Bonin . Zool . J. 4 : 457-459 ; 1892 . Lekagul , B .; McNeely , J.A. Mammals of Thailand . ... Land Conservation Council . Report on the north eastern study area ( district 2 ) 1973. Working to increase the pace, quality, scale, and permanency of land conservation in Connecticut. Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 Alternate Citations: Soil Conservation Act 1945. |  Privacy Policy. Beckton Dickinson. Connecticut Land Conservation Council Herb Virgo Keney Park Sustainability Project Kayleigh Royston Holly Lalime Rick Jacobson Chris Martin Peter Aarrestad Rick Jacobson Susan Peterson Rick Jacobson Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (liaison) Department of Agriculture Team: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Team: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection . Tag Archives: ct land conservation council. CLCC was a proud member of the Forests Sub-Group of the Working and . Find out more about what makes . © 2021 Connecticut Land Conservation Council. Contact Connecticut Land Conservation Council. Connecticut State of the Birds 2020 Each year since 2006 the Connecticut Audubon Society has helped set the conservation agenda for the state by publishing its annual Connecticut State of the Birds report. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) serves Connecticut's land trusts by representing their interests to state government, connecting them to … The Conservation Commission is a science-based advisory commission that oversees the protection and supervision of natural resources in Trumbull. The Housatonic Valley Association is blessed to have a robust network of amazing donors and partners. Found inside – Page 36New Land Trust Alliance Members May 1 , 2005 - August 31 , 2005 The Land Trust Alliance welcomes the following new land ... Connecticut Land Trust Northern Liberties Neighbors Association ( PA ) Pacific Coast Conservation Alliance ( CA ) ... Last Name. Sue Merrow (Honorary Trustee), served 12 years as First Selectman of East Haddam, CT from 1991-2003 and has spent much of her life working with conservation organizations, much of it with the Sierra Club where she was President of the National Board in 1990-1991. By using our website you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy. Found inside – Page 906-Congressional Mandate and Indian Claims Commission , John Vance , North Dakota Law Review , 15794–15797 . Conservation at the Crossroads , Frank E. Moss , American Forests magazine , 4975 . - Disciplining on Campus Tougher Than ... Our monthly publication has news, project updates, grant opportunities, and events for the Region. Ramping up your social media presence with video may sound high-tech and fancy, but it can be done easily with an extra pair of hands and a smartphone! 6 August 2021. The 2021 Connecticut Land Conservation Conference recordings are now available to all. Found inside – Page 709S. Windsor , Ct . South Waite Foundation , Cleveland , Oh . ( 4 ) South Windsor Land Conservation Trust Inc. , South Wales Cemetery Association , E. Windsor Hill , Ct . ( 4 ) Hamburg , N. Y. ( 6 ) South Windsor Soccer Club Inc. , South ... Found inside – Page 120Farmington River Club Inc. PO Box 475 Canton , CT 06019 Phone : (860)693-6445 Bill Cole , President Hockanum River Linear Park ... Land Conservation Coalition for Connecticut 55 High St Middletown , CT 06457 Phone : (860)344-0716 Fax ... Found inside – Page 397The Victorian Government will not consider granting approval for woodchip operations in East Gippsland until the Land Conservation Council has privat.17 2.1.2d forests ara r.ct ithin its jurisdictici . Privately. Found inside – Page 2LAND TRUST NOTES Welcome to New since 1983 , and we are grateful , indeed , Sponsors and Also renewing their support ... Connecticut Land Trust Service Bureau ( CT ) , Connecticut River Gateway Commission ( CT ) , Conservation Trust of ... Primary Contact Title * Primary Email Address * Primary Phone Number * Primary Mailing Address * Address Line 1. As pa. The february newsletter has arrived. Connecticut Land Conservation Council | deKoven House, 27 … Found inside – Page 387Southeast Alaska Conservation Council. 129 S. Ct. 2458 (Supreme Court of the United ... Riverkeeper, Inc. 129 S. Ct. 1498 (Supreme Court of the United States, 2009). Envtl. Def. v. ... Land Use Commission, 623 P.2d 431 (Hawaii, 1981). Is your . Connecticut State Council on Environmental Quality . If your information listed on our website is still current, please check here. I wake up each day to a job I love. As Connecticut's umbrella organization for the land . ZIP/Postal Code. I get to work with some of the . The Connecticut Land Conservation Council developed a Model Conservation Easement and Commentary in 2014 and updated it in 2019. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council works with land trusts, other conservation and advocacy organizations, government entities, landowners and other … Tools to Spread the Word About Land Trusts and Conservation. On the Road. Found inside – Page 181Scope : Statewide Description : CFE is a nonprofit group dedicated to protecting Connecticut's natural resources through ... Land Use Planning , Rivers , Water Pollution , Water Quality , Watersheds , Wetlands CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH ... The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) serves Connecticut's land trusts by representing their interests to state government, connecting them to training and guidance resources on both statewide and local levels, and providing direct assistance to help them achieve their conservation goa. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional. Committee members advise the Governor's Council on Climate Change Working and Natural Lands Work Group on the creation of the new Climate Change Plan for . Found inside – Page 15Lay , C.T. Observations on a species of Pteropus from Bonin . Zool . J. 4 : 457-459 ; 1892 . Lekagul , B .; McNeely , J.A. Mammals of Thailand . ... Land Conservation Council . Report on the north eastern study area ( district 2 ) 1973. Congratulations to our Natural Resources Conservation Academy on their 2020 Excellence in Conservation Org Award from the Connecticut Land Conservation Council! The Connecticut Land Conservation Council will be hosting their 36th Land Conservation Conference on Saturday, March 21st. Information for lawyers. Found inside – Page 4Federal Regional Council of New England New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions Office of Legislative Research , Hartford , CT . Society of American Foresters , ME . American Association of University Women , ME . City. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) serves Connecticut's land trusts by representing their interests to state government, connecting them to training and guidance resources on both statewide and local levels, and providing direct assistance to help them achieve their conservation goals and ensure their long-term viability. 0:43. Website. Subscribe Unlock nonprofit financial insights that will … More details and registration … CT Land Conservation Council Richard Roberts Halloran & Sage Jim Smith Cushman Farm resid Latha Swamy City of New Haven Food System Policy Division Keith Stechschulte Farm Credit East STAFF Chelsea Gazillo - Director Armando Paolino - Lobbyist Working Lands Alliance Policy Statement H.B. We advocate for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and work to ensure the long-term strength and viability of land conservation in Connecticut. Address Line 2. CLCC advocates for land conservation, stewardship and … Connecticut Land Conservation Council Conference, Middletown, CT, March 2016; Slow Money Maine Gathering, Gardiner, ME, March 2016; Gaining Access to Quality Farmland Workshop, CT NOFA Winter Conference, Danbury, CT, March 2016; NH Real Estate Professional Training: Tools & Resources for Working with Farms with Commercial Agricultural Potential, Enfield, NH, March 2016 ; Land Access and . Found inside – Page 19-6Burger King obtained a special permit from the zoning board of appeals and both conservation commission approvals. ... long regulated such matters in its zoning ordinance. Cf. Hamel v. Bd. of Health of Edgartown, 40 Mass. App. Ct. 420 ... Yes. CLCC's responsive virtual programming,Conserving Land by Staying Connected is back! Found inside – Page 209CT .CT , NY ..ME ..NY ..PA .MD VA .MA .NY .MA МА MA .MA .OR ..WA .WA .DE , PA White Oak Land Conservation Society . ... AZ Susquehanna Piedmont Preservation Council . ... MA Swampfield Land Trust СТ Swan Conservation Land Trust . Learn more >>, deKoven House Business & Corporate Partners. Enormous crowd, many experts, tremendous energy! She wrote about that period in . We advocate for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and work to ensure the long term strength and viability of the land conservation community. The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and amendments to the Local Land Services Act 2013 commenced on 25 August 2017 to enable biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and productive farming. We have some great workshops and Q&A sessions coming your way over the next couple of months... NPR: This Land (Trust) Was Made For You And Me. The conference takes place at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT on Saturday, March 21, from 8:30am - 5:00pm, followed by a reception. REMINDER: This listing is a free service of LandCAN.Connecticut Land Conservation Council is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 are now in effect. Found inside – Page 673Mashpee Watershed and Land Tr Inc. , Until December Masjid Darul Quran , Bayshore , N. Y. Marywood Inc. , Altamonte Spg , Fl . 2003 ... Tucson , Az . Mascoma Watershed Conservation Council , Until Masjid Al Tawheed , Springfield , Ma . Town Annex 860-337-6161 1530 Sullivan Ave S. Windsor, CT 06074 See more of Connecticut Land Conservation Council on Facebook. "What is a Land Trust" is a primer for the general public and elected officials . More details and registration … 25 talking about this. Found inside – Page 70... Ct . , Peoria 61604 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES , 608 State Office Bldg . , Indianapolis 46204 Chairman , Natural Resources Commission : JOHN A. HILLENBRAND , II Chairman , Land , Forests and Wildlife Resources Advisory Council ... Connecticut Land Conservation Council March 3, 2021 Co-Chairs Winfield and Stafstrom, Vice-Chairs Kasserand Blumenthal, Ranking Members Kissel and Fishbein, and members of the Judiciary Committee: Thank you for this opportunity to present testimonyon behalf of the Connecticut Land Conservation Council in opposition toSB 938, An ActConcerning Land Use Appeals. Posted on April 24, 2020. Funding for development of this website made possible by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. Continue reading Connecticut Land conservation council hosts 36th annual ct land conservation conference → Connecticut Land Conservation Council and the attorney who led the work on the Connecticut Model generously allowed the RI Land Trust Council to adapt their models for Rhode Island. How has . The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) works with land trusts, other conservation and advocacy organizations, government entities and landowners to increase the pace, quality and scale of land conservation in Connecticut while assuring the perpetual, high quality stewardship of conserved lands in the state. June 7, 2021 by Stacey Stearns. Keith also serves as General Counsel to Vista Life Innovations, Inc., a private educational institute for adults with intellectual disabilities. The PCLB Foundation 633 Third Avenue, 16th Floor New York, NY 10017 [email protected] (212) 360-6173 Keith also serves as General Counsel to Vista Live Innovations, Inc., a private educational institute for adults with intellectual disabilities. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council works with land trusts, other conservation and advocacy organizations, government entities, landowners and other interested individuals to increase the pace, quality and scale of land conservation in Connecticut while assuring the perpetual, high quality stewardship of conserved lands in the state. At your land trust, we are working with Save the Sound, CONECT and neighborhood leaders to preserve Six Lakes as a park and nature preserve for all Hamden residents to enjoy. Found inside – Page 82Roxbury Land Trust PO Box 279 Washington Depot , CT 06794 Work : 860-868-9131 Susan Branson , Executive Director ... CT 06049 Home : 860-627-8062 George Grant Trout Unlimited - Connecticut Council 227 Weavers Street 18E Greenwich , CT ... Would you like to be added to the CLCC email list for up-to-date information on conservation news around the state? Program Coordinator. CLCC focuses on building land trust capacity and sustainability, leading a . Add 3% to my total amount to help cover the payment processing fees . CT Land Conservation Council. Middletown, Connecticut. "Protecting the Land You Love" includes stories to help landowners understand conservation options. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) is the state's umbrella organization for the land conservation community. As a coalition organization, CLCC works with Connecticut's robust land trust community (~130 -- the third most in . 2 September 2021. Building, Redding, CT Chapter ; Nathan Frohling, Tidelands Program 5... 214Redding Conservation Commission and CT Advisory Commission that oversees the protection and supervision of Natural Resources in Trumbull of... Website is still current, please check here OR ) 332 SAN FRANCISCO BAY and! List for up-to-date information on Conservation news around the State & # x27 ; s at! Contact Title * Primary Email Address * Address Line 1 members in Natural Resources, 608 State Office.! 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