Biohofladen Miller


13. September 2021

platform speech for election

Commercial applications of new technology and marketing and management innovations are creating additional opportunities for farming and ranching. We have set the stage for securing prosperity in rural America. Interest rates have fallen dramatically, leading to a resurgence in home building, auto purchases, and capital investment. Only America possesses the natural, technological, management, and labor resources to commercially develop agriculture's next frontier. A story that embodies the American dream, American opportunity. Election fraud. Republicans advocate sentencing reform and secure, adequate prison construction. The Republican Party reaffirms its commitment to assure a basic level of high quality health care for all Americans. Energy efficiency increased by 12 percent since 1980, with lower costs to businesses and families. Under President Reagan, we have moved beyond mere words to extensive political, military, and diplomatic cooperation. Found inside – Page 33I think that the general drift of Scottish opinion will be made sufficiently manifest at the general election , and if there are some cases in which a candidate , who in every other respect would fully represent a constituency ... These debts are the direct result of their domestic policies, often mandated by multilateral institutions, combined with the breakdown of the international monetary system. In 1980-81 alone, 4 percent of the nation's math and science teachers quit the classroom. Volunteer participation, emphasizing State and local control and adequate incentives, is essential to effective conservation. The participation by adults in educational offerings within their communities will strengthen the linkages among the places where Americans live, work, and study. A major goal of all Republicans in 1980 was to reduce the oppressive tax rates strangling Americans. The war on free speech by big tech companies has been going on for years, but more recently, their censorship campaign has increased dramatically. We commend the President for encouraging other countries to assume greater refugee responsibilities. They're not moved to vote for a candidate based on their resume. – The city has attempted to develop plans for the revitalization of the downtown area. We will further reduce the "marriage penalty," a burden upon two-income, working families. Older Americans want to contribute, to live with the dignity and respect they have earned, and to have their special needs recognized. The new features, now active on, include: Channel “subscribe” feature allows followers to subscribe to video channels they like. Recognizing the need for close consultation with our allies, we support a comprehensive and intensive effort to render obsolete the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). Recruiting and retaining competent personnel is no longer a problem. Our determination to participate actively in the peace process begun at Camp David has won us support over the past four years from moderate Arab states. At the same time, we raised the maximum child care tax credit from $400 to $720 per family. Now that you know the stakes, don’t worry! Grace Poe is a Senator of the Philippines since June 30, 2013, the former MTRCB Chairperson and adopted daughter of popular Filipino actor and 2004 presidential candidate Fernando Poe Jr. Notice as he discusses each one, he comes from the "voter" persecutive. In 1980, we promised the American people a tax cut which would be progressive and fair, reducing tax rates across-the-board. While the Carter-Mondale team hid beneath an umbrella of wishful thinking, the Soviet Union made every effort to protect itself in case of conflict. As America's strength is restored, so is our allies' confidence in the future of freedom. This site also contains the Democratic Party Platform and the Republican Party Platform of 1864. The legacy of colonization, residential schools, and intergenerational trauma continues to impact the lives of many Indigenous peoples. As voter turnout is low, talk to parents and encourage them to vote. Unlike the Carter-Mondale Democrats, Republicans have levelled with parents and students about the problems we face together. It is an example to the world. We affirm President Reagan's declaration at Normandy: there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest and territorial expansion. Important as technology is, by itself it is inadequate for a free society. To keep the best possible teachers for our children, we support those education reforms which will result in increased student learning, including appropriate class sizes, appropriate and adequate learning and teaching materials, appropriate and consistent grading practices, and proper teacher compensation, including rewarding exceptional efforts and results in the classroom. We also recognize a vast reservoir of talent and experience among retirees and other Americans competent to teach in these areas and ready to be tapped. Our military personnel have better training, pride, and confidence. His peace efforts have won strong bipartisan support and international applause. •    Thirteen States are considering changes in academic requirements for extra-curricular and athletic programs, and five have already adopted more rigorous standards. Without such a commitment, public confidence rapidly erodes. For the first time, owning a home slipped out of reach for millions. The enacted block grants discussed elsewhere in this Platform are a positive step. Always remember to make "the ask." The political freedom of every worker must be protected. He then finishes with a story about his parents, and how their hard work led to his ability to run for President of the United States. All Americans benefit from the free flow of goods, services and capital, and the efficiencies of a vigorous international market. Just as our tax policy has only laid the groundwork for a new era of prosperity, reducing inflation is only the first step in restoring a stable currency. Donald Trump's entire election victory speech. Ask for donations, or yard sign locations, or endorsement. r/frankspeech. I mmigration was among the most complex and most debated issues of the 2016 presidential election. We call upon the Federal Communications Commission, and all other federal, State, and local agencies with proper authority, to strictly enforce the law regarding cable pornography and to implement rules and regulations to clean up cable pornography and the abuse of telephone service for obscene purposes. We will encourage our allies in Europe and east Asia to coordinate their assistance efforts so that the industrialized countries will be able to contribute effectively to the economic development of the continent. Lindell released a video detailing some of the features of his platform, which is called "Frank Speech." More than 40 years ago, a grave injustice was done to many Americans of Japanese ancestry. We have worked with industry and labor to get better results through cooperation rather than coercion. We will pursue domestic and international policies that will allow our American manufacturing and agricultural industries to compete in international markets. To the victims of such crimes who need protection, we gladly offer it. In the tradition of President Truman's postwar aid to Europe, President Reagan has helped the people of El Salvador defend themselves. While much has been accomplished, the agenda is only begun. Found inside – Page 3Before the hour appointed ( 2 o'clock ) the large room was densely crowded ; and closely on that hour the platform was filled . On the motion of SIR JAMES SPITTAL , the Lord Provost was called to the chair by acclamation . Knowing our adversaries' capabilities and intentions is our first line of defense. This was a fantastic and unsustainable universalization of welfare. After she discusses broad, big picture ideas, Campbell turns them into three specific proposals. Since the end of World War II, America's nuclear arsenal has caused the Soviet Union to exercise caution to avoid direct military confrontation with us and our close allies. Governments limited in size and scope best ensure our people's privacy. We will continue to actively seek the elimination of discrimination against homemakers with regard to Individual Retirement Accounts so that single-income couples can invest the same amount in IRAs as two-income couples. Our emphasis on excellence includes the nation's colleges and universities. We categorically reject proposals to increase taxes in a misguided effort to balance the budget. Federal housing blighted stable low-income neighborhoods, disrupting communities which people had held together for generations. Write a transition sentence. There was no arms race because only the Soviet Union was racing, determined to to achieve an intimidating advantage over the Free World. Frank the voice of free speech is a new social media network platform and the best source of conservative news, videos & information for Americans ... Mike Lindell's Speech At Health And Freedom Conference In Michigan. Our families crossed ocean, prairie, and desert no less dangerous than today's space frontier to reach a new world of opportunity. Free Asia is a tremendous success. Without the contributions of innumerable ethnic and cultural groups, our country would not be where it is today. Low- and moderate-income taxpayers benefit the most from indexing and would bear the brunt of the hidden tax increases if it were repealed. Africa faces a new colonialism. But we also extend a constructive, hopeful policy toward the Cuban people. Found inside – Page 288umati With adoption of ICTs by ordinary citizens and use of online platforms, the issue of how to deal with hate speech stemming from ethnic tensions that continue to polarise the country, is an increasingly urgent topic for elections. When he took office, defense policy was in disarray. The international links among terrorist groups are now clearly understood; and the Soviet link, direct and indirect, is also clearly understood. The soil and water stewardship of our farmers, ranchers, watermen, and rural people is commendable. They established farm and ranch organizations to work for better farm policies and to improve the quality of rural life. Our agriculture is both a global resource and a tremendous opportunity. The prime interest rate has been brought down from 21.5 percent to 13 percent. They ignored traditional morality. Holocaust Memorial in Washington, D.C. and supports the efforts of the U.S. We propose to extend the incremental research and development tax credit to stimulate greater activity in the private sector. We applaud Japan's commitment to defend its territory, air space, and sea lanes. We will therefore continue to return control over the economy to the people. Public policy long ignored these foundations of American life. With the same vision that marked President Eisenhower's beginning of the Interstate Highway System, the Reagan Administration launched a massive modernization of America's transport systems. By the presidential election of 1796, political parties were firmly in place in America. The B-1B bomber, replacing our aging B-52 force, is ahead of schedule and under cost. The rule of law is one of the characteristic institutions of a democracy, and of course, this country. Only our firmness will thwart his attempts to export terrorism and subversion, to destroy democracy, and to smuggle narcotics into the United States. itself. It's not just about him. Nonsense. We oppose withholding on dividend and interest income. El Salvador is nearer to Texas than Texas is to New England, and we cannot be indifferent to its fate. We pledge comprehensive tax reform that will give America back what was its post-war glory: a pro-family tax code with a dramatic work incentive for low-income and welfare families. Those desiring to enter must comply with our immigration laws. We also realize that, unless interest rates decline significantly in the near future, the character of American agriculture and rural life will be tragically changed. Speech On Election: Election is a procedure by which people put forward their political opinion and select the worthy political leader by public voting.Elections are a tool for selecting representatives of the modern democracies. New programs have been launched in television, citizen exchanges, and dissemination of written information. The Army is now receiving the most modern tanks, fighting vehicles, and artillery. Law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutional rights must not be blamed for crime. •    Curtail abuses by prisoners of federal habeas corpus procedures. This production is sometimes financed with our own tax dollars through international institutions. Whether it is a high school election speech or a student council speech for college or university, you get one chance to create and more importantly, to leave a lasting impression.. Find the words to say it best!. In his second term, President Reagan will continue to appoint Supreme Court and other federal judges who share our commitment to judicial restraint. We believe American foreign policy can only succeed when it is based on unquestioned faith in a single idea: the idea that all human beings are created equal, the founding idea of democracy. Remedying poverty requires that we sustain and broaden economic recovery, hold families together, get government's hand out of their pocketbooks, and restore the work ethic. Republicans therefore reaffirm our commitment to the fair and consistent application of financial disclosure laws. Here's how to put together a campaign speech. We support our anti-submarine warfare effort and urge its funding at its current level. That research effort holds great promise for combatting cancer, heart disease, brain disorders, mental illness, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, sickle cell anemia, and numerous other illnesses which threaten our nation's welfare. The American Dream has made a comeback. It is inseparable from the social, religious, political, and judicial institutions which form the bedrock of a nation dedicated to individual freedom and human rights. The Republican Party advocates a strong defense and fiscal responsibility at the same time. The Soviet Union, by engaging in a sustained pattern of violations of arms control agreements, has cast severe doubt on its own willingness to negotiate and comply with new agreements in a spirit of good faith. We believe that federal farm programs should be tailored to meet the economic needs and requirements of today's structurally diverse and internationally oriented agriculture. They all supported the creation of a department of labor, establishing a national post office, and prohibiting corporate campaign contributions. A higher personal saving rate is key to deficit control. We now have a sound, long-term program for disposal of nuclear waste. That bill, discussed elsewhere in this platform, will help minority Americans living in cities and urban areas to get jobs, to start their own businesses, and to reap the fruits of entrepreneurship by tapping their individual initiative, energy, and creativity. This year, the American people will choose between two diametrically opposed visions of what America should be. As a result of our reforms, the major private railroads have climbed back to profitability. The recent tremendous expansion of international trade has increased the standard of living worldwide. Federal expenditures in this area exceeded $19 billion in 1983, the highest amount ever. They should share that honored title. We stress maximum local control consistent with national objectives. The federal government owns almost a third of our nation's land. I also highly recommend Peggy Noonan's "On Speaking Well." The intrusion of the courts into such areas undermines the stature of the judiciary and erodes respect for the rule of law. In 2018, Loomer was banned from Twitter… Our record of accomplishment during the last four years is clear, but we intend to do even better over the next four. We recognize the close and special ties we have maintained with Thailand since the days of Abraham Lincoln. They obtained almost one million more new jobs than men did. Although good speakers make it look natural, there are actually specific techniques you can use to make your own speeches more effective, techniques which apply to all manner of campaign speeches. Helping First-Time Candidates Run First-Rate Campaigns, Examples of Campaign Speeches for City Council Candidates. Decisions on family size should be made freely by each family. Election fraud. Found inside – Page 616147 ; on in 1818 election , 455 ; dependence of the Platform , 604 representatives , ii . ... 80 reported , 19 ; Alderman Beckford's Erskine , Thomas ( afterwards Lord ) , on the speech , 20 ; preliminary meetings , 22 ; influence of ... The National Endowment for Democracy and other instruments of U.S. diplomacy foster the growth of these vital institutions. After this article, you’ll also know the keys to delivering a killer speech and be ready to crush your upcoming election. The American people benefit from regulatory reform. We therefore reaffirm our support for a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. Including a story about opportunity ensures voters will remember Rubio's point.1:54 - Rubio defines the American dream, which is one of opportunity, through the story of his family.3:07 - Now Rubio defines the problem today: that American dream is slipping away. In many cases, they literally broke up neighborhoods and devastated rural communities. •. This includes the earliest possible deployment of a new small mobile ICBM. If so, you need to be laser-focused on what you want to say and how you want to say it. Mail to: Burning Platform LLC - P.O. We remain firmly opposed to the imposition of wage and price controls. Their dilapidated and crumbling structures testify to decades of corrupt or incompetent management by poverty bureaucrats. That law requires equal rights; and it is our policy to end discrimination on account of sex, race, color, creed, or national origin. Tax and spending increases would reduce incentives for economic activity and threaten the recovery. Throughout this Platform are initiatives to provide an opportunity ladder for the poor, particularly among minorities, in both urban and rural areas. We insist on the highest standards of quality for services supported with federal funds. During the 1970s, America's families were ravaged by worsening economic conditions and a Washington elite unconcerned with them. The Even as many environmental problems have been brought under control, new ones have been detected. We attacked the basic problem, not the symptoms. For their sake, President Reagan has led a national renewal to get back to the "basics" and excellence in education. It will serve upwards of a billion people securely and will launch on April 19, 2021 at 8:00am. This will help seal the information in their minds. America has a long history of helping those in need, and the responsibility for food assistance has been shared by federal and State governments and neighborhood volunteers. The Republican Party firmly believes that the best governments are those most accountable to the people. Bringing together discussions of core values and the policymaking process, this book serves as an excellent case study that traces an issue from inception, through legislation and litigation, and finally to implementation. Now that YouTube has taken steps toward regulating misinformation and conspiracy theories, a new site, Rumble, has risen to take its place. Only sustained economic growth, continuing our vigorous recovery, can give credible hope to those at the bottom of the opportunity ladder. For families, we will restore the value of personal exemptions, raising it to a minimum of $2,000 and indexing to prevent further erosion. Lindell created his new platform as a haven for pushing election lies. This we pledge to our people and to future generations: we shall keep the peace by keeping our country stronger than any potential adversary. Reducing Excessive Regulation in Agriculture. Write a closing sentence that will guide your audience’s attention back to your opening thesis statement. We have launched real welfare reforms. Air travellers now have a remarkable range of options, and flight is within reach of the average family budget. The Reagan Administration was the first to combat the insidious practice of denying medical care or even food and water to disabled infants. Toward Fair and Expanded Markets and Responding to Hunger. Civil rights enforcement must not be twisted into excessive interference in the education process. He looks like the kind of guy who could easily connect with his audience. As a result, cost of living raises will no longer push taxpayers into higher brackets. As we approach the Constitutional Bicentennial in 1987, Republicans are restoring its vitality, which had been transgressed by Democrats in Congress, the executive, and in the courts. Some tech experts have called to repeal or amend Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to open up liability for big tech companies that unfairly censor free speech on their platforms. It shows why something different needs to be done. Stable and peaceful relations with the Soviet Union are possible and desirable, but they depend upon the credibility of American strength and determination. And his willingness to stand up to Libya has made peace-loving states in the region feel more secure. Sound fiscal, monetary, and growth-oriented tax policies are essential if farmers and ranchers are to realize sufficient and enduring profits. Found inside – Page 47Even where a number of demands are clearly defined , such platform , to many voters , has the defect that it contains demands to which the voter is opposed ; and as he has to vote for the platform as a whole he is practically compelled ... The free speech social media platform, FRANK, is just that. Tax brackets were indexed to prevent tax hikes through bracket creep. Debtor nations seeking our assistance must increase incentives for growth by encouraging private investment, reducing taxes, and eliminating subsidies, price controls, and politically motivated development projects. When voters think back on the speech, the stories are what they remember. 0:16 - The first sentence of his speech mentions "the future of our country" - this campaign is about the future, not the past. This tells your listeners that you have completed your introduction and are now moving into the main body of your speech. 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