swift cachesdirectory
Hey Johnny, thanks for the great tutorial again! If you see Tawk being loaded at the end then yes, it was lazyloaded. Sounds to me your WordPress settings are wrong. Configure the options under: Settings > Fast Velocity Minify and that's it. Repeat step 3. Here is a sample configuration file: [DEFAULT] # # From cinder # # The maximum number of items that a collection resource returns in a single . Perhaps you can exclude it from cache? I know you’re not officially linked with the team but just what i’m seeing. Hello thanks to you for the guide but I’m a little surprised about lazyload and merging. However, one problem that I didn’t see when using WP Fastest Cache is that SWIFT caused my dropdown/sidebar login redirected to my-account page for logging in again. The following is an overview of all available configuration options in Nova. Where are you pasting your GA code? Not only do we have to efficiently store and load values, we also need to decide when to evict entries in order to keep our memory footprint low, invalidate stale data, and much more. Last night and this morning, I went through this for one of my sites. Plus, I had the best Page Speed and GTmetrix score after using d5 plugins/combinations and tons of different settings! It blocks normal work of my login plugin(login via sms DIGITS plugin). location ~* wp-config.php { deny all; } 1) Once a new visitor visited my site before go to login, their browser will cached the html version once. I have 10k users visiting per month, at what point would I switch to litespeed? Besides, I can configure Swift in only 2 minutes anyway. I can answer more accurately after seeing them. This Wrox guide provides everything you need to know to write iOS apps that integrate with enterprise network resources, providing options for networking iOS devices to enterprise systems and to each other. }, # Security Hello, congratulations on the great article. Conclusion. but still insist on doing things on your own. NSItemReplacementDirectory. Keep in mind the default appcache size for devices (100MB for desktop, 5MB for mobile) as per official Swift documentation. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The only other thing is Swift Dashboard shows no caching taking place (0 Cached Pages, 0 Cache Size), but waram up table showing cahced pages??? The 100MB desktop limit can actually fit an entire for most smaller sites (especially if you’re not merging CSS/JS). I have tried Media -> Images “Exclude Images” and “Exclude Images URL” but it won’t help and those files are still in the log with the “Can’t find image id“-Warning. The team that brought you the bestselling Beginning iPhone Development, the book that taught the world to program on the iPhone, is back again, bringing this definitive guide up-to-date with Apple's latest and greatest new iOS 8 and its SDK ... Modify Caching Strategy. Documentation should say something like if one of these strings matches scrip name or or script file name or something like this. APFS is the default file system in macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. This small book contains a wealth of valuable information to speed you over the learning curve.In this pocket reference, author Andrew Duncan provides a quick and concise introduction to Objective-C for the experienced programmer. Regards, To make sure your helpdesk isn't hanging onto any outdated data that could interfere with things, you'll want to rebuild your cache. I have some time log settings and a scrolling event. Configure the options under: Settings > Fast Velocity Minify and that's it. Hey Julian, server_tokens off; if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^(. The old button (attach one file only) shows up on every page except the ones excluded from caching. I wouldn’t be able to tell you without seeing your site and having admin access. It’s explained in the guide above! If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a database operation. Well after testing it actually IS a problem to have the form in a popup. rev 2021.9.14.40211. 391,876. And maybe the very VERY slight FOUC. Found inside – Page 314To do that, open WeatherModel.swift and make the following change to the init() method: public init() { let baseURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory( NSSearchPathDirectory.CachesDirectory, inDomains: . We’ll take a closer look at that, and other types of caching, in upcoming articles. If so, please don’t use that. I am facing strange problem. 开发语言:Others. Check the WordPress address and Site address to make sure they’re matching. This plugin minimized JS, CSS. Evey time customer logged in, If they navigate to home page (root path), the cache still enabled and that’s why the Login/Register link in homepage not showing My account wording. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Learn more. Now I am checking what’s going on with my nginx server. Is there any significance to the rhyme "Ten lay sleeping in the West"? I have problem with Cookiebot plugin. Hi Johnny! Hard to know without seeing it for myself. Which is like not having a caching plugin at all. As always, Swift is on some next-level shit again! X-Scan扫描工具. Deactivating Varnish seemed to solve it, until now…. Installation. . インストール. Install SWIFT Performance Lite (free version), or SWIFT Performance (premium). I have dedicated server with Hetzner and have good network admin. Back on track …….. Hahaha, I keep telling people not to enable those but yes, you figured it out. The issue I am facing is that the front page wont be cached (It says MISS in the response header) This might be a good option if there is a form on every page, taking away the option to exclude single pages. OK, after spent half day on troubleshooting, noticed that once enable swift performance, the html type response will be cached by browser(Browser Cached). Your email address will not be published. You can run Query Monitor to see which plugins are causing the slowness or you can manually disable each one and reload frontend. Thanks for great tutorial. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Or just turn off the plugin on other pages? If you have 400 pages and/or not lots of traffic, Swift wins. Configure the options under: Settings > Fast Velocity Minify and that's it. Can I complete the ArriveCAN form at the last minute at the Canadian border when queuing to enter Canada? Then you’ll have all the documentation you want. Hey Johnny, I’m sure if you read their support page/forums, other users are probably having conflicts with caching as well. ” Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? agent_erase_devices_priority = None (IntOpt) Priority to run in-band erase devices via the Ironic Python Agent ramdisk. I highly doubt speeding up your site would mess with your bounce rates. I think Cache Enabler would be a better bet although Swift and WP Rocket should work as well. Nick – did you find a reply to your issue? Its not really strange ! Found inside – Page 221The application bundle, caches directory, and temp directory are ignored by iOS. Since the data is transmitted over WiFi and sent to Apple's iCloud data center, you should try to keep your application's data as small as possible. but after following your settings solved the problems.. Are there any settings to be changed in the htaccess to make it cache the main page so that TTFB is reduced. . Better use Breeze/SimpleCache? Which section of the plugin can be used to allow wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, Other than this, website is lightening fast now . I`ll be very thankful for any help. Contact one of the Swift support channels mentioned below. Let’s call it Cache, and make it a generic over any Hashable key type, and any value type. EP0349122B1 EP19890305427 EP89305427A EP0349122B1 EP 0349122 B1 EP0349122 B1 EP 0349122B1 EP 19890305427 EP19890305427 EP 19890305427 EP 89305427 A EP89305427 A EP 89305427A EP 0349122 B1 EP0349122 B1 EP 0349122B1 Authority EP European Patent Office Prior art keywords memory cache bus processor invalidate Prior art date 1988-06-27 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a . From loading 2s -> 5s with GA. Any proposition? Thanks. Oops ignore my PS about missing options — I’d accidently toggled back to Simple View. Minify And Combine Javascript Files Use CloudKit APIs to store information in the cloud with ease Create custom keyboards and extensions Access users’ health-related information with HealthKit Interact with accessories inside the user’s home with HomeKit Create vibrant ... The biggest chunk of delay is the Blocking time (light brown line). Avaliações. Cloudflare is a DNS service and performs its caching at the DNS level. All Time. Took me a while to figure out what the problem was but when disabling the swift plugin my site’s login works normally again. Let's take a look at how caching can be an incredibly powerful tool in various situations, how to build an efficient and elegant caching API in Swift, and how strategically caching various values and objects can have a big impact on the overall performance of an app. What’s your opinion on “Serve WebP Background Images”? Great post! It was working fine until a day or 2 ago. File System Basics. If something is broken, it is 99% almost always because you enabled “merge scripts/styles”. LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress is faster than W3 Total Cache and allows more flexibility when it comes to eCommerce, logged-in users, and cache varies. https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.myelectrician.co.il/yGwHWDzm. Good on you. You can see it from the waterfall. And to resolve the “homepage keep caching” problem, I as the visitor need to refresh the homepage manually then the cache will gone. After tweaking the Pro version, I was able to get perfect scores, which I don’t care much about, but my load times vary from 0.6 ms to 2 seconds. Haha, me again. Ack, that’s a problem. Now with your amazing article, I have replaced Fastest Cache with Swift. Awesome, Fernando! How to remove files from Caches directory in swift 2.3? https://wpjohnny.com/best-wordpress-hosting-reviews/, https://cdn1.tobiasglawe.de/wp-content/cache/swift-performance/www.tobiasglawe.de/js/desktop-scripts.js, https://www.tobiasglawe.de/wp-content/cache/swift-performance/www.tobiasglawe.de//js/desktop-scripts.js, https://muzzmusic.com/noah-cyrus-lonely-mp3/, https://calderaforms.com/doc/caldera-forms-submission-rejected-token-invalid-mean/, https://www.tobiasglawe.de/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/assets/images/mastercard.svg, https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/wordpress/limit-heartbeat/, https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.jualdisini.id/1KAqdnTE, Swift Performance vs WP Rocket – WordPress Cache Plugin Comparison, https://www.ceriasihat.com/wp-content/cache/swift-performance/www.ceriasihat.com/css/127f35931ef55eb80ac6a765682078c7.css. The feature downloads your site into the user’s browser on first visit, dramatically speeding up navigation. Depending upon what is on that line, I can suggest work-arounds. I’ve made changes to the form to have a button to have multiple files attached (before changes users could only attach one file). Please enable the following Apache modules for better optimization: mod_deflate, mod_setenvif, mod_filter.” Got back in by renaming swift plugin folder via cPanel file manager, then restored/reactivate Swift to see same problem. You you are definitely a Wp_Star & wp speed deamon also. Happy for you, John. Hi Louise, have you tried to disable merge scripts? If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy. add_header Cache-Control ‘no-cache’; I had some problems with Caldera Forms not being sent when using Swift, but I solved it by changing the Cache Expiry Time from 12 h (default) to 10 h in the Swift settings. That’s because it’s only combining it’s own files which is safe and not likely to conflict with itself. gzip_comp_level 6; All the woff/woff2 files and Google Font downloads take most of the time off of my total load time reported by GTmetrix. Your site speeds seem fine to me. Hey Johnny, is Swift the best plugin for NGINX servers? I wouldn’t be able to tell without seeing it. I have used this plugin with your settings on a couple of other sites and it worked wonders mate. db_max_retry_interval = 10. integer value. add_header Cache-Control “public, no-transform”; That recommendation doesn’t apply to you. Leave them a nice review or buy the paid version. , thank you for sharing. I dont use merge script or css option, so I cant exclude js files via swift “Exclude Scripts” function. Still unsure if I toggle CDN on or off if using Cloudflare. 下载次数: 3. location ~* \.css$ { The fact of the matter is: every WordPress extension requires it’s own set of code to function and when you mix different code together, conflicts may arise. Can you tell me what is making my “add to cart” take so long? Hard for me to diagnose otherwise without seeing the site and plugin mechanism for myself. at CookieControl.Cookie.runScripts (uc.js:1) There’s more than one. Having a couple of issues with Oxygen sites, mostly on mobile and particularly with the Envira Gallery not showing images correctly. (919) 515-2861. This rundown is fabulous! I don’t have a DNS setting like RichardHK’s in my Siteground DNS records. I usually get great results by just running the Setup Wizard from the dashboard. Installasjon. my-account, and login page) and also excluded relevant URLs (i.e. If we also combine the above with prefetching articles that the user is likely to open (for example the latest article in the user’s favorite category), then we could really make our app much more delightful to use. While we could just call Date() inline whenever needed, that’d make unit testing really difficult — so let’s instead inject a Date-producing function as part of our initializer. Also Sf is superb, miles away for others. Why does G# sound right when my melody is in C major? I usually use LS Cache but wanted to give this one a try and I love it too (+ I used on a website not on a Litspeed server). ** In my case i wanted to remove JSON data through the folder so i named it as "fsCachedData" you can change name accordingly..**, In Swift 5.2 solution (Just converted code). Had no idea what “CDN Hostname” to use as no info on Cloudflare site, just a couple of unanswered questions on same topic! Thanks for the review Johny. Hit [SAVE CHANGES], clear cache, and Swift is done setting up! The user scripts folder for the calling application ( ~/Library/Application Scripts/<code-signing-id>. "PostgreSQL" leads users through the internals of an open-source database. Throughout the book are explanations of data structures and algorithms, each backed by a concrete example from the actual source code. Using the light version to see how it works, all my images on the shop page disappeard once the site was cached. Broke site. . 一般编程问题. 2) Once logged in, if the visitor revisit the pages before, now their request totally not send to server but served from their browser cache…. very useful article. Thanks! Thanks for a quick reply! Thanks Johnny, that has not been done. Hello Johnny! It didn’t help with the issue I’m having, but I may well be referencing it down the road. I have mp3 files on my post pages and whenever i analyze the post page with gtmetrix and looking through waterfall i notice the mp3 files are loading with the pages and this is increasing the load time for the post pages and the size of the page also increases significantly. If you have a basic knowledge of the language and want to further your expertise, Pro Objective-C is the book for you. Pro Objective-C provides an in-depth, comprehensive guide to the language, its runtime, and key API’s. , Thanks Johnny, I’m getting great scores with your settings, but increasingly, I’m having problems with sites using Beaver Builder ? Just like how we leveraged NSCache to build our own caching API right on top of the system, let’s use Codable to enable our cache to be encoded and decoded using any compatible format (such as JSON). WordPress plugins Dec 12, 2019 by Johnny 233 Comments, My unofficial guide to speeding up WordPress with SWIFT Performance cache plugin! Recensioni. works great. Do you have any ideas? how can I defer parsing javascript? It minifies CSS and JS files with PHP Minify (no extra requirements). The thing is is work better when merge script but I have a problem using inline scritp like Amazon products because when I merge Swift put everything after the footer website (visual footer) at the end of everything. I use it on majority of my client’s woocommerce site. You can always exclude certain scripts from merging. (usually WooCommerce stores or pagebuilders) How to minify js using Swift Performance lite? Installation. As a result, sometimes first paint is less than a second, sometimes it’s over 4 seconds. Just make sure you exclude necessary pages and what not. gzip_disable “msie6”; gzip_vary on; Will keep watching this forum for updates. , Keep up the good work. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or upload the zip within WordPress. I don’t understand how a 300KB page can take 1.5 seconds to load. Now, when I’m updating posts, the purple time for lines 2 (css) and 3 (js) goes up to about a second to two. Thank you for this guide and recommendation, Let’s test this plugin, Thanks for the awesome guide, works well and its better than wp rocket. There is where it comes in handy to cache only certain pages. Hi, thanks for the guide. The slider navigation buttons are not working, Event Page are not displaying . Questions questions. Hi Johnny, diff --git a/CONTRIBUTORS.wrs b/CONTRIBUTORS.wrs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68489a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTORS.wrs @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +The following contributors from Wind River have developed the seed code in this +repository. How can I force clients to refresh JavaScript files? Thanks for the info. His website always give me better score when check it !! Actually 5 errors including – in this directory /home/…./wp-content/plugins/swift-performance-lite/modules/cache/cache.php Copyright 2021 | WordPress guides by Johnny Nguyen. Yesterday i switched swift off to test it and analytics logs events now. It minifies CSS and JS files with PHP Minify (no extra requirements). Is there a setting I should change? Thank you!! Did you have any information for what purpose which cookie will be set? Why aren't takeoff flaps used all the way up to cruise altitude? I’m using Autoptimize. We’ll start by making our Entry type conform to Codable — but we wouldn’t want to require all cache entries to be codable — so let’s use a conditional conformance to only adopt Codable for entries that have codable keys and values, like this: During the encoding and decoding processes, we’ll both retrieve and insert entries, so in order to avoid duplicating code from our previous insert and value methods — let’s also move all of our logic that deals with Entry instances into two new private utility methods: The last piece of the puzzle is to make Cache itself Codable under the same conditions that we used before — and by using the above two utility methods we can now both encode and decode all of our entries really easily: With the above in place we can now save any Cache that contains Codable keys and values to disk — by simply encoding it into Data, and then writing that data to a file within our app’s dedicated caching directory, like this: Just like that, we’ve built a highly dynamic cache that’s fully Swift-compatible — with support for time-based invalidation, on-disk persistence, and a limit on the number of entries it contains — all by leveraging system APIs like NSCache and Codable to avoid having to re-invent the wheel. Thanks again for the great details in your post – I frequently help others with slow loading sites and this post is great for that. MAILING ADDRESS Utah Valley University Department of Athletics - MS 104 800 W. University Parkway Orem, Utah 84058-5999 All numbers are area code (801) Dept. max_overflow = 50. integer value. Yes, it’s very common. The best ever wp analytic post generally that i have ever read. I’m off to look for plugin conflicts. hi, ), Take care and may the “Swift” be with you! Usually on sites using Varnish. Hi there maese Johny, first of all awesome article about Swift Performance config. それを読み込ませるプログラムをswiftで作っています。 シミュレータでは画像が表示されたのですが、実機(iphone4)では表示されません。 In swift 3.1 But, minify javascript not work for my site. It seems every image that is subject to caching is ending up both in memory and on disk. I just switched from my long time trusted WP Fastest Cache to Swift and WOW!… what a huge difference, however I did notice afterward a few strange things going on in some of my css afterward which is how I found your article. Assume you need to configure differently to avoid one member being shown cached content from another. 설치. Great tool but i have a question. Write Truly Great iOS and OS X Code with Objective-C 2.0! Effective Objective-C 2.0 will help you harness all of Objective-C’s expressive power to write OS X or iOS code that works superbly well in production environments. If I clear cache , all optimization go away. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier From there I disabled the merging of script and the icon returned and with that the site is so slow. I’m unable to log onto my site using wp-admin. As I am using Cloudflare, I believe, Cloudflare strips everything from the code when it delivers content ( all code modified/injected by a cache plugin, this is how it works with Comet). Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. Contact me. Hi Johnny Glad it helped you, Ben. However, I just did the same to another site and I cannot log-in to the back-end of the site, it just refreshes and refreshes without logging in. The Settings page. Are you merging scripts and styles? While being able to reuse data that we’ve already loaded is certainly a good thing, displaying outdated data to our users is definitely not. Try using contentsOfDirectoryAtURL () and removeItemAtURL (). One very common source of such unnecessary work is when we end up reloading the exact same data multiple times. This guide has helped tremendously. Ahhh yikes! Having trouble with Google Ads not displaying in the position they are supposed to on my home page. Found inside – Page 211cachesDirectoryを指定するとアプリでダウンロードしたコンテンツなどを保存するためのキャッシュディレクトリを取得します。このディレクトリに保存したファイル ... はじめての iOS アプリ開発第 2 版 Xcode 8+Swift 3 対応 211 |表示部品| Section 05-01 | I asked the support but no answer so far. Should I tell him something? kathir. URL:/wp-login.php. my cpu is constantly high for bots…. https://www.tobiasglawe.de/wp-content/cache/swift-performance/www.tobiasglawe.de//js/desktop-scripts.js. johnny thanks for sharing the amazing guide. When I purge cache it works fine. Solution was to remove the CDN Hostname from the Swift CDN settings and all working again. Swift can be on used on MemberPress sites. Shares like this make the web worth keeping. I think there is a plugin conflict somewhere. Better to exclude the specific page from cache (if it’s only on some pages)…or if the login function is on every page, then you can make sure you aren’t merging JS. Don’t combine plugins. Cheers Andy. Warnings are ok, errors are not. Do you have a question about a certain feature? When i do this i get the status ” redirected”. But ….. Hi Allan, your problem is related to HTTPS I believe. It is also due to your plugin usage. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. The constant used to create a temporary directory. Anything I forget to mention means I left it at default settings. While we’ve taken a look at an NSCache-based approach in this article, there are multiple other routes that can be explored as well, such as using another system API — URLCache — to perform our caching within the networking layer. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Configure the options under: Settings > Fast Velocity Minify and that's it. Even with prefetch URLs on, google fonts (I’m noticing) often holds up everything, waiting for server response. Have you ever tried to exclude all the Divi Library entries from what gets cached? Hello Johnny, I follow the tutorial, but I am using elementor, I have a lot of request and my score on pagespeed is 4, GTMETRIX E and F and Pingdom D, the load time in the las two is variable between 5.4s and 2.34s. I’m a little confused what the issue is here. I am going to apply in my own wordpress site, Do you know how to reduce the ajax.php job on the frontend. But some times when I check my site via GTMetrix , I see that some of my site files takes long time to load Failed to load Attachment ID: 8737 in ./__swift/apps/base/models/Attachment/class.SWIFT_Attachment.php:80 I’m not technically knowledgeable, looking for help. I’m trying to understand this concept. Found insideSecure today's mobile devices and applications Implement a systematic approach to security in your mobile application development with help from this practical guide. Ignore that. I am looking for a specific help for caching only posts and pages in my web, but swift detects all my entire site, tags, products, category unused and so on…, I added every item on the list except posts, pages and products, and even resetting warm up tables, still loading for cache…, Am i doing something wrong? Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or upload the zip within WordPress; Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress; Configure the options under: Settings > Fast Velocity Minify and that's it. Could not even get into admin area. Staging with plugin installed-https://bv9.469.myftpupload.com/, Live site with WP Rocket- https://hardhatengineer.com/. Click MANUAL settings, then Advanced View (top-right button). Thanks. There some of these: Hi I have two Qs, hope that’s OK! No, it’s disabled. While that might be what we actually want, sometimes also enabling cached values to be persisted on disk can be really valuable, and might also unlock new ways of using our app — such as still having access to data downloaded over the network when launching the app while offline. Try it for free today. Core Data is intricate, powerful, necessary - and this book is your guide to harnessing its power. Core Data is Apple's recommended way to persist data: it's easy to use, built-in, and integrated with iCloud. EP0349122B1 EP19890305427 EP89305427A EP0349122B1 EP 0349122 B1 EP0349122 B1 EP 0349122B1 EP 19890305427 EP19890305427 EP 19890305427 EP 89305427 A EP89305427 A EP 89305427A EP 0349122 B1 EP0349122 B1 EP 0349122B1 Authority EP European Patent Office Prior art keywords memory cache bus processor invalidate Prior art date 1988-06-27 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a . Question 2: I have the big problem with GA (Google Adsense): So many javascript installed in my sites. We’ll then give it an NSCache property, which will store Entry instances keyed by a WrappedKey type: Our WrappedKey type will, like its name suggests, wrap our public-facing Key values in order to make them NSCache compatible. Pass me your wp-admin info and I’ll take a look for you. Many Canadian have similar ping times from the US. Is this a known problem, maybe run Autoptimize along side ????? Or how to fix? To get started, we’ll update Entry to also store the Key that it’s associated with, so that we’ll both be able to persist each entry directly, and to be able to remove unused keys: Next, we’ll need a way to keep track of what keys that our cache contains entries for, since NSCache doesn’t expose that information. Much issue with merging CSS/JS, you are definitely a Wp_Star & WP speed deamon also perform.... 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