turkey tail mushroom for dogs with lymphoma
I ordered the following: I ordered these from Long Living Pets Research Project. While some have attempted to study interactions between antioxidants and chemotherapy in humans in a clinical setting, the results of these studies are difficult to interpret. After speaking with a few people I trust, I decided to remove the supplements that are high in anti-oxidants from Scout's diet, replacing them with supplements that protect cells. As I've stated, there isn't a cure for lymphoma and the veterinarian let me know that while we can get Scout into remission, eventually the lymphoma will return. - ten servings $25) and 200 ml (6.76 oz. As a moist chew, ActivPhy can be crumbled into food or given as a treat. A number of studies have shown that turkey tail mushrooms have immune boosting properties. Even after the spleen is removed, your dog’s survival rate is less than 12 months. If he's still in remission after the chemotherapy protocol, then we'll have to monitor him until the cancer comes back (there is no cure). Other herbs may inhibit platelet aggregation and may be contraindicated in patients undergoing surgery or with low platelet counts. It has over 600 studies and 24 human clinical trials and appears in herbal texts dating back to the 16th century. The reason provided by the oncologist is the bacteria in the food can cause an issue; however, I'm not worried because I ordered a case of Answers Pet Food, the only brand that has successfully tackled the bacteria risk/debate through fermentation. Like humans, some dogs with cancer undergo chemotherapy. Does Turkey Tail … The use of supplements and other holistic treatments for pet health is a personal decision that should be made by owners in collaboration with their veterinarians. My 13 yr old Italian greyhound had lymphoma and because of his age we opted for prednisone instead of chemo and also the artemisinin, he always ate home cooked and a very healthy diet, no vaccines and followed holistic protocols. Glucamune has three primary ingredients that work synergistically: Astragalus root concentrate has digestive and immune system supporting effects, licorice root concentrate helps improve the effects of the other components and supports the mucus layer lining the intestines, and β (1-3),(1-6)-D-Glucan WGP increases levels of an immune system protein called Interleukin-2 (IL-2), which helps regular white blood cell function. Turkey Tail is now sold out. Bollinger arms readers with essential, sometimes startling information about: The history and politics of cancer The takeover of medical education by special interests and for-profit agendas How some life-saving treatments have been kept ... Turkey Tail has been used medicinally all over Asia for thousands of years, usually in tea form. I'm looking for a local acupuncturist for bi-monthly appointments. For example, its extract may be useful in fighting certain … Turkey tail is a type of mushroom that grows on dead logs worldwide. Mycelium products contain significantly lower levels of valuable … Turkey Tail Capsules. 5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely worth it. The problem with this “study” and the articles reporting this information is that there aren't any details on which supplements were identified as problematic, we're not told if whole foods are better than these supplements, and two of the nutrients are important in a dog's diet – B12 and Omega 3 fatty acids. Natures Amazing Mushroom. This decreased slowly as the doctor decreased the Prednisone dosage. He bled out internally, the prednisone caused stomach bleeding. Canine Lymphoma. Four Leaf Rover Immunity Organic Mushroom Mix for Dogs contains the fruiting body and the mycelium of the mushrooms, while other mushroom products are mycelium (a lab-grown fungus that's only part of a mushroom). Results indicated that the herb is well tolerated, and dogs at the highest dose level had a longer time to cancer progression, though no difference in survival was found. Developed at Carleton University, Ottawa, this is a comprehensive workbook -- now in its second, revised edition -- designed primarily for use with introductory courses in linguistics. With cancer there can be a muscle-wasting effect that leads to weight loss and overall weakness. Found inside – Page 1Backed by a new infomercial, this thoroughly revised and updated resource presents a simple, natural eating program for permanent weight loss and healthy living that, with a proper combination of foods, enhances the body's metabolic ... Mushrooms and Mushroom Broth. Researchers believe the benefits for cancer patients are due to antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Categories: Holistic Cat, Holistic Dog, Super Snouts, Supplements Tags: Cat Supplements, Dog Supplements, medicinal mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms for dogs and cats, medicinal mushrooms for pets, Mushroom Supplements, turkey tail mushroom, turkey tail mushroom supplements Posted On May 14, 2020; Consumers asked and our … This kind of mushroom is also free from cholesterol and gluten and are low in calories. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is known as Yun Zhi. I will be adding the following herbs and supplements to Scout's diet to give him a better long-term prognosis. Turkey Tail for Dogs for Chemotherapy. cancer cells and bone marrow cells (but they rapidly replace); if bone marrow drops too low, dogs can get an infection, which his oncologist will monitor. General Information. News about Turkey Tail. I’ve had to syringe-feed Pro Bloom to Cardiff, which he readily accepts. Radiation and the effects of radioactivity have been known for more than 100 years. Dogs with t-cell lymphoma survive about 1/2 the time as a dog with b-cell lymphoma. Omega-3 Pet’s 2 oz. Colon cancer. This book is a comprehensive overview of the fungi that are clinically relevant for animals and humans. Providing your pet with a holistic supplement alongside traditional chemotherapy may also prove beneficial. If your pet has a compromised immune system, he or she may benefit from a mushroom-based supplement. An increasing number of pet parents see excellent results by administering a supplement with turkey tail mushroom for pet immune systems. It is an important part of forest ecology, as it is a recycler of dead and dying trees. Compound Derived Mushroom Lengthens Survival Time in Dogs with Cancer. When I received the cancer diagnosis, I immediately began calling oncologists in the area and learned that everyone was scheduled out through mid-March and into April. We'll go for his 1st month check up beginning of August. Different types of mushrooms that are effective against different types of cancer are listed below. Shop Mind & Memory. Found insideThis fourth edition is updated with the latest information in natural pet health, including groundbreaking research on the benefits of vegan diets for pets, as well as nutritionally complete recipes to give your pets optimal health that you ... Natures Immuno is formulated for dogs from Turkey Tail, Cordyceps, Reishi, Shiitake, and Agaricus mushrooms by a holistic veterinarian and master herbalist. We plan to add Turkey Tail as soon as we can buy it. In addition, this handbook lists various compounds that are active candidates in chemoprevention and their target actions. A study was conducted to explore a possible role for SAMe and silybin in veterinary cancer patients. Found insideMedicinal Mushrooms - The Essential Guide is a highly accessible book on the health benefits of medicinal mushrooms written by Martin Powell, author of Medicinal Mushrooms - A Clinical Guide.Published in November 2013 and based on the ... ... Turkey Tail Mushrooms. I will document any positive and negative side effects of the above supplements in a future blog post. One shocking factoid that I received yesterday was that I have to remove all of the antioxidants from Scout's diet because there is a teeny study that revealed that combining antioxidants with chemotherapy can result in a negative outlook. Thankfully, Scout did fine and he was only on it for a few weeks because he went into remission quickly. The University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School just released a study showing that the Turkey Tail mushroom extract, PSP, significantly increased survival of dogs with hemangiosarcoma. Additionally, Speaking for Spot provides you with lists of important questions to ask your veterinarian when contemplating a new medication, general anesthesia, a major procedure, or spaying/neutering. In this study, 15 dogs with naturally occurring hemangiosarcoma were given standardized extracts of the turkey tail mushroom rather than the traditional US medical treatment (surgery plus chemotherapy). Cancer can be beaten with natural medicine, and this insider's guide will show you how. Dr Lam is a western-trained medical doctor whose clinical practice in natural medicine has helped many overcome and prevent cancer. But for your dog, cancer does not have to be a death sentence. Inside the 90 Day Canine Cancer Miracle you'll discover the Nobel Prize nominated solution for healing cancer in 90% of cases. When I'm cooking for Scout, I'm not worried about him being in ketosis. Dogs with hemangiosarcoma that were treated with a compound derived from the Coriolus versicolor mushroom had the longest survival times ever reported for dogs with the disease. Found insideA comprehensive reference on radiologic appearance, uses and complications of orthopedic devices, for radiologists, orthopedists, physicians, and students. 5 – When Scout's lymph nodes go back to normal, then he's in remission and we want him to stay in remission throughout the chemotherapy protocol. Luckily, a holistic cancer treatment may help. Nutrigest comes in both a capsule and powdered form, so there are multiple ways to get the product into your pet in need of digestive tract support. Cancer and chemotherapy can contribute to anemia, so giving an iron supplement to cancer and other chronic disease patients can help combat anemia. Quel. It also contains turmeric, an herb known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, along with a potent anti-oxidant combination to help reduce cellular damage in all body systems. Perhaps this mushroom also belongs in the group treating sarcomas because the hemangiosarcoma is a sarcoma of the myeloid system. This study showed that at a very high dose of this compound (100mg/kg/day), average survival in dogs with hemangiosarcoma … Certain kinds of mushrooms have immune boosting and anti-cancer effects. The research suggests patients are given turkey tail extract and chemotherapy lived longer after surgery than those given chemotherapy alone. After my research, I knew the direction I wanted to take with Scout, but I wanted to hear from the oncologist first. However, he's not bulletproof – so we'll take things one day at a time. Fungi Perfecti® is a family-owned, environmentally friendly company specializing in using mushrooms to improve the health of the planet and its people. Turkey tail mushroom: Turkey tail mushroom is consumed or taken as a supplement to stave off infection, offer support to patients undergoing chemotherapy and feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Thankfully, when I tested my dogs with Embark Vet, part of the health screening was for the MDR1 variant. While many know about negative effects of reactive oxygen species, their activity is essential to the action of some cancer therapies. It's lymphoma. I began adding canned pumpkin to his diet to help with the stool. Report abuse Melanie. Ummmm, no. I was warned that I would need to take Scout off of a raw food diet while he's undergoing chemotherapy. Although this can help kill the cancer, it can have negative side effects, like weakening the immune system. Researchers believe that Turkey Tail mushrooms contain properties that fight cancer while also helping to strengthen the immune system. It's a detailed guide of oils that can be used with our pets, the benefits, and how to use them. More information on potential new formulations, doses and cancer response data is expected soon. We don't go to dog parks, I don't allow my dogs to interact with dogs we don't know, and I've formulated a diet that supports Scout's immune system. Copyright© 2011-2020 Kimberly Gauthier. Articles may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of Kimberly Gauthier [that’s me!]. Improved outcome was seen in a subset of dogs receiving the diet, but not in all patients. The following are current truths about canine lymphoma that the traditional veterinarian community believes. The good folks over at Aloha Medicinals have known about this forever. Researchers believe that Turkey Tail mushrooms contain properties that fight cancer … Found insideWhether readers are growing or foraging their own mushrooms, or sourcing them from a local provider, this essential handbook will guide them in making health-boosting medicine. This mushroom is also commonly referred to as turkey tail because it looks a bit like the tail of a wild turkey. Helpful. Praying he's in the 25% who last longer than 1 year. Nature’s Nootropics. One of the most commonly used medicinal mushrooms for dogs is the Turkey Tail Mushroom, with the scientific name Trametes versicolor (also known as Coriolus versicolor). NEW Super Snouts Turkey Tail Supplement. Certain kinds of mushrooms have immune boosting and anti-cancer effects. 2 – Lymphoma is a liquid cancer, which means that it can spread everywhere and it requires us to treat the entire body. The beta-glucans in this mushroom activate many components of the immune system. 1. I also lightly cooked Answers Pet Food during that week. We'll never take our dogs to the dog park because it's an unsafe environment for our dogs. The IV treatment requires slight sedation to keep Scout still, so he was out of it for the remainder of the day. Excess minerals in the diet and water of animals can have an adverse effect on animal health, consumers, and the environment. Preventing unsafe mineral exposure is a fundamental part of animal nutrition and management. Another study, published in 2012, looked at using turkey tail mushroom as a treatment for 15 dogs with splenic hemangiosarcoma who have already undergone surgery. Founded by mycologist and author Paul Stamets in 1980, we are leaders in a new wave of technologies harnessing the inherent power of mushrooms and mycelium worldwide. Bill Henderson has helped thousands of people diagnosed with cancer. This latest book gives readers a precise regimen for self-treatment along with extensive information on other available resources. Found insideA pioneering revolutionary prescription for the health and long life of your pets For two decades, Dr. Martin Goldstein—America's most successful, renowned holistic veterinarian—has healed and helped his animal patients with the same ... Heska Corp.âs Element COAG Veterinary Analyzer is a compact bench-top analyzer that delivers coagulation and blood typing parameters to complement the companyâs chemistry, hematology,... Entyce from Aratana Therapeutics Inc. is now commercially available to US veterinarians. Amino Acids are the basic building blocks of proteins, which form muscle and other body tissues. This article will cover nutraceuticals. So far, Scout is tolerating chemotherapy well, with the only side effects being the increased hunger and thirst from the prednisone, vomiting from drinking too much water too quickly (happened 4x), and diarrhea after the Vincristine. Garlic, grape seed and ginsengs are examples. Turkey Tail Mushroom – boosts the immune system while fighting cancer. Table 1. There are many more supplements that I can add to Scout's diet, but I'm taking it easy to avoid overwhelming his system. Turkey tail mushrooms can be used as an immunity booster for dogs and help the dog’s body to recognize cancer tumors and fight them directly. When prescribing, it is important to consider how an herb or supplement could potentially affect an individual cancer patient and whether contraindications exist. Conjugate antioxidant supplementation was also seen to increase the survival time in the patients according to 26 reports (63%) of 41 research article. Digestive enzymes help break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and can be useful when the pancreas isn’t keeping up with its secretory responsibilities. Further study into the best chemotherapy combination and its effects on chemotherapy efficacy is necessary. Because similar data is not available for other supplements, it can be difficult for veterinarians to make specific brand recommendations. From $31.95. As a powder, ProBloom can be mixed into moist food or given as a tasty and health-yielding beverage to drink. I started him on a variety of Standard Process Supplements as soon as I discovered the lesion in his mouth (I used to be a vet rep for the company). So far, our appointments are on Saturday afternoons and they won't be as long as yesterday's appointment, which lasted three hours. Shark cartilage can inhibit angiogenesis and may be contraindicated in patients undergoing surgery or in hypercalcemic patients due to its composition. So, after we make it through chemo, I plan to make antioxidants (turkey tail, Poly MVA for Pets, and golden paste) a big part of his diet. If your dog’s immune system isn’t working well, Maitake mushroom just might be the solution you’ve been looking for.. Pets experience weakened immune systems for reasons such as cancer, infection or inflammation.. Additionally, pets with cancer are often given chemotherapy. Many interactions occur through effects on cytochrome p450 enzymes or the p-glycoprotein pump responsible for drug distribution and metabolism. Like drugs, herbal supplements can interact with drugs and other supplements in several ways. 3 – My dog's heart health needs to be taken into consideration when choosing the chemotherapy protocol. Studies have shown that it is beneficial for a wide variety of cancers, including mammary gland cancer and lymphoma. 2 oz bottle is a 1-month supply for most medium dogs (up to 35lbs) 4 oz bottle is a 1-month supply for most large dogs. "This book is divided into three parts. Part 1: Feeding dogs with bones and raw food, Part 2: is about breeding and feeding, Part 3: Growth without developing HIP or elbow displaysia"--Publisher's description. Find your natural intelligence with Host Defense today. B Vitamins are important for immune system and digestive tract function. by Kimberly | Feb 28, 2021 | Canine Lymphoma | 4 comments. I was also advised NOT to add anti-oxidants to his diet for fear that they will protect healthy cells and the cancer cells (read more below). 7. Support your dogs immune system with whole food like organic mushroom and cancer fighting turkey tail in our Immunity Supplement. https://halfhillfarm.com/2013/12/06/turkey-tail-mushrooms-fight-cancer In Chris Beat Cancer, Wark describes his healing journey, exposes the corruption and ineffectiveness of the medical and cancer industries, and shares the strategies that he and many others have used to heal cancer. It is. By Katherine Skorupski, DVM, Dipl. Please be careful with the pred. Supports Healthy Inflammatory Response ALL SUPER SNOUTS SHROOMS ARE ORGANICALLY GROWN IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTERN UNITED STATES. Valproic acid, a short, branched-chain fatty acid that has been studied for use as an anti-epileptic, functions as a histone deacetylase inhibitor, which prevents tight winding of DNA. Examples include St. Johnâs wort and shitake mushroom. Radiation therapy causes cell death exclusively through DNA damage by free radicals and, without this, radiation therapy would be ineffective. Also known as non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, this cancer type develops in the white blood cells (lymphocytes) in the canine immune system. There is evidence in cancer patients that these fatty acids can help prevent or reverse cancer cachexia, especially in people with gastrointestinal cancers. It is a mushroom that has undergone a considerable resurgence in modern research for its health benefits. Mushrooms (e.g. 2. The text provides background information on the health benefits, bioavailability, and safety measurements of functional foods and nutraceuticals. The mushroom grows widely in forests around the world, but its health potential has never been fully measured in scientific trials. Out of total cases reported in 174 research articles, 138 research papers have reported consequences of antioxidant supplementation during or after chemotherapeutic setting of which 122 articles (88%) states that antioxidants mitigates the toxicities induced by chemotherapeutic agents. Turkey tail is a woody bracket polypore fungus that grows on dead logs worldwide. This book's first edition (1997) was the first of its kind in addressing herbal interactions with drugs. 150g Jar w/ Scoop 75 Servings for a 50lb Dog! Kimberly, thank you for sharing your experiences, taking the time,this will help so many of us with our pups, I feel confident on your blogs and it encourages me to do so much more research. Found insideThe objective of this Special Issue on ‘Nutrition and Eye Health’ is to publish papers describing the role of nutrition in maintaining eye health and the use of nutritional interventions to prevent or treat ocular disease. For dogs above 60 lbs, give 2 capsules three … Rich in EPA and DHA, Nordic Naturals’ omega-3 fatty acid product provides the basic building blocks of cell walls and other body tissues. In addition, they have been shown to be protective against cancer development in human patients predisposed to colon cancer and are being studied as part of combination treatments for people with colon, breast and prostate cancer. In the case of treating cancer, you need to kill cancer cells with a pro-oxidant, while still protecting normal healthy cells. In addition she was started on pro-biotics, fish oil & turkey tail mushroom. University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine did a study on turkey tail mushrooms using 15 dogs with an aggressive type of cancer. Itâs a tickâs worldâpets are just living in it, A new way to go green: mentor a recent graduate. Perhaps the most impressive quality of the turkey tail mushroom is its ability to enhance the health of your immune system. The following is a list of drugs we received as we start this journey: Going through the list, you can see that there are two drugs that treat vomiting; this is because one may be better than another depending on the situation – at this time, we don't know and it's better to have something on hand than allow Scout to be uncomfortable while I wait for a veterinarian appointment, exam, and prescription should he feel sick. Scout's veterinarian was able to detect the cancer after sending off the sample from a fine needle aspirate of his lymph nodes to the lab. Multiple randomized trials of human head and neck cancer have shown higher recurrence rates and mortality in patients receiving supplementation with vitamins A or E. Although there is no data available to directly guide recommendations in veterinary species, caution is recommended when combining antioxidant supplements with cancer treatment. His doctor believes that he has b-cell because most patients with b-cell lymphoma are healthy at the time of diagnosis and remain healthy through treatment. It would be so cool if I could find someone who does house calls. Ferrets For Dummies, 3rd Edition is here to make sure you become just that kind of owner, fully equipped to give your little friend the best possible home. For dogs above 30 but less than 60 lbs, give 2 capsules two times a day. bottle comes with a helpful “eye dropper-type” dispenser that makes it easy to get the product into your pet’s food without leaving your fingers smelling fishy. Further, unlike pharmaceuticals, supplement quality isnât monitored or controlled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or other oversight agency. The Yun Zhi mushroom Coriolus versicolor, also known as the cloud mushroom or turkey tail mushroom, is an herb that may inhibit cancer cell growth through cell cycle inhibition, immunomodulation and gene modulation. One of the mushrooms in this formula is the Turkey Tail mushroom. In Japan, PSK (a derivative of Turkey Tail comprised of polysaccharides) is an approved product for cancer treatment. Some herbs are photosensitizers that may increase acute radiation toxicity. Dr. Evans was direct and got to the point, which I appreciated. There is a long list of healthy mushrooms that we can feed to our dogs and I primarily stick with turkey tail and chaga supplements from reputable brands. Use in tea, coffee or infuse into baked goods, candy or other food products to add Turkey Tail mushrooms to your diet. On February 4, 2021, I found a lump beneath Scout's jaw. Amino B-Plex is a B Vitamin complex, amino acid, and iron product that s many benefits for any canine or feline body afflicted by disease or illness. Editor's note: petMD does not endorse any of the products listed here. For dogs above 60 lbs, give 2 capsules three … The constituents of most study are the PSP, polysaccharide peptide and the PSK polysaccharide K, two nitrogen rich polysaccharide constituents. Turkey Tail mushrooms, otherwise known as Coriolus Versicolor, … I reached out to the dog lover community and people shared more information that has me wondering if I need to remove two supplements from Scout's diet while he undergoes chemotherapy: From a blog post about one pet parent's success with cancer: “Jeff Gold writes, ‘In the case of preventing cancer, you need to protect cells with antioxidants to prevent oxidative damage which can cause them to turn into cancer cells. Breast cancer. The complex triple helix structure of the mushroom beta-glucans is what gives turkey tail and other medicinal mushrooms their immune-boosting properties, while cereals have very little of it. Medicinal Mushrooms promote healthy immune function. Your question is well timed. Thankfully, dogs handle chemo much better than humans. For this reason, most over-the-counter forms of the supplement are not expected to be clinically useful. Their use has been studied in a variety of human diseases, including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis. So, my goal is to prevent him from having joint pain, and giving an oral joint-support nutraceutical like ActivPhy is a crucial component of Cardiff’s multi-modal pain management plan. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a clinical trial for a turkey tail extract, allowing patients with advanced prostate cancer to take it in combination with conventional chemotherapy. It is important to buy from quality brands that source ingredients ethically and responsibly. From a study about anti-oxidant supplementation while going through chemotherapy says the opposite: “This review constitutes a total of 174 peer-reviewed original articles from 1967 till date comprising 93 clinical trials with a cumulative number of 18,208 subjects, 56 animal and 35 in vitro studies. Studies have found each of these to affect metabolism of one or more chemotherapy drugs. 2 – Chemo may cause tummy upset, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. 1 – There isn't a cure for canine lymphoma – we're working to get Scout into remission (and keep him there for as long as possible), which isn't a cure. Capsules were formulated to appear identical. They make up to 50% of the cell wall structure of fungi and yeast, and are also found in the cell walls of seaweed and grains. In fact, dogs that don't undergo chemo live 1/2 the amount of time as dogs that do undergo chemo (with exceptions, of course). There are other mushrooms that work as effective cancer treatments. Pending Cardiff’s particular needs in the face of taking chemotherapy on an ongoing basis or the potential for him to come out of remission, his nutraceutical plan may change to suit those needs. Others, like the Canine Matrix products, are new to my nutraceutical arsenal and were recently introduced to me by Terry Simons of the Canine Lymphoma Education Awareness and Research (CLEAR) Foundation. I first started Cardiff on MRM Recovery as he was nearly finished healing from his July 2015 surgery and was just starting chemotherapy. One of my clients who use Pro Bloom for her three pugs and one terrier mix loves the ritual of making “puppy lattes” for her pooches, and they benefit from the dose of probiotics and digestive enzymes. propolis, turkey tail mushroom and an anticancer diet which includes the Budwig Protocol. Additional published research into its role in cancer treatment is expected soon. Reishi mushroom Turkey Tail mushroom Cordyceps Milk Thistle A plant based digestive enzyme Astragulus. Some dogs come out of remission during chemo; others may come out 4-5 months after the chemo protocol. Our oncologist also warned me to keep Scout away from dogs we don't know because the chemotherapy drugs will lower his immune system – sooooo, no going to dog parks. Turkey tail mushrooms contain 18 types of … It's also important to keep in mind that the prognosis is based on the average dog; my dogs aren't the average dogs. How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Raw Fed Puppy? 20 servings $45). Turkey tail mushroom for dogs has shown to be beneficial in spleen and liver hemangiosarcoma in dogs. A holistic supplement alongside traditional chemotherapy may also prove beneficial Inflammatory Response SUPER. The Univ of Penn canine mushroom study Ep 6 â are dogs Chick Magnets a proprietary dietary supplement from. 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