jordan harbinger political views
And again, I want to highlight that the reason we do episodes like this, or because I care about all people, but I especially care about oppressed people and Chinese people might not feel oppressed, especially the ones that are sending me email about how I most hate China. In a tiny apartment in Southern California, two college dropouts, they teamed up to create this watch company. Organs can't survive long outside the body. Why do you need seven? I called the White House switchboard.". I just live with them. It's the rules. They are eerily consistent. So in fact, there's a fairly high need of people having to go back for another organ in China because that's more profits for the people involved and it's because they don't give a damn about you as the person getting the organ. You just did everything exactly right. [00:48:35] David Kilgour: Geoffrey Nice. My pleasure, Jordan. Company reserves the right to terminate your use of the Service and/or the Website. And once you do it, once you just want to repeat it over and over and over and over again. Thank you very much. THIS IS A BINDING AGREEMENT. And the US attorney named Henry Hudson brought them into court and laid out all the weapons, AK-47s, hand grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, RPD machine gun in Great Falls, Virginia. Therefore, we're good. I know where I'm going and I know why I'm going there. That has to be one of the most stressful situations of your entire life, right? This is insufferable to let anybody would pick on somebody of origin in Asia because of COVID. No, honestly, I have no idea. [00:10:19] Lt. Col. Oliver North: I was nailed on in one of my meetings with the Iranians and it is true of the older missiles, but none of those were fielded. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE EXEMPLARY OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), PERSONAL INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER THAT ARISE OUT OF OR RESULT FROM THE USE OF OR ANY INABILITY TO USE, THE WEBSITE OR ANY CONTENT OR FUNCTIONS THEREOF; OR ANY ACT OR OMISSION, ONLINE OR OFFLINE, OF ANY USER OF THE WEBSITE OR ANYONE ELSE, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Falun Gong are sought out because they don't smoke or drink. Websites like ours must have a legal basis for collecting information from individuals located in the European Union. Any content that you submit to us will not be subject to any expectation of privacy, trust, or confidence between us and no confidential, fiduciary or other relationship is intended or created between you and us. Red meat is the red pill. First of all, we consume less, which is great, but I do worry about prices going through the roof for people that can't afford everything that they want/need,, you know? Women's Power is Greatest Challenger to Islamic Fundamentalism. If you look at the Korean War, it was because we had a treaty that was going to defend the South and the Russians with great prescient walked out of the security council session that could have vetoed the war. [01:11:32] Lt. Col. Oliver North: Unlike, unlike, Howell Heflin was — I don't know what was going through his head, but at one point he put up on a screen check that I had signed, made out — and I'm making up the name of it. China has 51 million, more men than women. I've used it for years. [00:28:20] Jordan Harbinger: There's been a thousand X increase in Koreans going to China for organ transplants. [00:52:43] So the fact, is that, America can produce stuff and Canada can produce stuff and maybe we start producing some of our own stuff. He even had a cap on. Well, you got my answer. And they said, "So what we sold is organs, who cares? Some of it is very, very exciting. And there's mom and dad at the hearings in December of 87, picture of mom and dad coming out of the courtroom. The right of access: We’ll provide you with the data we have about you. That course is free over at When Jen and I started dating, she booked us on a tour of the Armory in San Francisco because she loves tours. Is that still an accurate representation of your thoughts? The last one was David Jacobsen who just died just before Christmas, and one of the bravest men I've ever met. [00:06:44] David Kilgour: It's essentially taking the vital organs of heart, lung, liver, corneas, any important organ that we have from people without a trial, without any procedure whatsoever in the case of China and selling these organs to wealthy Chinese citizens and to what we call organ tourists coming from places like America and Canada. Well, yeah, a good point. And I look at the adventures I've had in my life. [00:46:06] Jen Harbinger: Get started on your Peloton journey. If you believe that anything on the Website or Service infringes upon any copyright that you own or control, you may file a notification of such infringement with our Designated Agent as set forth below. Let me just add to that, that every Thursday at three o'clock we now have a group that meets in front of the Chinese embassy here in Ottawa and they're multi-faith group, Christians, Muslim, Jews. Quip gum can help prevent cavities and it tastes pretty damn good too. And I was 23, 24. I forget how many million Americans have lost their jobs. And they talked about these horrible, horrible rapes that were taking place in these camps. We're going to turn a blind eye when it comes to organ harvesting, given the Holocaust." And of course, our six year old daughter and Betsy, thank God, was there that day, because if this had happened on the first day, I would not have known the answer. He takes your blood type and so on. Good for him. Right? A passion to protect people. The course is at For Users in the European Union (and anyone curious about how we use your information) you are protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and for users in California, you are protected by the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) as of January 1, 2020. But the reality of it is there are people who hate us simply for being Americans. UNITED STATES. Their friends had just had their home broken into. [01:16:27] I'm teaching you how to connect with great people and manage relationships, using systems and tiny habits over at our Six-Minute Networking course. When I get back from the war." You shall cooperate with us in the defense of any claim including provide us with assistance, without charge, in connection with any such defense, including, without limitation, providing us with such information, documents, records, and reasonable access to you as we deem necessary. No, that never happened. We had a small Navy. And it has nothing to do with how many medals I have or how many wars I was in. She will write you out of her will if you use past tense, describe your grandmother." And I think, especially with my family, because my son is half Asian and my wife is a hundred percent Asian. The individual who shot up that grocery store is not Irish. He discovered that one of his patients was going and was going to have his operation two weeks from the date. Ayatollah Khomeini becomes the Supreme Ruler of Iran. No. I was hesitant to look because it's so badly distorts my view of the degree of evil doctors in human beings are capable of. Everybody still has to sign up for the selective service, but there's no draft, and it probably never will be again, because we're not going to have the time. I don't know. You grant Company a license to use the materials you post to the Website or Service. They were antagonists to the USA. I said, "No, sir. [00:02:43] I heard about this 20 years ago when a Falun Gong guy in college told me about this, but I didn't believe it. You represent and agree that you own, have full rights to or otherwise control all User-Generated Content that you submit or send to us, that such User-Generated Content is accurate and truthful and does not violate these Terms of Use, or our Privacy Policy. Right? You can just say, "You cannot go and buy an organ anywhere." WHERE CERTAIN STATE LAWS DO NOT ALLOW CERTAIN OF THE EXCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, OR DISCLAIMERS OF LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THESE TERMS OF USE, SUCH EXCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS OR DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. There's that knowingly unclassified. No one ever looked back and said, shoulda, woulda, coulda. Quip was created by dentists and designers to guide habits that matter, starting with a better electric toothbrush and refillable floss to make your teeth the best and brightest they’ve ever been. And of course, the president took him sufferable grief from all kinds of people for killing him. Right? It's mother's day coming up. I said, "No, no, sir. How did you get interested in this? Found insideThis book will walk you step-by-step through the work of examining: Examining your own white privilege What allyship really means Anti-blackness, racial stereotypes, and cultural appropriation Changing the way that you view and respond to ... That was done at the direction of Muammar Qaddafi, but it was his Islamic Jihad that had the terrorist cell called the People's Committee for Libyan Students in McLean, Virginia, about 10 miles from where we lived in Great Falls. You know, she's still the most fun I've ever had. We fly to China. Oh, that's what those are called. When SimpliSafe Home Securitye's founders Chad and Eleanor Laurans designed their first security system in their kitchen, they did it for a very personal reason. Vital organs, including kidneys, livers, corneas, and hearts, are being seized involuntarily (usually from political prisoners or prisoners of conscience such as Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs) and sold at high prices in China — often to foreigners who normally face long waits for voluntary donations of such organs in their home countries. Found insideIn Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Lanier, who participates in no social media, offers powerful and personal reasons for all of us to leave these dangerous online platforms"-- I mean, let me take you back a few months earlier. NO WARRANTIES. USE OF SOFTWARE. It was Gao Zhisheng. All disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator whose decision shall be final except for a limited right of appeal under the FAA. This site uses cookies and similar technologies to track particular aspects regarding the people who visit us. I understand that people would go, "I'm just going to tell myself that they have these. Yeah, it's horrific. LifeLock helps detect a wide range of identity threats, like your social security number for sale on the dark web. And I was with then Colonel Dunford. What does that have to do with the Confederate flag? By the way, this reports a couple of years old. COMPANY HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES. And the Siberian women do not look like Mrs. Trump, Siberian women are not all that attractive, but they own land with lithium and rarest metals and petroleum and coal underneath the ground. And the weather was so bad. The second call was from the Commandant of the Marine Corps, General P. X. Kelley, who had ordered me the day I got fired on the 26th of November to report to his office, and I went right into operations and plans, which requires a top secret clearance. It was like Islamic jihadis. This is going off sort of notes from this. To the full extent permitted by law, (1) no arbitration or legal proceeding shall be joined with any other; (2) there is no right or authority for any Dispute to be arbitrated or resolved on a class-action basis or to utilize class action procedures; and (3) there is no right or authority for any Dispute to be brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public or any other persons. [00:21:55] Lt. Col. Oliver North: And the worst days of my life, he was a Marine machine gunner, PFC, private first class, black, bright, tough, hard. And I'm really, really grateful for your time. This book is by three of my buddies. And we've got people recorded as saying, "Yes, we have Falun Gong organs available." Better Help offers affordable, online counseling at your convenience. I'll finish the semester. Now I don't get recognized very often, like never. You don't need it. Okay. The only thing I've got to convince me as a husband and father is I believe the words, "Semper Fidelis" actually means something always faithful is a way of life. But when Joe Gibbs was starting Youth for Tomorrow, modeled on what Tom Landry and Roger Staubach had done in Dallas to help youngsters who were in trouble. David Matas did some rough calculations and he estimated it, it brings in, this was three or four years ago, about five or six billion dollars a year. It reminds me a little bit of the situation now with the Iraqi Kurds. One of the things we've learned, by the way, from talking to people, who've had organs in some cases, is it a lot of the organs they get are not reliable or not treated properly. You can also send correspondence by traditional mail to: Jordan Harbinger LLC 1821 S Bascom Ave #174 Campbell, CA 95008-2357 UNITED STATES. The Website is intended only for users aged 18 or older. Company intends to cooperate fully with any law enforcement officials or agencies in the investigation of any violation of these Terms of Use or of any applicable laws. I'm sure your listeners — you know this too, that the culture in China is such that people like to die with their organs intact. We've got some stories about covert missions. And they're building more than we are. And we've discovered that some countries are sending a lot of people. And so we created a 501(c)(3), public charity, and we went to countries like Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, South Korea, Sultan of Brunei. The Jordan Harbinger Show releases episodes three times per week and receives over six million downloads each month and 250,000 downloads per episode as of 2020. Company respects your privacy and permits you to control the treatment of your personal information. My parents probably only had a sort of rudimentary grasp on it. And Casey was the director of central intelligence, which at the time, well, all of those were very, very powerful positions. [00:01:27] Doing prep for today's episode made my insides hurt. The number one adversary — by the way, the Chinese are not going to have to go to war against the Russians. And we've tried to go through in the middle of the night, most of them go through their equipment, their packs take their weapons and identity. Every order's insured ships free and arrives in discreet packaging that won't give away what's inside. There's parts of me that say, "Hey, economics, this and that." It was very, very intense, very scary. You agree that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to or withdrawal of the Website. They're really funny and they're really energetic. And here we are, because the last guy I tried to do the show with turned out to be a Falun Gong member, which doesn't mean he's lying, but I want to get credible sources and you're absolutely that. , which is a PBS show in 2018, you said something along the lines of any country that doesn't have a democracy is our adversary. They bring them to you in Shanghai and they test it to see if you're a match for it. And when I was teaching tactics down at Quantico, it hung over my desk right next to the American flag. Good courthouses. Every day, your info's on the Internet. What's really great is they have a family plan, so you don't have to worry. By using the Website or any services provided in connection with the Website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use, as they may be amended by Jordan Harbinger, LLC (“Company”) from time to time. This is a nauseating yet fascinating, but also just mostly nauseating topics to cover, but you do it well. I had in my office for years, a North Vietnamese communist flag hanging on the wall because I captured it. I have absolutely no doubt of the benefit that they're going to take from it politically in terms of banning certain types of firearms and all the rest of it. In other words, they've gone to the whole population in this large area, and they've only tested the Muslims. Thank you very much for coming on the show. They probably said, "Thank you very much. And when I was a kid, it was made in Taiwan. [00:30:28] Jordan Harbinger: You're listening to The Jordan Harbinger Show with our guest Oliver North. Look, I've read about the Holocaust. There may be portions of the Website that allow for the posting of reviews, comments, photographs or other content (“User-Generated Content”). Now, I'm still willing to do that. In fact, other pieces of fragment went through that finger. I don't know. So the draft will probably never happen like it once did. 62 episodes. Congress will never ever call hearings like that again. And it's absolutely terrible this was happening. And that sort of makes me feel sick. The right to restrict processing: Ask us to restrict certain type of processing of your personal information. Submitting Questions or using the Contact Form: Your name, email address, and question or comment. We had a huge event. We will communicate with you by email or by posting notices on the Website. IN NO EVENT SHALL OUR TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL LOSS, COST, DAMAGE, LIABILITY OR EXPENSE (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS) THAT YOU MAY SUFFER OR INCUR, UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE, EXCEED THE LESSER OF THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU, IF ANY, FOR THE RIGHT TO ACCESS OR PARTICIPATE IN ANY ACTIVITY RELATED TO THE WEBSITE OR $100.00. Carry out your orders. Can you see that book? He's now looking at the Uyghur evidence, by the way, Jordan. So yeah, we've put a lot of work into this. They contribute to it. On the True Underdog podcast, entrepreneur Jayson Waller and his high-profile guests share motivational tips, inspiring stories, and business-building lessons to help each listener grow in their entrepreneurial journey. They said that there have no doubt that this was happening to the Falun Gong community in China. The Company is engaged in the sale of services worldwide and within the USA. There's a great message here that's important, but I don't know, wonderful might have been a stretch. Because eventually St. Petersburg freezes over and so does Archangel. Hopefully not wearing a blindfold. But the bottom line of it. This is the kind of thing, the hypocrisy, the corruption that makes people say, "My vote doesn't count," or, "Let's go out and phoning up a bunch of voting records just to make sure that we can stay in power." And now, unfortunately, it's this large Uyghur community that's becoming the next victim group. If you're looking to support the show, all the codes and deals and URLs and all that stuff, you need to get the discounts that are all in one place there at [00:46:54] The Kurds have been promised by the Western powers ever since 1919 in the Treaty of Sèvres. If you want to see this boat again, if you want the fishing boat, you better wise up. And Falun Gong practitioners have been one and probably the main source of organ supply. Thanks David. And that's what that book is all about. We keep your personal data for different periods of time depending on the reason it was gathered in the first place. If you believe that anything on the Website or Service infringes upon any copyright that you own or control, you may file a notification of such infringement with our Designated Agent as set forth below. Thank you very much. In fact, the year they set up their voluntary donation scheme, I think it was in 2010, as I recall the number of donations where — it was on the website. Sometimes the biggest problem is our own habits, our own issues. [00:03:29] Lt. Col. Oliver North: And there's mom and dad at the hearings in December of 87, picture of mom and dad coming out of the courtroom. I mean, it's all going to work out, even in the midst. I'm just saying what they didn't do to stop it or to tell the rest of the world how they could stop. [00:18:49] Lt. Col. Oliver North: It's Donald Trump. If you're Gen X like me, you remember him being on trial, on live TV in front of the Senate and the entire country back in the '80s. That's promo code Jordan10 for 10% off any order of $200 or more. He says, "Nan was a beautiful woman." And I'll add to that, that we had several of us from different faiths, met at the Volkswagen dealership here in Canada the other day with signs up saying, "Stop making Volkswagen cars with forced labor in Xinjiang because they have several plants, I believe, in Xinjiang to make these Volkswagen cars. Can you imagine how you could do something like this with 10 people? That's And I'd been shot at and hit a few times before I got to the NSC. These are collections of your favorite episodes, popular episodes in any case, organized by topic to help new listeners get a taste of everything that we do here on the show. Well, we'll see. So no wonder their explanation didn't make as much sense. I'm only half jesting because if something really matters, it ought to be our own hemisphere. And it's just a thing that high school kids tell themselves or to each other. And sell the pieces to wealthy foreigners and wealthy elites in our own country." And it's just like so shocking that it's several levels beyond disappointing to the point where you just go, "Is this completely hopeless? It has the photo. Go to and use promo code Jordan10. I've got to be back at the office, Brendan Sullivan's office at five in the morning. So I'm 77. Now, if I didn't care, I would just ignore it. This is a horrifying scenario. They'd drop a bunch of heavy B-52 loads on top of the mountains, and we'd want clearly wreckage, defend the place a little bit and then move onto the next one to put a fire base in. 1821 S Bascom Ave #174 And it has nothing to do with how many medals I have or how many wars I was in. They have more submarines deployed at any one time than you do. Company reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time. Or do you feel more like American imperialism might have contributed more to it? Please share the show with those you care about. The Company will comply with the GDPR and CCPA pursuant to the below guidelines. You said you found out that you had been fired by Reagan when you saw it on TV. [00:54:10] I remember a case. Just reading about this, just watching this stuff. We happen to want to try to save lives in China. There's probably several different things. So there's no evidence too. On The Jordan Harbinger Show, we decode the stories, secrets, and skills of the world's most fascinating people. He was walking into the United States, in New York, there's a bridge to cross the St. Lawrence and he was hit by a train just before the bridge in the middle of the snow storm. That's [00:56:32] Jen Harbinger: Quip the good habits company. Okay. The only problem was this came from the government and the report was leaked out. In fact, I'm still in very close touch with both Bob McFarlane and certainly, Poindexter. The Zionist State (Harbinger of WWIII) By Douglas Reed. This is racism online dating. [00:22:37] But let's go back to the idea that these are not voluntary organ donors, right? Harbinger interviewed Billy McFarland while McFarland was in federal prison. Why do you—? But if you look at that kind of track record for those kinds of folks who've been — I understand that the secretary of defense is now looking for extremists in the Armed Forces in the United States. In this episode, we talk to David Kilgour, a former member of Canadian Parliament and co-author of Bloody Harvest: Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China. Who am I when I'm being and told I can kind of be whoever I want to be. And join the over one million people who've taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced Better Help professional. Company does not transfer either the title or the intellectual property rights to the Software, and Company retains full and complete title to the Software as well as all intellectual property rights therein. [00:37:39] And so unless you're totally cold-hearted, you can see the connections there. Therapists can provide many of the same benefits, a great chat with a friend does, but their experience and education can deepen the conversation and help you make connections between your current choices and ones that might better serve you in the future. We'd had some wounded, we'd had some guys hurt, a guy's sick. And it's great to have good relationships. We're sure it's growing. You say no bail. The subject headings in this Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not alter the construction or interpretation of any of its terms or provisions. It was a harbinger of the bitter Bulls-Pistons rivalry to come. When you say they wanted us to do this, who's they? So when the company commander, who was a very brave guy in his own right, gets to the top of the hill, he's carrying my shotgun. There is no doubt, economically, militarily. USE OF SOFTWARE. If you download software from the Website, the software, including all files and images contained in or generated by the software, and accompanying data (collectively, “Software”) are deemed to be licensed to you by Company, for your personal, non-commercial, home use only, unless otherwise agreed, in a writing signed by the Company. YOU AGREE THAT YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE WEBSITE AND ANY CONTENT HEREIN IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. I've been around enough courtrooms nowadays. Right now, you'll get 10 percent off any order of $200 or more. So spoiler alert, they missed him, that's why he's still here today. That's not what's going on here. Note that if in your notification you knowingly misrepresent that the material or activity is infringing, you may be liable for any damages, including any costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by us or the alleged infringer as the result of our relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity as detailed in the notification. We're not trying to create incidents like we see on CNN where somebody is being pushed down on the street 90-year-old man. All at prices you won't find at a traditional jeweler. Representative: Jordan Harbinger. GOVERNING LAW. The FBI arrested them, brought them in the middle of the night and they're going to do the hit on the family when we are gone. And it's just a thing that high school kids tell themselves or to each other. It was very obvious that they were not misunderstood. And of course, ISIS was pretty well running the place up until a few months ago. [00:34:06] Jordan Harbinger: Yeah, no kidding. And I like to look at the situation the way the Marine Corps taught us: situation, mission, execution, admin and logistics, command and signal. The concerted persecution and medical testing of the Uyghurs is more recent. We have the right, but not the obligation, to review and remove any activity or content involving you or your account. And my bayonet was on it. I think that's why the opinion seems to be changing in the last week or two, because these programs had such an impact. Anybody worried about the Communist Chinese, they ought to be. I have absolutely no doubt of the benefit that they're going to take from it politically in terms of banning certain types of firearms and all the rest of it. That's how that works by the way, people, if you don't know. If conducted in person, the arbitration shall take place in San Jose, California. [00:18:44] Jordan Harbinger: Yeah, I do see that one. And they're like, "Why do you hate Chinese people? And I guess, so I don't want to go there too, but you can say that. If you do not agree to any change to the Terms of Use then you must stop using the Website immediately. I did read that. We meet there every Thursday and we hold up signs saying, "Stop the Uyghur genocide." of Consumer Affairs in CA, Consumer Information Center may be contacted in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd, Suite N-112, Sacramento, CA 95834 or by calling 1-800-952-5210. It seems kind of like a random, it's a random hobby, you know, random cause for a Canadian prosecutor that doesn't speak Chinese or anything like that, right? That's one of the horrors of war. [00:26:09] And so when you say, when you look back and you say. It's something like 50 countries now, the two of us, David Matas and I. They've disappeared. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY / RESTRICTIONS ON USE. Company reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time. And Iran goes to war against Iraq in an eight-year long, brutal bloody campaign. 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