Biohofladen Miller


13. September 2021

rapid testing spokane

The rapid test is available … Found inside – Page 11682 Cleaning 35 Spokane's , new * 293 Combination Wilmington , Del . ... Michigan 691 Rapid testing of - F . E. Park and L. E. Worthing . ... gas : 920 Park , F. E. - A rapid method for identification of gas oils . To aid that crucial flow of information, the Spokane-based company GenPrime has developed a device that's capable of reading and recording COVID-19 test … Found inside – Page 352Because only 14 of the stations are duplicated , geographic exTATOOSH ISLE BOSEATTLE + CARIBOU YAKIMAS + SPOKANE ... CLOUD + SHERIDAN MINNEAPOLLIS TROCHESTER * NANTUCKET RED BLUFF RAPID CITY HURON GRAND + RAPIDS BINGHAMTON NEW HAVEN ... If you still have concerns for your health-related to … Found inside – Page 44Author N67-27430 * # Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp. , Spokane . Wash . Dept. of Metallurgical Research . DEVELOPMENT OF A RAPID STRESS CORROSION TEST FOR ALUMINUM ALLOYS Annual Report , 1 Mar ... Earlier this month, Spokane Public Schools kicked off free rapid COVID testing … We can provide your test result regardless of whether you were tested at a DHEC testing site. Due to increased volumes and fixed capacity, CHAS Health’s testing locations and times have changed. To file a complaint or to request more information, reasonable accommodations, or language translations, contact 509.324.1501 (TDD 509.324.1464) or visit the SRHD Title VI Civil Rights Act or American Disabilities Act (ADA) information pages. In Spokane Washington, the mold inspection may be done by oneself or by a certified mold contractor. ... Spokane Valley Safeway at 14020 E Sprague Ave . Earlier this month, Spokane Public Schools kicked off free rapid COVID testing sites for staff, student and families in hopes of bringing quicker clarification as to what a student, who … address required, IndigoType of test: rapid and PCR COVID Test at 1150 Baker Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 CVS Health is offering rapid results and lab testing for COVID-19 - limited appointments now available to patients who qualify Rapid Results Lab Testing Patients are able to receive either drive-thru COVID lab testing or rapid testing … Type of test: PCR Over-the-counter rapid covid-19 testing Rapid, over the counter tests are also known as antigen tests or home-based self-collected COVID tests. Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Fee: yes Search Product Result. Testing Note: As noted above, potential travelers should also be aware of what one reader recently shared with us, "Even though CVS is a trusted partner, Hawaii does NOT accept the CVS Health Rapid Test." While there should be no cost to you for testing if you have insurance, your provider may charge a fee for an office visit. Hawaii's Strict COVID-19 Test Requirement Makes Rapid Testing via Walgreens ID Now, CityHealth and GoHealth a safer bet for many than Vault Health (see Vault Health COVID-19 Testing for Hawaii?Have a Backup Plan), which requires UPS shipment to a lab and can be delayed.That's because Hawaii continues to require a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken with one of the State of … While testing supplies across the nation have been limited, we expect our testing capacity to continue to expand in the coming weeks. Found inside – Page 32SPOKANE SPECIAL NOTICE : Inbnd VFR afct Indg Spokane Intl or Fairchild Arpts are encouraged to make initial call to ... VANCOUVER , EVERGREEN FLD SPECIAL NOTICE : Fit Test Area described as follows : lat 45 ° 41 ' , long 122 ° 30 ' ... Priority travel testing is available by appointment only to Alaska Airlines guests. Most urgent care centers offer both PCR and rapid antigen COVID-19 … Fee: yes MinuteClinic uses multiple types of COVID-19 testing to check for active infection. Results will be processed at the lab with a 1-2 day turnaround time. Average Rating: ( 4.4) out of 5 stars. Rapid STD Testing SPOKANE has currently 0 reviews. Rapid testing—both PCR (molecular) and antigen tests—is offered through many Spokane-area urgent care centers and physician offices, usually at an additional cost ranging from $50 up to $150 per test. Found inside – Page vii664 , * 666 Posts , Cost of 679 Shops , Twin City Rapid Transit Co. 456 , * 465 Tests , University of li.nois 966 Concrete , ReinforcedKansas City Outer Belt & Electric Railroad Structures * 225 Roots , Trussit * 270 Conestoga Traction ... If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 because you know you had an exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, we recommend that you get tested between 5 – 7 days after exposure. It’s testing time at Shadle Park High School. The Afinion™ 2 analyzer is a compact, rapid, multi-assay analyzer that provides valuable near patient testing at the point-of-care. Found inside – Page 241Aircraft testing . Aircraft tooling . ... Ose , Wash Vancouver , Wash Fairchild , Wash . Vancouver , Wash Wenatchee , Wash Columbia Falls , Mont . Spokane , Wash ... Arco , Idaho. RAPID AMORTIZATION IN REGULATED INDUSTRIES 241. SPOKANE — Rapid testing for COVID-19 started Monday at Spokane Public Schools. CHAS Health is dedicated to the health and wellness of the communities we serve. Fee: free See our list on the Locations tab above to find the option that fits your needs. Phone: (509) 922-7910. Area ALASKA Facility_Name CHUGACHMIUT Get a Rapid Antibody Test for COVID-19 Whether you're scheduling an appointment or already in store, we need some basic information before providing your test. Spokane’s CHAS Health is expanding its rules that govern to whom it will provide rapid Covid testing. Found inside – Page 281Diagnostic Testing Although obtaining and recording a past history of penicillin allergy is essential, ... polylysine (PPL), which had been commercially available as Pre-Pen (Hollister-Stier, Spokane, WA) for skin testing until 2004. Find a testing site near you. Individuals interested in fee-based testing should contact clinics directly for testing availability, protocols and fee information. For those patients without insurance, CHAS Health will not bill. DispatchHealth arrives at your door to assess your symptoms and test for COVID-19, flu, strep and mono – don’t worry, we determine the tests and treatments you might need. Schedule Appointment. April 6, 2021: Epidemiologists and other public health experts are debating whether to use rapid COVID-19 tests as admission tickets to schools, businesses and entertainment and sports venues. Found inside – Page 361020-25 Boeing Leases AF Base for B - 52 Tests Rapid expansion of B - 52 production has forced Boeing Airplane Co. to ... As soon as B - 52s begin coming off the production line at Seattle , they will be flown to Spokane for testing ... Turnaround time: 15 minutes for rapid test, PCR generally within 72 hours—inquire at clinic CHAS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. ... Kraken Game in Spokane requires proof of vaccine or negative PCR test … The new form of COVID-19 testing is finally in Spokane. Type of test: PCR Type of test: rapid and PCR "As of Friday morning, 150 patients with COVID-19 are hospitalized at Sacred Heart and Holy Family Hospital." Go to Walgreens. I went to the one on Sprague and took a rapid test through the drive through. Both Rapid PCR and RT-PCR are valid for travel to Hawaii. Local Phone: (509) 489-6010. Mobile COVID-19 Testing & Treatment. Drip Hydration provides mobile, on-demand COVID-19 testing, delivered and administered by one of our certified nurses. 1 day ago. Rapid tests are restricted to high-need patients only, as deemed appropriate by a provider. Covid Clinic provides $0 upfront service for COVID-19 PCR testing. Hyundai Urgent care. 0 reviews Write review id: 30483787 10905 E Montgomery Ste 5 Spokane, WA 99206 (866) 592-9497 Incorrect info? See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Rapid Dna Testing In Spokane locations in … A drive-through test might be the most convenient option. Those exposed and without symptoms may be tested 5-7 days after exposure, but not earlier. Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Your cost for the visit is typically the same as a traditional urgent care visit. You can find out if … Travel Alert: Rental Car Shortage Learn More. Illinois. Found inside – Page 2557Chemical and physical properties of the materials tested are briefly outlined . ... Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp. , Spokane . Wash . ... DEVELOPMENT OF A RAPID STRESS CORROSION TEST FOR ALUMINUM ALLOYS Annual Report , 1 Mar. CHAS Health has partnered with LabCorp for at-home COVID-19 testing. ARCpoint Labs offers reliable COVID testing, DNA testing, and drug testing services for businesses & individuals, including federally mandated & DOT testing. Found inside – Page xTests at SouthallBy Langdon Pearse , 399 * 121 Norwood Works , England , 40 Sluicing : Telpherage systems : Fort Logan ... rod for rapid work and poor Testing of power plant equipment , ComPlainfield , N. J. By R. S. Lanphear , light . 803 S Main St, Suite 120, Moscow, ID 83843. Private clinics offering PCR and rapid testing for a fee are available in Spokane County. DispatchHealth administers either RT-PCR test or a lateral flow antigen test. Providence Health Care’s new rapid COVID-19 testing site in North Spokane saw its second day of operation Friday, providing results to the community’s most at … Super easy, and didn't take any time at all. Insurance will be billed, but patients will not have to pay a copay for COVID-related testing. Welcome to Spokane International Airport About Us. During the appointment, the provider will order the test that is most medically appropriate for that patient. Our laboratory staff is highly experienced in performing microarray, karyotyping, and FISH testing and has worked directly on improving each of our tests to optimize performance and speed of testing. Getting tested for Covid-19 while traveling helps keep you and others safe. When your doctor orders lab testing for you, make an appointment at one of these new, convenient locations. Spokane Valley. And remember, testing is the only way to know for sure if you have COVID-19. Testing will take place at Providence ExpressCare located at 9027 N. Indian Trail Road in Spokane beginning on Friday. The rapid test is available to health care workers, first responders and high-risk patients by appointment only. The testing is not available for the general public. Type of test: rapid and PCR Please bring your insurance card with you for testing. Found inside – Page 1013Toxicological Testing Previous recommendations that resulted from a Safety Board study on " Alcohol / Drug Use and Its ... Independent Safety Oversight of Rapid Transit Systems At the present time , the Federal government does not ... Spokane, WA. Individuals interested in fee-based testing should contact clinics directly for testing availability, protocols and fee information. Testing | Spokane Regional Health District. See the provider or pharmacy’s page or contact directly for information. Found inside – Page v( Query ) , 189 it , 58 ridge shells for , 371 Voltmeter , a plan for facilitating rapid measure . Service , compelling a company to give better , Testing circuit , wire chief's . ( Ouery ) , 422 ment of resistance with a . Some locations offer walk-in screening for anyone while others ask that you first speak to a healthcare provider via phone or virtual visit. The rapid (antigen) test uses a shallow swab to collect a sample from the nose or throat and returns results same day. Find 6 listings related to Rapid Dna Testing In Spokane in Agoura Hills on Type of test: PCR Get Your Test Results Within 72 Hours. Rapid STD Testing SPOKANE, Testing Labs, listed under "Testing Labs" category, is located at 10905 E MONTGOMERY STE 5 SPOKANE WA, 99206 and can be reached by 8668670393 phone number. Beginning this week, Rite Aid has expanded a COVID-19 testing program to include two Spokane locations. A GoHealth Urgent Care provider will conduct an in-center or virtual clinical evaluation. Found inside – Page 48Idaho Cedarmen's Association , 611 Peyton Block , Spokane . Gentlemen : Since all tests on full sized poles of Michigan white cedar and Idaho red cedar furnished by your association have been completed , I wish to give you a preliminary ... Turnaround time: 2 – 4 days—see site for details u/MeggieAC. XpresCheck, a public COVID testing site, is now open in the center of Concourse B, post security. Found inside – Page 241Troutdale , OregSpokane , Wash Vancouver , Wash Portland , Oreg Riddle , Oreg Rock Island , Wash Portland , Oreg Spokane , Wash Portland ... Aircraft testing . ... Wenatchee , Wash Columbia Falls , MontSpokane , Wash --doShipyard . Found inside – Page 80DELLA M. HAFT , Librarian , Rapid City , s . Dak . South Florida Test ... DENNISTOUN WOOD , Engineer of Tests , 65 Market St. , San Francisco , Calil . Southern Wheel Co. ... CARL B. WARREN , Manager , Box 1033 , Spokane , Wash . Call (509) 489-1150 or visit us at 5904 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208. More:Some MetroWest towns turn to rapid testing to limit the spread of COVID-19. Hi! To file a complaint or to request more information, reasonable accommodations, or language translations, contact 509.324.1501 (TDD 509.324.1464) or visit the SRHD Title VI Civil Rights Act or American Disabilities Act (ADA) information pages. Rapid antigen test results are returned in about 30 minutes, rapid PCR tests are returned within 45 minutes, and PCR tests have a 48-hour turnaround. We deliver the care you need, with same-day appointments for common conditions, convenient exams and lab tests; open extended hours seven days a week. have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days. In addition, we offer antibody testing to see whether antibodies may be present from previous exposure. Several testing options and locations are now available in Spokane County, including low- and no-cost options. See our list on the Locations tab above to find the option that fits your needs. If you have a primary care provider, we recommend contacting them to inquire about testing. Each testing location follows their own protocols. Our urgent care is open Mon-Fri 8:00am-7:30pm; Sat-Sun – 8:00am-4:30pm. It is important to quarantine for 10 – 14 days after exposure regardless of the test result, as COVID may take up to 14 days from exposure to cause infection. Found inside – Page 52Currently the commercial prototype system is being tested in underground mines and , based on test results , is being ... The rapid increase was noted by Bureau personnel and the miners were advised not to enter the stope area . Even with the quickening pace of vaccinations, it will be months before all Americans who want COVID-19 vaccines receive them. Introducing the OraQuick® HCV Rapid Antibody Test which delivers accurate results in 20 minutes with just a simple finger stick. Insurance information will be collected even though patients receiving tests will not receive a bill. Finding a reliable place to get a PCR COVID-19 test for travel with quick results can be challenging.. Fortunately, a number of airports offer rapid COVID-19 testing to travelers. COVID send-in testing takes 1-3 days for results. Request A Test offers the affordable, same day Coronavirus Antibody Test in Spokane. Found inside – Page 49Ei ts Extension Work le During the last few years there has been rapid development of ... Cow Testing Work In many states a large number of men are employed by cow testing associations to visit the dairy farmers within the association ... *through partnership with Department of Health and Human Services. Southwest Airlines ® is aware that government mandates have resulted in restrictions on air travel due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. EIN 91-1641797, A Vexing Media Creation | Hosted by DigiTimber, All CHAS Health Clinics & Spokane Urgent Care Closed September 16th, Dental Assistant Apprenticeship Program 2021, schedule an appointment with a CHAS Health provider. Most rapid-result testing locations perform antigen testing. Located at 5840 North Division Street At The SE Corner Of Division St And Central Ave In Front Of Holy Family Hospital. Ages 4+ at a Rite Aid drive-thru near you. It is always best to check at the time you schedule an appointment. I am wondering if anyone knows where I can get an Antigen or PCR rapid test for travel. It offers both the rapid antigen test and PCR test. Any traveler can purchase either test regardless of their airline or destination. The PCR tests cost $125 and the antigen tests cost $57. Testing services will be offered daily on a walk-in basis between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Notes: identification required, QuestDiagnostics Rapid STD Testing Spokane Valley. The following locations provide COVID-19 testing Spokane County. Testing for Chlamydia; Testing for Gonorrhea; Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Panel; Testing for Hepatitis B; Testing for Hepatitis C; Testing for Herpes; Early Detection Testing for Herpes Fee: free Rapid STD Testing Center Spokane Valley is located in 1512 N Vercler Rd Ste 2, Spokane Valley, WA, 99216. Testing plays a major role in fighting COVID-19 — for your health, the health of our communities, and to help safely reopen businesses, schools, and more. Previous. Due to the high and increasing rates of COVID-19 cases and therefore increased testing demand across our community, CHAS Health will need to limit COVID-19 testing to established CHAS Health patients and patients who are assigned to CHAS Health by their insurance provider only at this time. But those are hard to come by these days and Spokane Regional Health District said there are a number of reasons for that, like the shutting down of the testing clinics when demand was low, among others. Spokane’s CHAS Health is expanding its rules that govern to whom it will provide rapid Covid testing. Mold inspection of the Spokane County dwelling should be done on an annual basis, as a preventative measure. Rite Aid’s drive-thru testing meets requirements for travel to Canada, but currently does not meet Hawaii travel requirements. Found insideThe inert gas generator was tested and has been operated in the field for approximately 200 hours and the system has ... Utah , and Spokane , Wash .; U.S. Department of Energy facilities in Carbondale , Ill . , and Morgantown , W. Va . The turnaround time for results with these tests is usually 24-72 hours. Found inside – Page 2As a continuation of work performed in 1981 by Backer and Busch , 4 the Bureau of Mines performed performed laboratory and field tests to evaluate the concept of using a single - polymer system to rapidly dewater coal refuse slurry . 11h. LabCorp will send you an at-home collection kit to collect your nasal swab sample and ship it back to their lab for a PCR test. Spokane COVID-19 Test. Call Store. Rapid COVID-19 testing, that is. A rapid diagnostic test, which provides results within 24 hours, is $129 and a rapid antigen test, which provides results in an hour, is $49. Fee: yes Found inside – Page 10A method for rapid measurement of the rate of decay of free vibrations . Bull . 2154 . Madison , WI : U.S. Department of Agriculture , Forest Service , Forest Products Laboratory . Jayne , B.A. 1955. A nondestructive test of glue bond ... We are constantly seeking new and better ways to provide answers to genetic questions. Next. Restrictions: U.S. payment card and valid, matching U.S. Rapid testing for some groups. COVID-19 testing for travel is available to all passengers who are not currently experiencing symptoms and do not have a known positive COVID-19 exposure in the last 14 days. Found inside – Page iThis paper summarizes the testing of a natural filtration medium , referred to as a Stormwater Permeable Rapid Infiltration ... that has been proposed as a potential retrofit option for stormwater injection wells in Spokane , Washington ... Rite Aid Spokane Rapid Testing. It's testing time at Shadle Park High School. Experience matters when it comes to testing. Found inside – Page 10A method for rapid measurement of the rate of decay of free vibrations . Bulletin 2154 . ... A nondestructive test of glue bond quality . ... In : Proceedings 2nd nondestructive testing of wood symposium ; 1965 April ; Spokane , WA . Kaiser Permanente is dedicated to meeting the healthcare needs of our members, physicians and staff, and communities during the COVID-19 epidemic and beyond. New rapid-testing in Spokane can produce results within 15 minutes. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Rapid Dna Testing In Spokane locations in … In addition, this volume offers guidelines for gathering and interpreting data in a manner that assists in identifying targets for intervention and rich discussion and information relating to specific academic, cognitive, and behavioral ... With the Afinion™ System, there’s no need to send test results to the lab or spend time tracking them down. Jason Campbell from CHAS says the organization has been testing certain people with Covid symptoms. ‡The options listed above are not all-inclusive and test availability may change; contact testing locations directly to confirm options. COVID testing kits. The CVS rapid test is a 'Lumiradx Sars-Cov-2-AG' test, and it is not an acceptable NAAT test currently required by the state of Hawaii. These tests can be found throughout stores in the area. Fee: yes Serving individuals, families, groups (up to 10) Schedule within 24 hours. My husband and I are non-symptomatic, and I'm running into issues looking for places that will offer the test just for travel. TSA Travel Tips Learn More. Washington. Providence ExpressCare located at 9027 N. Indian Trail Rd. Testing for Chlamydia; Testing for Gonorrhea; Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Panel; Testing for Hepatitis B; Testing for Hepatitis C; Testing for Herpes; Early Detection Testing for Herpes Found inside – Page 779JAMES HEYWOOD , who since 1893 has been in the employ of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. , and for the last few ... Professor Swenson has also acted as consulting engineer in the design , construction and testing of electric light ... Spokane Public Schools began drive-thru polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on Jan. 11. Getting a test at the airport can be a great option for travelers who are pressed for time, as long as the test satisfies the entry requirements of your destination.. Type of test: PCR Find Covid-19 testing locations around the globe, with results within 72 … (509) 489-6010. Found inside – Page 815... Bureau of Mines Spokane Research Center , Spokane , Washington Senior Engineer , The Cementation Co. of America ... The operators are in protective cabs below the bottom work deck in the shaft . were Preliminary testing has been ... Instead of rapid tests Skindlov says her kids need a PCR test to return to school. Our urgent care clinic in Spokane, WA provides urgent care & walk-in clinic services near you. Rapid COVID-19 testing, that is. New COVID tests: Take home test now available at Safeway as WA gears to distribute antigen rapid test. Rite Aid 12222 E. Sprague Ave Through the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we've needed answers. Copyright © 2020 Spokane Regional Health District. Clinics offering testing for travel purposes may charge a fee. Below are answers to frequently asked questions about COVID-19 testing. My husband and I are non-symptomatic, and I'm running into issues looking for places that will offer the test just for travel. OraQuick HCV is the first and only FDA-approved, CLIA-waived rapid HCV Antibody Test. Travelers: Please Arrive 90 Minutes Before Your Departure Terminal Info. October 29, 2020 – CHAS Health remains committed to serving our community by providing the majority of COVID testing access in our area. Urgent Care Near Me Spokane, WA. Found inside – Page 628... developed while employed as a Laboratory Director at Signature Genomics, a PerkinElmer company in Spokane, Washington. ... Rapid testing versus karyotyping in Down's syndrome screening: cost-effectiveness and detection of clinically ... Found inside – Page 3This material includes all the printed matter necessary for accurate and rapid testing , and also several cards ... Teachers ' Teachers ' Agency Chicago Baltimore New York Spokane Kansas City Chattanooga Jacksonville Registration In Any ... Add to Favorites. Testing for Chlamydia; Testing for Gonorrhea; Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Panel; Testing for Hepatitis B; Testing for Hepatitis C; Testing for Herpes; Early Detection Testing for Herpes Copyright ©2020 CHAS Health | All rights reserved. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Paternity Testing in Spokane, WA. Current Price $34.99. OUR LOCATION. 12320 E Upriver Dr Spokane Valley, WA 99216. If you are concerned that you may have COVID-19 because you have symptoms, we recommend that you get tested right away. Found inside – Page 2As a continuation of work performed in 1981 by Backer and Busch , 4 the Bureau of Mines performed laboratory and field tests to evaluate the concept of using a single - polymer system to rapidly dewater coal refuse slurry . Turnaround time: 15 minutes for rapid test, PCR generally within 72 hours—inquire at clinic Results available online in 3-5 business days. Turnaround time: 2 - 4 days I had the results in like 3 hours. Chicago O’Hare International Airport (coming soon) Location: A walk-up presecurity testing … Restrictions: none, Rite-Aid RT-PCR is recommended for international travel. Found inside – Page 6... property studies were made in cooperation with members of the U.S. Bureau of Mines clay testing laboratory formerly at Norris , Tenn . ... A rapid , X - ray fluorescence method was used to determine the oxides of some elements . Begin the testing process by having Rapid Mold Removal of Spokane WA perform a thorough mold inspection for you. Found inside – Page 3Recommended by the Second Conference of State Highway Testing Engineers and Chemists, Washington, D.C., Feb. ... Spokane contributed about 8 per cent , and the Walla Walla - Milton - Freewater district about half of the number of cars ... Get Directions. Mask Up Spokane! On a chilly Monday morning, three cars rolled into the parking lot at Chase Middle School for the test… Airport Drive Traffic Revision. Rapid PCR tests are $179, PCR tests are $106, and rapid antigen tests are $74. reuters meaning malayalam reuters historical forex rates reuters historical exchange rate reuters live news reuters foreign currency trading platform reuters instrument code ric reuters forex news reuters latest currency news. Currently, XpresCheck is open daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; phone: (720) 445-1368. Unfortunately, many of the restrictions will result in flight cancellations, potential quarantines or COVID-19 testing upon arrival, and/or temperature checks upon landing. See this Clinic Referral List for providers in the region that offer these services. Spokane Rapids Office. This test is NOT used to diagnose an active infection; If you would like to test if you currently have COVID-19, please schedule a COVID-19 active infection test here. Free* COVID-19 Testing. Rapid Antigen Results: 15 minutes. 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