Biohofladen Miller


13. September 2021

resistantly definition

First-Syllable Rhymes of Words Starting With Letter R. Words with first-syllable rhyme have the same sounds preceding the first syllable break. 14 Sep. 2021. How is it taken--seriously, solemnly, sacredly, spoofingly, resistantly (etc.) The theorizations of race and disability that emerge from these works, Pickens demonstrates, challenge the paradigms of subjectivity that white supremacy and ableism enforce, thereby pointing to the potential for new forms of radical ... Found inside – Page 66Relatedness and Self-definition in Personality Development, Psychopathology, and the Therapeutic Process Sidney Jules ... Among insecurely attached children , resistantly attached toddlers respond to separation with considerable and ... Bazat pe resistantly, toate cuvintele din limba engleză format prin schimbarea o litere A crea cuvinte noi în limba engleză cu acelaşi perechi de litere: re es si is st ta an nt tl ly; Găsi cuvinte în limba engleză incepand cu resistantly de următoarea literă ; Cuvinte începând cu resistantly : resistantly This breed of cattle is resistant to disease; Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Satiety Science: The Benefits of Resistant Starch, Abrasion resistant coatings market worth $8.46 billion by 2021--growing innovation & development-research and markets, Antibiotic-related illness in U.S. tops 2 million annually, HI-MAIZE resistant starch can serve as a flour substitute, Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance and Conductance, Resistance, Inductance, Conductance, Capacitance. More than 70,800 synonyms available on Gender Criticism: What Isn't Gender. If a perfectly loving God exists, then no finite person is ever non-resistantly in a state of nonbelief in relation to the proposition that God exists (from 1 and 2). resilient: 1 adj recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like Synonyms: spirited displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness adj elastic; rebounding readily “as resilient as seasoned hickory” Synonyms: bouncy , live , lively , springy elastic capable of resuming original shape after stretching or … "Gender criticism" sounds like a euphemism for something. Define resistant. News and shopping. Synonyms for 'Repellently'. The definition of resistantly in Dictionary is as: In a resistant manner. Found inside – Page 75... accountably, independently of political influence and resistantly to corruption (Klemp, Poeschke 2005, ... 79), missing data____________________ 10 For a more detailed definition of the term “good governance” see Klemp, ... The army offered strong resistance to the enemy; مناعَه، مُقاوَمَة المَرَض، قُدْرَة عَدَم التأثُّر, ثَبات، صَد، قُدْرَة على صَد حَرَكَة جِسْمٍ آخَر, प्रतिरोध कक्षमता, विद्दुत प्रवाह का प्रतिरोध. runoff: ( rŭn'awf ), Delayed part of the angiographic examination of a vascular bed, to show small artery patency. For example, if you enter the word explanation using this option, Rhymer retrieves a list of words with the sound ex (e.g., excavate, exhale, expert, and extra). been admitted to the territory of the German Reich within the boundaries Find English Meaning of مزاحمت کرتے ہوئے and related words to Resistantly 1. the act or an instance of resisting. 2. the capacity to withstand something, esp the body's natural capacity to withstand disease. 3. (Units) a. the opposition to a flow of electric current through a circuit component, medium, or substance. Another way to say Doggedly? There are probably two types of geniuses, Bajin thought as he ran down a poorly-lit stairway, skipping three steps at a time. Found inside – Page 232We define collusion-resistant security as follows. Definition 8 (Collusion-Resistant RS-BE). Let II be an RS-BE scheme. II is said to be collusion-resistantly (< n, < w)-one-time secure if the following conditions are satisfied: For any ... mother 1. rude slang A euphemistic shortening of "motherfucker." Definition of résistante in the dictionary. Using Resilience Outside of Physics … Often used in combination: drug-resistant bacteria; wrinkle-resistant pants. Definition of resilience. this Basic Law is a person who possesses German citizenship or who has. Search resilient and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Found inside – Page 15THE DEFINITION OF ART The difficulty of defining art through aesthetic experience and through other familiar ... is best defined by its concrete development as a distinct practice , at once socially embedded and resistantly autonomous . The reciprocal of conductivity. Found inside – Page 15THE DEFINITION OF ART Though defining art in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions , this influential ... is best defined by its concrete development as a distinct practice , at once socially embedded and resistantly autonomous . (Definition, in part, from the book Acupressure’s Potent Points, by Michael Reed Gach, director of the Acupressure Institute, Bantam, 1990.) Found inside – Page 84This means that there is an attempt to define – perhaps one should rather say 'designate' ... instance of common sense) should be subverted by including, say, marginalised literary discourses19, or reading canonical works resistantly. 8 synonyms for run-through: recapitulation, rundown, sum, summary, summation, summing-up, wrap-up, recap. stress-resistant definition in English dictionary, stress-resistant meaning, synonyms, see also 'stressor',stress injury',stressfulness',strenuousness'. Found inside – Page 83resistantly, antitransparently, has been recuperated via the archive for a place in the Concrete panorama. ... It has successfully resisted anthologizing, it further resists the definition of “migrant writing” and “autobiography. The main advantage of this procedure is to select aptamers, as nucleic acid-based affinity ligands, without any prior knowled… resistant materials meaning and definition. Found inside – Page 114Arriving in April , having resistantly agreed to pursue the divorce , she records , “ to oblige him . ... production of Liber Amoris : its motivations , its generic definition , how it fits into 114 Sexual politics and the romantic author. The motto has later been reused by Breton regiments, local World War II Resistants and cultural movements. . Toward a Decolonial Feminism Toward a Decolonial Feminism LUGONES, MARÌA 2010-10-01 00:00:00 Modernity organizes the world ontologically in terms of atomic, homogeneous, separable categories. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. Found inside – Page xviiiFemale subjectivity is created , in part , by the readers who read resistantly or readily , who respond to texts with texts of their own making . Susan Tucker's essay , " Reading and Re - reading : The Scrapbooks of Girls Growing into ... Found inside – Page 88... make sense of my life and the image that seduced me into a self that was, by definition, incapable of growth and change. ... through adolescence and teenhood—willingly and self-servingly; and, as an adult, resistantly and painfully. He said her name loudly several times, finally grabbing her shoulders and shaking her.. My Devilish Scotsman. Usually, when we talk about even/odd numbers, we only define this concept for the integers. And in another book Implicit Meanings, she gives this definition that acknowledges that and some “How” language is learned: “ Language, for example, learned and spoken by individuals, is a social phenomenon produced by continuous interaction between individuals” (page 52). wordow /wɝdoʊ/ A Clear Window of Words. Some people are resistant to the idea of exercise. Best synonyms for 'resistantly' are 'defiantly', 'antagonistically' and 'contrarily'. In an emotionally difficult manner. (of sleep) In a deep, peaceful manner. Best synonyms for 'repellently' are 'repulsively', 'hideously' and 'repugnantly'. He's one bad mother. Found inside – Page 241... character of all that happens ” should be a rule for even the most resistantly realistic of historians . ... There is cultural memory — but it is a residue of innumerable traces whose meaning may or may not be retrievable , and so ... That which makes resistance or offers opposition. Successful coyote hunt but rest assured with stretchy nylon material and craftsmanship! Adj. Found inside – Page 66... in most parts of the world, a disease of advanced presentation and associated resistantly high mortality. ... and photodynamic techniques offer the prospect of increasing definition of gastric malignancy prior to therapy, ... Only integers can be even or odd. Found inside – Page 114However, the double is by definition also a figure for a split or gap, a figure signifying that something that was ... what is most resistantly and universally repressed, namely the presence of death in life and at the origin of life. In a manner that is firm or secure. Found inside – Page 60... observance observant resist resister resistance resistant observantly resistantly excellently differently excel excellence excellent differ difference different Practice . Choose the word from the table that fits each definition . Definition of resistant : relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection) - able to tolerate environmental conditions or physiological stress - impervious to being affected - disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority - incapable of absorbing or mixing with Capable of, offering, or showing resistance. I think the definition of the word "feminist" is slippery. One of its subtexts is gay and lesbian criticism. Noncritical approaches to education encourage students’ passivity and con- formity to the wisdom transmitted to them by teachers. Often used in combination. Resistance, Reduced. The resistance of a conductor reduced to ohms, or to equivalent lengths of a column of mercury, 1 square millimeter in cross area. In a loud manner. Chapter Text. Capable of, offering, or showing resistance. In a thorough or in-depth manner. More than 200 dancers were performing their version of "Do Re Mi", in the Central Station of Antwerp. Found inside – Page 32... fact that a free particle moves non-resistantly on its own, i.e. that such a particle moves by inertia. ... move with constant velocity relative to I. Sometimes a concern is expressed that such a definition involves a vicious circle ... Grammatically, this word "resistantly" is an adverb. Rational numbers are neither even nor odd. Synonyms for Doggedly (other words and phrases for Doggedly). Resistant translation is "Maney" and Resistant synonym words Immune, Insubordinate, Repellent and Resistive. It's also a morpheme, more specifically, a suffixe. Translate resistant in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. Within (a person's body or mind), typically with reference to sensations of self-awareness. Or it will be built without leaving any byproducts, producing at a temperature of 40 degrees, without the need to thy metals in hundreds of degrees. Once again, thrillers; as a genre, is vast and not specifically defined by one single definition, but alike with horror, the main origins of the genre originated from literature. resistant synonyms, resistant pronunciation, resistant translation, English dictionary definition of resistant. chemically-resistant. Synonyms for 'Resistantly'. What is wrong with “poetry” at any given moment in people’s critiques? This page provides all possible translations of the word resistant in almost any language. This thesis examines Crawford’s life and afterlives, his disallowed embodiment, and the cultural myths that were read onto him, by reading resistantly into and against court transcripts, papers and depositions, contemporaneous newspaper records, and secondary scholarship. resistantly in a sentence - Use resistantly in a sentence and its meaning 1. 2 : an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. RTST. Found inside – Page 134Arriving in April , having resistantly agreed to pursue the divorce — she records , “ to oblige him . ... the production of Liber Amoris : its motivations , its generic definition , how it fits into a romantic aesthetic and canon . To a deep, complete, and intense extent. Found inside – Page 69He quotes Laurence Sterne's definition of gravity as “a mysterious carriage of the body to conceal the defects of the ... a responsibility to read – to question authority – more carefully, critically, respectfully, and even resistantly. 1994; Australia) RTST. Found inside – Page 264Proof Lemma 8 is trivially obtained from Definitions 1 and 6 . If the ( n , d ) -SI - PBD problem is quantum resistantly hard , the SI - PBD key exchange among n - parties is also quantum resistant . Therefore , we should investigate ... Find another word for resistance. O’Hara). tant Would you like to know how to translate resistant to other languages? bring (something) out of mothballs 1. In this marvelously original book, three-time Pulitzer Prize finalist Leslie Savan offers fascinating insights into why we’re all talking the talk—Duh; Bring it on! If understanding justice may be said to be a kind of wisdom, then discerning whose definition of justice prevails or is most true is a … Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! Urdu to English Meaning of مزاحمت کرتے ہوئے کا مطلب انگریزی میں Muzahmat Karte Hue Translation from Urdu into English means Resistantly. The protection of citizenship is further protected in Article 116, Definition of “German” – Restoration of citizenship: (1) Unless otherwise provided by a law, a German within the meaning of. The school had to rework its resistant materials course after a … There was the hero-type who appears when the world needs him, and then there was the oddball-type who just naturally appears out of nowhere and couldn't care less about what the rest of the world is doing. resistant /rɪ ˈ zɪstənt/ adjective. Find more words! The definition of the PERFECT GIFT is one that the recipient would like to have, but would never, in their wildest dreams, ever actually spend their own money on. The marigold color cords of paint that twist over and around them were added in 1996. The institutions of literary production. Rather than language arts, I began to think about the art of language. Found inside... the Phallus and the Concept as privileged operators of meaning ... the face of capital, the face of authority, ... Did Judd's desire and identity fascinate Smithson because it was so professionally successful, so resistantly phallic ... /rɪ ˈ zɪstənt/. "résistante." 3. 5. Aptamers are produced through an in vitro procedure, which specifically isolates aptamers for a target of interest and involves repetitive selection-amplification rounds, termed as SELEX [23]. adj. Found inside – Page 22He confronts it non resistantly. The kingdom of God is by definition a pe a c e a ble one. Thus, however we might eventually define a peaceful way to confront the world's ... ~Helena~ Helena is a hybrid and current love interest of Gordon. Found inside – Page 44... whose performative, self-reinventing travels are insistently and resistantly never told as a 'developmental ... She elaborates, “The concept 'bardo,' is in part defined by absence of epistemology, and so as a noun-partner to ... bargainous / ˈbɑːɡɪnəs / adjective. TeD is an object-oriented description language designed to facilitate the modeling of large scale telecommunication networks, with simulation on parallel and distributed platforms. That's what answers my definition of "contemporary chair." Web. The plural form of resistant is resistants . Synonyms for challengingly include demandingly, arduously, difficultly, gruelingly, gruellingly, toughly, ambitiously, hardly, taxingly and testingly. Learner's definition of RESISTANT. resisting (sometimes used in combination): She perceived that her will had blazed up, stubborn and, I survived, through no personal virtue, but because I did not have the chemistry of a dipsomaniac and because I possessed an organism unusually, The animal's body was as level as if every hoof-stroke encountered the, Yet one has a sense of uneasiness in looking at her,--a sense of opposing elements, of which a fierce collision is imminent; surely there is a hushed expression, such as one often sees in older faces under borderless caps, out of keeping with the, Where strength was needed there was the new Charlottenburg alloy, German steel as it was called, the toughest and most, Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Abrasion, Ingredion Incorporated has revealed published results of a new sensory study in Food Science & Nutrition, showing that HI-MAIZE. Found inside... them all leaves us with a uselessly capacious definition. The discrepancies can be extreme. There are advocates of the view that the most significant thing about the theatre is that it is not global, but firmly, resistantly local, ... A person who resists; especially a member of a resistance movement. "Oh, he wasn't resistant," 2. 3 synonyms of resistance from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 12 related words, definitions, and antonyms. in a healthy manner; "the young plants grew lustily" 4. Resistingly; with resistance. https://www.definitions.net resistant. adverb. In particular, the degree to which a material resists the flow of electricity or heat. People are often resistant to change. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate image within your search results please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. congenially - deafeningly - exuberantly - impregnably - perfervidly - resistantly - strenuously - vivaciously 12 letter words breathlessly - friendliwise - heart and soul - imperviously - invulnerably - irresistibly - passionately - unyieldingly - with open arms 13 letter words energetically - … Found inside – Page 29... are still in some sense “there"; the only thing that is missing is a more comprehensive definition of personal subjectivity. ... Depending on how resistantly we read, such narratives also allow us to see the form and pressure of ... I couldn't resist kicking him when he bent down; تاب آوردن؛ جلو خود را گرفتن؛ ایستادگی کردن. Found inside – Page 94Let us attempt our own positive definition: the Three Ways and Two Roads are names for the patterns of flow and ... This text persists, resistantly, with some further observations about how Han TCM and Zhuang medicine differ: Actually, ... Found inside – Page 163Cretaceous Strahov claystone tested consists of particles water-resistantly cemented to form an aggregate structure and its ... Allowing for the definition of Ko this means that the radial deformation response is softened and thus K, ... Common crawl. Therefore, the structure and the revealing of plot lines and characters surely forms part of the codes … Example sentences with "chemically-resistant", translation memory. Contemporary women of color and third‐world women's critique of feminist universalism centers the claim that the intersection of race, class, sexuality, and gender exceeds the categories of … memory's uncertain: mourning and doubt in three tales by edgar allan poe by william lambert jernigan a dissertation presented to the graduate school (cf. How to use unswervingly in a sentence. [math]1.5[/math] is the rational number [math]\frac{3}{2}[/math]. And you can choose to see profiles from ages 18 to 50. Put the pedal to the metal and get this mother moving! Seakay and Royalmark – bumble tends to weed out dating websites for teens summer know slightly more insecure males. resistantly. Against Purity argues that the only answer—if we are to have any hope of tackling the past, present, and future of colonialism, disease, pollution, and climate change—is a resounding yes. Acronym. 14 Sep. 2021. 2 synonyms for run-resistant: ladder-proof, runproof. Now that the weather is getting colder, it's time to bring our winter clothes out of mothballs. What are synonyms for run-resistantly? Some finite persons are or have been non-resistantly in a state of nonbelief in relation to the proposition that God exists. Find all the synonyms of the word passive resistance presented in a simple and clear manner. ټينګاركول، مقاومت كول: مقابله كول، مخ نيوى كول. Definition of 'resistivity' English. Found inside – Page 208... that might otherwise have remained, like female reproductive habits, too resistantly diverse and prolific. ... state fatherhood with an efficient mechanism for the processing of Western culture—an apparatus of definition, selection, ... Found inside – Page 12... affects the meaning and truth of what one says ... a speaker's location is epistemically salient."38 Much feminist criticism has assumed, in an inversion of age-old misogynist attitudes, that the woman who reads reads resistantly, ... It's here! Definition of resistantly in English: resistantly. Found insideThroughout the novel Rachel is identified with such silences, closely approaching Kristeva's definition of woman as “something that is not said” ... Resistantly, unnervingly, Rachel speaks that language, both out loud and to herself. 341-444-1255 424-332 Phone Numbers Nonchalant taken to tissue around them. What are synonyms for run-through? A traveller starts at the airport and boards the plane, with its full complement of fire retardants, stain resistants, … Web. Lexico's first Word of the Year! Meaning of résistante. I guess people avoid the lable because it sounds very female-centered, like feminists only want to benefit women, or think women are superior to men. The body may be less resistant if it is cold. Frequency: uncountable. Road Trauma Support Team (est. WordSense Dictionary: resistive - meaning, definition, origin, anagrams. Resistantly Adjective. What is right with it--what potential does it have? All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Found insideBy the time he had written the first volume of his classic Attachment and Loss trilogy, Mary D. Salter Ainsworth’s naturalistic observations in Uganda and Baltimore, and her theoretical and descriptive insights about maternal care and the ... Disclaimer. Meaning of resistantly for the defined word. moths (mô th z, mŏ th z, môths, mŏths) Any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera, generally distinguished from butterflies by their nocturnal activity, hairlike or feathery antennae, stout bodies, and the frenulum that holds the front and back wings together. Yesterday was an incredible day. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. See definitions & examples. She attends the same high school and possesses the corresponding occupation at the neighborhood recreational center, located in Brooklyn, New York. Found inside – Page 204The blank page / Native / Other / defendant resistantly asserts itself against the persuasions of this powerful writing . ... To adapt a comment on the colonial presence made by Homi Bhabha , imperialist law is always , by definition ... Auteur, yes, but what of?’ 115 This, ultimately, is the final genius of filmmakers mobilizing oppositional gaze through film quotation, ‘authoring’ films that layer the ‘what of’, the artefacts of both their auteurist production and that of their forbears, with whom they critically, often resistantly, think. Reading resistantly (Hammond & Macken-Horarik, 1999) is a key aspect of criti- cal literacy since it encourages one to ask himself “what is this text doing to me?” (Bendall, 1994, p. 6). Vinyl shorts with any smooth surface with water. Zora Neale Hurston's novel Their Eyes Were Watching God is the focal point in this article for a discussion of "touristic reading," a process that occurs when a reader assumes a fictional text is an authentic and complete representation of its source culture. The word RESISTANTLY has been seen on 0 crossword clues. Before the date; and with this comes the inevitable mistakes. This is a Loaded question with a false premise. Scott screamed the word loudly enough to hurt, his voice cracking from the effort, and he heaved the dead flare like a dagger, spinning it end-over-end into the tangled mess of the woods.. Scott Free. This book is a dictionary and grammar sketch of Ik, one of the three Kuliak (Rub) languages spoken in the beautiful Karamoja region of northeastern Uganda. The numerical value of résistante in Chaldean Numerology is: 1, The numerical value of résistante in Pythagorean Numerology is: 8. Maybe one of Jensen’s favorite days. Similar words of Resistant are also commonly used in daily talk like as Resistants and Resistantly. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Find 35 ways to say PIGHEADEDLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Definition of lustily. Origin. Roads to Space Travel (band) RTST. resistantly while physically gathered together into commu nities using creative and subcultural participatory acts rather than the consumption of mass-marketed objects’ (Kozinets, 2001, p. ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture is an ancient oriental healing technique based on the Taoist philosophy of balancing energy meridians within the body, thus allowing the body to heal itself. Find 146 ways to say WILLFULLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Manual tank drain make service easier. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. Noun (physics) In general, the resistance to electric current of a material. A thing which resists. Patients should be made aware that they can produce serious side-effects and that their inappropriate use contributes to antimicrobial resistance. Resistantly Noun. Resistantly is a 11 letter word, which we have found to be the crossword answer to 0 clues. Adverbs for resistant include resistantly, resistingly, resistively and resistlessly. That's Shaft, the best private detective in town. Definition of resistance (Entry 2 of 2) : of, relating to, or being exercise involving pushing or pulling against a source of resistance (such as a weight) to increase strength resistance training : refusal to accept something new or different : effort made to stop or to fight against someone or something Adverb for intensely felt. DEAFENINGLY - IMPREGNABLY - RESISTANTLY - STRENUOUSLY - VIVACIOUSLY 12 letter words IMPERVIOUSLY - INVULNERABLY - IRRESISTIBLY - RESOUNDINGLY - UNYIELDINGLY - UPROARIOUSLY 13 letter words ENERGETICALLY. Instead of picturing children working diligently (perhaps resistantly) in workbooks and curriculum, a different and delightful image drifted into my brain, like one of our lazily falling autumn leaves. When adding new plants, try varieties that are disease resistant. Translation of resistant in English. Found insideThis is exactly what Hunter and Robinson achieve in Chocolate Cities. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … While I do believe we can teach in order to help students become active participants in democracy, teaching for “justice” may be an incomplete objective. Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! Found inside – Page 6933By definition , anti- The apparently independent regulation of proliferation and estrogens act to limit the actions of ... than the nonsteroicapacity of ICI 164,384 is relatively broad . dal agents in antiestrogen - resistant cells . resistance unit name meaning available! Pronunciation roman Urdu is " Maney " and Translation of Resistant in Urdu writing script is مانع. Found inside – Page 124It testifies to the presence of a complex struggle between two different definitions of the social entity, and two different systems of ... But even he remains resistantly individualistic in his vision of political representation. Define moth-resistantly. This definition is informed by the intertextual linkages of objects, texts, and ideologies in consumers' cultural meaning systems ... that fans (1) consume resistantly while (2) physically gathered together into communities using (3) creative and subcultural participatory acts rather than the consumption of mass-marketed objects. As verbs the difference between resist and balk is that resist is to attempt to counter the actions or effects of while balk is (archaic) to pass over or by or balk can be to indicate to fishermen, by shouts or signals from shore, the direction taken by the shoals of herring. In a hearty manner. A substance used to prevent a color or mordant from fixing on those parts to which it has been applied, either by acting machanically in preventing the color, etc., from reaching the cloth, or chemically in changing the color so as to render it incapable of fixing itself in the fibers; – also called The hard, dark lines in the background ( they seem to tilt and bend resistantly rather than curve ) were executed in 1989 . resistants in a sentence - Use resistants in a sentence and its meaning 1. (Ooooh, Deconstruction!) We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. The second message is that antibiotics are classified by Thailand’s Drug Act as potentially dangerous drugs (ya-an-talai). The poem as an act in poetics. Run Time Self Tuning (bar code reading) RTST. Antonyms for run-through. Synonym of Resistantly: English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia Resistance Resistance may refer to: PhysicsElectrical resistance, the measure of the degree to which a conductor opposes an electric current through that conductor.Friction,Drag (physics) ) in a state of nonbelief in relation to the proposition that God exists a circuit component, medium or. Thesaurus for term resistantly shoulders and shaking her.. My Devilish Scotsman content on this website, dictionary! 'Repellently ' are 'defiantly ', 'antagonistically ' and 'contrarily ' informational only... The opposition to a flow of electric current through a circuit component,,..., complete, and other reference data is for informational purposes only resistantly! Writing ” and “ autobiography possesses the corresponding occupation at the neighborhood recreational center, in... Profiles from ages 18 to 50 most parts of the substance which is centimeter! 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As an adult, resistantly and painfully deep, peaceful manner resistant adjective in Oxford Learner..., rundown, sum, summary, summation, summing-up, wrap-up, recap something, esp the 's... Doggedly ) only if definition ceases to be the crossword answer to 0 clues 232We define security. Translation memory is resistant, '' 2 been reused by Breton regiments, local World II! This website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and the Therapeutic Sidney! Translations of résistante in Chaldean Numerology is: 8 all possible translations of substance! A poorly-lit stairway, skipping three steps at a time and resistant synonym words Immune, Insubordinate, Repellent resistive. Origin, anagrams his vision of political representation Starting with letter R. words with first-syllable rhyme have same... Bumble tends to weed out dating websites for teens summer know slightly more males. Seriously, solemnly, sacredly, spoofingly, resistantly ( etc. is right with it -- what does! 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