sap odata get entity multiple keys
or Custom) as per your requirement (say PurchaseOrder creation). Now open our Function Import CheckFlightFare by clicking on it.Select return kind as Entity type and select Return type as our newly created FlightFare entity Return Cardinality as 1.Return cardinality specify how many of return type can occur in result.Supported values are 0..1,1,0..n,1..n.Select return http method as GET.You can choose POST also according to requirements. Thank you so much Dilip. I tried replicating this scenario and it is still calling the old Create_Entity default method and hence returning a structure format instead of a deep structure format. i redefined the method Define in MPC and redefined the CREATE Deep entity. odata - SAP Gateway $filter on $expand Entity - Stack Overflow There are many places in pages where one can use a text template, like the text widget or the label property of input widgets. END OF NOTE. Get entity set. Thanks Dilip. See link in "Related work" section on cover page. Here, below explained steps is synonym to above business scenario. Lets start with a basic operation. Basically navigation under complex are same with navigation under entity for usage, the only differences are: 1. This is nothing but Create, Read, Update, Delete and Query operations which we can do in oData Service. If you have a requirement of showing PDF or sending images/music over the gateway, you can do it seamlessly. First lets create an EntitySet, with which we trigger oDataService. In next window. Since this step requires us to enter parameter data definitions which can take quite some time and effort SAP has provided us with the import option. Conclusion: The same can also be achieved from just redefining Get entity of Header Set and Get entity set of Item Set. Found insideThis book offers a comprehensive introduction to SAP S/4HANA Sales and Distribution (SD). You might want to link it to your other blog! I have an RFC that gets the two keys and … Provide a association name and the entity types. These annotations will e.g. oData-service URL pattern type, you can find online. Similar plan I have suggested in below reply in query against Sai. If, we want in one oData service call, to post both (Header/Item Entity) request and to get output in 3rd Entity (i.e. See annotate directives for more details. Navigate through the data by foreign keys and use the text search to find anything in the data displayed in the table editor. whether an entity set allows free-text search via an SAP-defined query option. B.Requirement: Please refer below link for more clarity: Create Properties and save/re-generate OData Service. In this Entity, we create two properties (equivalent to Table columns of RFC) and checking one as key property. Result), this is can be achieved using association and navigation property. It is clearing off when I do "Generate Runtime Objects" again. This seventh edition of Thomas Schneiders best-selling resource will teach you how to optimize system performance: head off any bottlenecks, update your skills, and integrate new technologies like SAP HANA and Sybase ASE. In this blog post, You will learn about different complex operations in Odata. I made couple of mistakes but after reading your steps again and again I was able to fix it. Principal Entity- Scarr and the target/dependent entity- Spfli. Browse code samples. This edition also includes a set of best-practice C# Coding Guidelines updated to leverage C# 6.0 constructs. ... * Get the filter option for product ID READ TABLE it_filter_select_options INTO ls_filter WITH KEY property = 'ProductId'. Here we create three association with respective Navigation, to: Association between Entity ‘InputHelp’ & Entity ‘DocType’, To associate Entity ‘DocType’ with Entity ‘InputHelp’, To set navigation from Entity ‘InputHelp’ to Entity ‘DocType’, Association between Entity ‘InputHelp’ & Entity ‘PurchGrp’, To associate Entity ‘PurchGrp’ with Entity ‘InputHelp’, To set navigation from Entity ‘InputHelp’ to Entity ‘PurchGrp’, Association between Entity ‘InputHelp’ & Entity ‘VendorList’, To associate Entity ‘VendorList’ with Entity ‘InputHelp’, To set navigation from Entity ‘InputHelp’ to Entity ‘VendorList’, To create ‘Associations’ -> click on folder name ‘Associations’ -> right click -> select ‘Create’, Click next button -> select one Dependent Property ‘von’ from Dependent Entity ‘, Click next button -> next window shows respective ‘Association Set’ name with respective ‘Entity Set’ names of Principal & Dependent Entity, Click ‘Finish’ button. Sorry for late reply, You can refer below blog link, if, in case, you havn't yet addressed your requirement, SAP oData Service [POST]: Multiple Table Input | SAP Blogs, SAP (Fiori) OData Service Examples | SAP Blogs. Using correct navigation URL pattern only multiple entities can be referred in output, coding in the method /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~GET_EXPANDED_ENTITYSET, check T-Code "/n/iwfnd/error_log" for more details, Multiple Table input (Header/Item) => CREATE_DEEP_Entity, Multiple Table Output => GET_Expanded_EntitySet, Single Table Output/Input => GET_EnitySet, However, inside ‘GET_Expanded_EntitySet’, just recheck CASE…WHEN ‘’ where is caseSensitive in nature it should be same as of EntitySet visible in SEGW, and try to set the external debug at line WHEN (for example at line 4 in this blog case). The entityset service is working fine in /n/iwfnd/gw_client/ but not is postman with POST method. Essentially, you specify the collection name followed by all keys and their respective values that identify the entity in question. Steps 1. But in get_entityset this method doesn't exist for reference parameter IO_TECH_REQUEST_CONTEXT. What is OData in SAP HANA? We assume that you have already built the OData service with two entity sets and these you have established the association between to get the orders and line items. This can also be used with OData V2 services: the annotation target is a function import that is marked with sap:action … Note: Here, ODataService will support ‘GET’ method, we are passing input in url pattern and same we will receive in ABAP-Workbench of ODataService implementation and then it will be passed to RFC call function. next verify/check navigation details which just been created in above steps, Click next button -> select one Dependent Property ‘EKGRP’ from Dependent Entity ‘, Click next button -> select one Dependent Property ‘LIFNR’ from Dependent Entity ‘. agent_pool, tasks and runs operations unchanged from 2019-06-01-preview; az acr task credential: Fix the issue where task credentials were not used This will create one login session for each user and significantly slow down performance. Step 12: In the same way, redefine get entity set method for plant details. and verify Navigation details too, post that save and re-run ‘Generate Runtime object’ of project. Here, first we check with which EntitySet, service call is been invoked, this means same method can be invoked from other EntitySets of oDataService for other purpose. Please give a look at my OData Wildcard Character Search which describes about how to create Project, Data Model, Entity & Entity set.. Goto T Code: SEGW and Create new project with desired name. Now I understood, how to define TS_DEEP_ENTITY structure under public section. Expand the service. I debugged SAP internal code and looks like it gives this error is due to mismatch of the token code. Created Project will appear in left panel of SEGW TCode. This is meta structure for holding output during service response. It only being filled by message in structure NAVRESULT. I was able to generate the url but not able to call the endpoint via postman. This is meta structure for ‘Header’ level request data. then there is no issue with service, you can provide more details of 'POSTMAN' tool log for getting the root cause. In real projects, we need to manipulate item data based on input from the header or other entity types and vice-versa. itemshttp://:/sap/opu/odata/sap//SalesOrders(‘123’)?$exp Again I tried 'Generate Runtime Objects' this time it doesn't clear. It will be one set per request. i have one doubt. These are two important properties available in SAP Netweaver Gateway to associate two entity types. GET is used for pulling information and displaying. OData-Services support both content-types (i.e. Once we create a project in Netweaver Gateway and follow few other steps to create a OData service, we come across two methods which I think are very important for service implementation perspective. You should have same debug procedure in S/4 Hana too, till now, I haven’t got the chance to work on S/4 Hana, so, can’t comment anything specific. So, inform all fields from main and children entities. OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS standard that defines the best practice for building and consuming RESTful APIs. Similarly for post also you need to mention entity set and input data in json format . But, suppose, as per this blog's case, if I need to pass Header, ITEM and TAX_ITEM, then would be managing three entity-set having association/navigation tech. I completed the coding in the method /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~GET_EXPANDED_ENTITYSET. we need to filter the fied1 field2 feild3 feild4 with more than 20 values combination groups as follows. Choose few/all fields. Yes, it is possible to get output in JSON. Thus, we can understand that ‘Item’ entity is associated to ‘Header’ Entity. SAP Gateway uses OData for SAP Products, which contains SAP-specific metadata that helps the developer to consume SAP business data, such as descriptions of fields that can be retrieved from the SAP ABAP Dictionary. in the previous part , we covered the GET_ENTITY method which is returning response as single records(in ABAP word it is just like a workarea or structure ) but for GET_ENTITYSET will return multi/single record in the form of a table. Define the key fields. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Broadway Stars to Hollywood Stars: Hollywood’s Leading Men We consume this RFC in oData Service in such a manner, so that oData Service can accept single header and multiple item table as a request (input) and in response it can return output table data of RFC. Step 4: In the Entity Type Detail screen, enter the ABAP structure type name as ZDEMO_S_IMAGE and SELECT CHECK BOX UNDER MEDIA (in order to make it a media entity ) column. A powerful table editor lets you add, remove, edit, and clone data rows. In the result set, find a valid business partner ID (for example, BusinessPartners('100000000')) and click Execute . SAP oData Service [POST]: Multiple Table Input, In this blog, we will come to know, how we can post multiple table input to oData Service. The integrated Cloud System Notification Subscriptions (CSNS) tool makes it easy to add, customize, and manage subscriptions to Cloud Availability Center notifications. Here, if EntitySet is wrongly referred, then atleast debug will come at this line. Instead of a password you need to get a secret key from System Admin -> Configuration -> OAuth Token Server. I have a question on this. Does anybody help how should I invoke GET_ENTITYSET method where I have values in IT_KEY_ Suppose if I want like in the display then how I have to change the code. Your query's last part is little bit confusing, however, please find below comments which I've related: [1] To get meta-structure of your service, respective below URL-pattern need to be called using GET method, /sap/opu/odata/sap/ZTEST_ODATA_SRV/$metadata. Hi, 'GetEntitySet (Query)' is to get a array of values i.e. The body of the request is passed in through the es_data structure and captured in ls_headerdata.The data is then used as input for the BAPI function BAPI_EPM_BP_CREATE. You can use this blog's steps to pass header/Item details to your BAPI/RFC, once oDataService is ready, consume it using below technique in JavaScript (UI5 App), Call (GET) oDataService to fetch the token, Inside 1st service's result section (in success event), call POST odataService to send the details. Deep insert is used to POST the nested structure of feed/collections to the back-end system. A collection of hands-on lessons based upon the authors' considerable experience in enterprise integration, the 65 patterns included with this guide show how to use message-oriented middleware to connect enterprise applications. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. I have an RFC that gets the two keys and … When I test my service I get the following error. IF sy-subrc = 0. This is an excellent blog. Also created an custom method just to read the data from fiori using io_data_provider. Is described by the Entity Type named "Categories" in the service metadata document. Get entity set Create a SE11 structure Go to SEGW Click the data mode – > Import -> DDIC structure Fill the necessary fields in the next screen in the wizard In the runtime artifacts, go […] Navigation under complex can have multiple … i have a trouble, when i put a breakpoint of session only stops in the method inputhelpset_get_entityset, never stops in the method GET_EXPANDED_ENTITYSET. Actually earlier I have defined this structure by clicking on the existing types in Types tab. In this serie dealing with SAP Netweaver Gateway Service, we will detail and give some useful and ready to use tips and ABAP sources to start with SAP oData service using SAP GW. This is good point and reason for my new blog. Lets say you just want to execute the NAVDOCTYP navigation. I have used the same example as above and activated following method in: ResponseRequestStructure--- Navigation Properties--- HighLevelRecon --- ItemSet --- ReturnMessages, DPC_EXT -- > /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY, DPC_EXT -- >REQUESTSTRUCTURE_GET_ENTITYSET, DPC_EXT -- >CUSTOME_CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY ( Returns nested structure based on Json input as body), If your service is working with POST method in t-code '/n/iwfnd/gw_client/'. Multiple fields can also be edited at … Should we also fill the other field from header (FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3) and item (ITEMSET)? I have one question, Is it possible to have Result entity only in the response payload? All your changes are stored locally and can be submitted at once. This type of request should be framed in following XML format. For example, if you want to develop a POST operation with OData, you need create an entity and assign some key fields. These above entity types are individual and can be executed differently. If you are getting results in debug, but not reflecting same in oDataService, then please re-verify association/Navigation and use proper URL pattern while calling service. It somehow doesn't return the message from BAPI into XML. Can u please suggest me how to debug in S/4 Hana 1909 version with external Break Point. Verify that GET_ENTITY for the BusinessPartner is working, by appending BusinessPartners to the end of the Request URI and clicking Execute. It maps to a single column of the database table. Access all SAP OData tutorials here. In the association wizard you have to give Association Name, Principal entity type name, Dependant entity type name, cardinality and Navigation Property name.Navigation Property name is used when accessing associated entity data in our OData url. Hi Dilip, This swami here. but from SAP-Fiori-App's controller file (in JavaScript), there is no such limitation. But you can use indexes to create alternate keys (see … Security context is not the correct token and does not match with GET call token. Thanks Dilip. To create the parent entity and its child entities, use a single POST request. OData is a resource-based web protocol for querying and updating data. On CREATE and UPSERT operations, key elements of type UUID are filled in automatically. Thanks, next coming soon "SAP oData Get: Multiple Table Output", keep checking. And Re-definition of “get_expanded_entityset” method, which, which will in-turn call backed RFC, receives output tables of RFC, and map output to three different structures (EntitySets). but in case of create_deep_entity how we will get the XML request template? in the previous part , we covered the GET_ENTITY method which is returning response as single records(in ABAP word it is just like a workarea or structure ) but for GET_ENTITYSET will return multi/single record in the form of a table. Or is there anything else that may cause this error? In the association wizard you have to give Association Name, Principal entity type name, Dependant entity type name, cardinality and Navigation Property name.Navigation Property name is used when accessing associated entity data in our OData url. Can you please tell me if I miss anything here? OData helps you focus on your business logic while building RESTful APIs without having to worry about the approaches to define request and response headers, status codes, HTTP methods, URL conventions, media types, payload formats and query options etc. Parallel, we also create three Entity Sets in oData with respective properties (i.e. This blogs is a business case example of parent blog: In this case, in back-end System, we create a RFC which can accept Single Header and multiple line item table input (as a request parameters), do the purchase order creation based on input and return creation status in a output table (as a response parameter). A GET_ENTITYSET method corresponds to a QUERY operation that returns zero to many entries. It is responsible for generating the entity collection, and is the equivalent of downloading and synchronizing MBOs. Each entity has a corresponding service implementation that executes at runtime. Found insideLooks at the principles and clean code, includes case studies showcasing the practices of writing clean code, and contains a list of heuristics and "smells" accumulated from the process of writing clean code. We use cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, improve performance, analyze traffic, and to personalize content. • Learn what business process management (BPM) is and how to get started within an SAP context• Benefit from a comprehensive compilation of use cases from early adopters• Discover SAP technology, methodology, governance, process-based ... In previous SAP Netweaver Gateway tutorials part1, part2, part3 and part4 we retrieved the list of Sales Orders. To Create an OData-Serivice, go-to SAP-Firoi-Server t-code ‘SEGW’. Access all SAP OData tutorials here. You should check service working in t-code â/n/iwfnd/gw_client/â as it is which you were trying to test via âPOSTMANâ. that is nothing but a case of single header table and multiple-item table input to oData Service and receiving output in 3rd table structure. The structure 'TS_DEEP_Entity' has all properties of Header/Item/Result Entity. OData V7.0 started to support addition of navigation property under complex type. It is of the type integer, short, long, BigDecimal, or String. i checked my associations and looks good. This entity can be used to query and edit the to-do items of a single user and multiple users. The key will only show once after you request a new one. Nice Blog. OData Flag in BW 7.4 SP06: OData Flag in BW 7.5: Step 2: Once the flag is checked and the query is saved, the system generates the backend objects along with the SAP OData Service. This will be achieved by concept of Associations and Navigation. OData employs a special resource path syntax to reference a single entity from a collection. Thanks. Right click on Project’s folder ‘Entity Types’ to create an Entity. Any helpful hints will be appreciated. SAP OData integration. Step 2: Creating Entity Types. Resource not found for the segment:(NAVIGATION NAME). Where am I getting wrong? Contents MPC (Model Provider class) – This is used to define model. On successful generation below message appears. One more quick question : Is it possible generate 2 sets of output based on certain condition or certain User Input ( making a use case based on the example you provided) as below: Basically trying to return different output structure/tables based on certain input parameters . The criteria for this primary key are as follows: It is unique and non-nullable. In this blog, we will look into batch call processing in OData services, many times there can be a scenario where multiple operations need to be performed in one call. I can have this working by disabling the x-csrf-token but that not the ideal approach . In our case, we call odata-Service with main EntitySet, which is ‘InputHelpSet’. OData is a resource-based web protocol for querying and updating data. I am referring to below highlighted point. In this Entity, we create three properties (equivalent to Table columns of RFC) and checking one as key property. [1] For header level input, create a ‘Header’ Entity, [2] For item level input, create a ‘Item’ Entity, [3] To capture output, create a ‘Result’ Entity. The Records folder of the Static Entity holds the data, and the Attributes define the structure of the data.. Thanks a lot for sharing this great content! This is really a nice blog. [1] Testing in Fiori-Server using t-code ‘/n/iwfnd/gw_client’: [1.1] Debugging-oData service to understand call is processed and output is flowing: Woohoo! Go to SEGW. The Create operation is used whenever you want to create data on the backend server.The related HTTP method is POST. Variable ‘struct_response’ combines structures of four Entities, Main EntitySet ‘InputHelp’ directly included, and its navigated structures been referred with same navigation names, NAVDOCTYP navigating to Entity DocType, NAVPURCHGRP navigating to Entity PurchGrp, NAVVENDOR navigating to Entity VendorList, Next we need to map received table outputs to ‘struct_response’ structure’s respective tables, and finally return response to oDataService using Step-05/06. For POST with create deep entity, Is there any way to get the request xml structure for the front end/postman tool without implementing the get methods. It will be one per service call. Is that a reason for it? Sorry for very late interaction, till now, you may have already addressed the requirement. app's nested odataService example. Can your data privacy protocols prevent data breaches? With this guide, you'll develop and implement a privacy policy that protects your data and complies with GDPR. Get entity set Create a SE11 structure Go to SEGW Click the data mode – > Import to create Purchase Order), back-end RFC has three tables, two table (Header and Item) as a input and one table (Result) as a output. In output, RFC returns three table records: lt_DocTyp : table having Document Type List, lt_PurGrp : table having Purchase Group List, Next we need to map these structures to oDataservice’s respective three EntitySets which is been referred using Navigation property. Lets start with a basic operation. I am not sure how to solve this. We need to implement the method Get Entity (Read) of an OData service. You will learn: Fiori architecture and its applications Setting up a Fiori landscape and Fiori Launchpad Configuring, customizing and enhancing standard Fiori applications Developing Fiori native applications for mobile Internet of Things ... Unescaping of strings with a single Unicode entity (e.g "\uXXXX") does not work New. I was able to get the solution. We create Associations to link rest three EntitySets to main EntitySet, so that on call of main EntitySet, we can fill rest entitySet structure with respective RFC table output. Steps to Create method ‘CUSTOME_CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY’. I got your query, but this blog will only entertain single Sales ORDER info (as per your example reference one header/multiple Item). You are trying above blog case, pleas re-check all the tables like lt_vendor lt_purgrp... Acr: Bump core api-version to 2021-06-01-preview from 2020-11-01-preview get ’ method, here no separate input required as HTTP! Table records like Document-Type, Vendor-List, Purchase-Group etc, all paths have to change the.... Add some extra code set defined by OData, e.g ) ' is get. Well explained for beginners and who want to link it to your InputHelpSet and created with! 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