should the electoral college be abolished pros and cons
With each presidential election comes . Found insideThese are the only ways to calm our anger, forge a new path forward, and deal with twentyfirst-century challenges. Some argue that the benefits of the Electoral College are that it allows the more rural portions of the United States to be more equally represented. ), and the big state-small state divide no longer animates our politics, if it ever did. What are the positive arguments in favor of replacing the existing electoral system with a national popular vote? Yes, we should abolish the Electoral College. While we may embrace democratic ideals, the United States is, in fact, a Republic. While you might believe that to be absurd, if someone did something like that, they might be able to carry almost all the votes from those three states while needing very minimal votes from the rest of the country. In addition, the Senate should be abolished and all elections should be run under the Alternative Vote system. All the states in this country, even though we are similar, have different laws, different cultures (albeit subtle). THE GOVERNMENT TAKES AWAY OUR FREEDOM!! Out of those visits, almost 70% of them happened in only four states: North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Many proponents of the Electoral College argue that it protects smaller states in the Union and it forces presidential candidates to pay attention to smaller states. Be sure to include both the pros and cons of abolishing the Electoral College. Electoral College Pros And Cons. The following five reasons to abolish the Electoral College are offered by supporters of using a different approach to presidential elections. There are certain pros and cons in the debate about whether to keep or abolish the current Electoral College process. The electoral college is not really fair to our rights and our freedom. It channels presidential politics into a two-party system, which is superior to multiparty systems where fringe factions can exercise too much leverage. One of the ways that states are considering a way to go around the Electoral College is called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. This perception is reinforced by the red- and blue-state imagery that controls our view of the electoral process. By: Dalton Jacobs and Michael Heda 2. Only Rutherford Hayes, with a 3% difference, won the electoral college despite being in the minority. By Jack Rakove, the William Robertson Coe Professor of History and American Studies and a professor of political science. . The founders opted for the Electoral College because the two leading alternatives, election by Congress and by popular vote, were thought to have serious defects. The committee's research agenda has been designed to supplement the work of other groups, particularly the Carnegie Corporation of New York's Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, which issued its final report in December 1997. After students have completed their handouts, have them debate the pros and cons of the Electoral College. Abolishing the Electoral College stops swing states from having sway in the election. It no longer serves the intended job. Some say the electoral college is key to maintaining what's good about U.S. politics, while others want to abolish the institution in favor of a more direct system. Over 2.8 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump, but it was Trump who won the White House because of the results of the electoral map. In a Going Electoral activity, you will Pros the question of whether the Electoral College should be reformed. Should The Electoral College Be Abolished 1. Case in point, in the election of 2012, even though Republicans retained control in Congress, the popular vote was in favor of the Democrats as a whole for the elections in the House of Representatives. 3. The United States is a republic of states and each . The only difference is that in this unique structure, the voice of the minority can actually shout down the desires of the majority. Ultius. The popular vote or "direct democracy"). By: Dalton Jacobs and Michael Heda 2. Abolish the electoral College. Gives too few states too much electoral power. Candidates would also only need to consider what is best for the most populace areas of the country. The current system is weighted too heavily in favor of celebrity appeal, demagogic displays and appeals to narrow special interests. Pros And Cons Of Abolishing The Electoral College. The Cons And Methods Of The Electoral College System. It would create problems when multiple candidates run. DOWN WITH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE! It also keeps the United States stabilized with two major parties. Take Bush vs. Al Gore for example. The great problems with our presidential selection system today stem from the haphazard way we choose the two major party presidential candidates. Home >Debates > The Electoral College Should Be Abolished. It also would make it harder for poor candidates to run. Because of today's society in the U.S. the Electoral College should be abolished because it is not necessary to use a middle-man to choose our president for us. “Every vote matters,” commented Senator Elizabet Warren (D-Mass) in an early campaign stop in Mississippi in 2019, “and the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”. Prevents disputed outcomes ensuring a peaceful transition of power. Electors manage the needs of the state and community instead of following the will of the general public throughout the country. Candidates had to go to each state to talk about what they wanted to do for the country because there was no other way to let people know what was happening. Found insideWhile this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators. Iowa farmers might lose out to California union workers since their population numbers are larger. The interests of the minority would no longer receive protection. The primary benefit of the electoral college is that it works to protect the best interests of the minority in every election. Imagine a Florida-style recount in every precinct in America. Pros and Cons of the Electoral College Today, many people think that the Electoral College should be abolished and that the total popular vote should … Two of those elections have occurred since 2000. No other nation has so ornamental a manner of determining their leader in this circumstance … 2014. The Electoral College in the Twenty-First Century . P.S. We survived. The Electoral College gives a minority disproportionate influence. Getting rid of the Electoral College would radicalize politics. The reasoning being that if the elections were based only based on popular vote, the result would be large amounts of campaigning throughout large metropolises where the majority of the population lives. In effect, by removing the electoral college, we would open ourselves up to the tyranny of the masses. The 2016 election will be held on November 8th, 2016 and will be the 58th quadrennial presidential election. Take Texas for example:United States presidential election in Texas 2012: Romney + 1261719United States presidential election in Texas 2016: Trump + 813774The Electoral College does not whatsoever reflect any changing demographics until a breaching point when the two sides are almost equally divided and torn apart - do you believe this is a good cause for your nation?Thank you for reading this.....I truly believe your system is....A bit flawed, and needs some working to do. Voters in all 50 states cast ballots for local, state, and congressional offices that directly influence election outcomes. Improved or replaced? Explain some of the main pros and cons in the debate about whether to keep or abolish the current Electoral College process. However, you are not voting directly for the presidential candidate favored by you. It also stops the distribution process where California gets 55 votes, but a state like Delaware only gets 3. THE BAD. Even though the electoral college has a lot of debatable reasons why it should be reformed, it would be best that the electoral college gets abolished … There would need to be a Constitutional amendment if the … The following five reasons to abolish the Electoral College are offered by supporters of using a different approach to presidential elections. Not one was a first-rank president, but their selection did not seriously injure the democratic character of our system. That is more difficult in the electoral college system where minority groups can swing the outcome of an election in a particular state and, thereby, possibly swing the outcome of an election in a way that the popular vote cannot. Proposals to abolish the Electoral College though frequently put forward have failed largely because the alternatives to it appear more problematic than is the College itself. The question is, should we reform or abolish the Electoral College to create an ideal democratic society and equality? That "shot across the bow" if you will caused a stir in the leadership of the Republican party. We are a Republic that protects rights of the individual. Terms in this set (8) Pro. There have been some unusual elections, such as the 1972 affair when Richard Nixon took 520 electoral votes to George McGovern’s 16. The Electoral College ensures that all states are valued. This means that not matter if the electoral college is abolished or not, being a faithless voter has to become illegal and have severe consequences. Four of the electors came from the state of Washington. Electoral College should be abolished. With the Electoral College, all that matters is the final count of electoral votes, not actual votes, and that means a candidate may be supported by a minority only. Instead of dealing with these complications, a simple majority vote would always speak of the will of the people. The Electoral College has and will continue to work in the way it was designed. If we switch to popular vote people will have a bigger saying than they ever did before. Found inside – Page iIn this sweepingly ambitious volume, the nation’s foremost experts on the American presidency and the U.S. Constitution join together to tell the intertwined stories of how each American president has confronted and shaped the ... There will be a voting system with highly reduced manipulation of vote. The amount of representatives in the House in Congress does not reflect the population. Explain some of the main pros and cons in the debate about whether to keep or abolish the current Electoral College process. Please comment on my profile if you agree. This is the fourth volume in a series derived from the Moving Out of Poverty study, which explores mobility from the perspectives of poor people in more than 500 communities across 15 countries. In recent years, state lawmakers have debated the continued use of the … Furthermore, the electors for each state are not required to vote according to their citizen's wishes, which means with the Electoral College, a vote really doesn't count. If a person is a republican voter, he/she could feel under represented. The importance of the youth vote to any democracy is central to this cross-cultural analysis of the unique role of elections—and the dangers of abstention—in a democratic society. We’re already letting women, former slaves, and 18-year-olds vote, changing the structure of the election since the country’s founding. The first problem with the Electoral College is that it gives more weight to voters in small states than those in more populous ones, says DeRosa. They want the option to select a president based on who gets the most votes nationally. A sign of things to come. The Electoral College thus presents democratic risks without serving any of its original purposes. The pros and cons of abolishing the Electoral College must go beyond the 65% of people who want it gone. kuhna21. Radical changes to federal election law have become cause célèbre of Democrats. The Pros And Cons Of Abolishing The Electoral College. Even though proponents of the Electoral College want it to stay so that every state can have a specific say in the outcome of the election, the candidates are already starting to behave in the same ways that people fear they would when targeting a majority population groups. Candidates cannot simply focus on high population areas, they must campaign across the country because the Electoral College ensures that even smaller states with lower population have pull in an election.A national popular vote simply isn't what the Founding Fathers had in mind.We are not a democracy. America is a democracy. This agreement includes several states and DC, giving the electoral vote count assigned to them to the candidate who receives the most votes in the national election. Abolish the electoral College. The National Popular Vote (NPV) initiative proposes an agreement among the states, an interstate compact that would effectively achieve direct popular election of the President and Vice President without a constitutional amendment. Arts (1,230) Cars (361) Economics (2,092) Education (6,074) Entertainment (4,343) Fashion (301) Funny . Thus, electors typically vote for the winner of the state popular vote. 7. According to We the People, the Electoral College is … Electoral College. The electoral college is far from perfect, there have been many fairly recent events in u.S election history such as the election of 2000 that should show that the system at the very least needs an overhaul and should be removed from existence. Capping it was bound to cause this issue. In the history of the United States, there have been six presidential elections that would have qualified for this issue – and three of them have occurred since 1968. But the real interests of small-state voters are never determined by the relative size of the population of their states. This action would allow the popular vote winner to take the White House. Electoral College Pros and Cons. Opinion: Why the Electoral College should be abolished. This affects the electoral college.Also, eliminating the electoral college could also discourage people to run later. Should the Electoral College be Abolished? Despite California having millions of more people living in the state compared to Wyoming, the weight of a vote is 30% less. Switching to this standard system would not likely create an adverse result. If the U.S. were to abolish the electoral college, then the restrictions that territories experience against voting in this election would disappear. Interestingly, the congressional caucus system is very close to the system the British used to replace Prime Minister David Cameron. If a president's win hinges … The House has already passed the For the Politicians Act, H.R. If the electoral college was abolished then presidential candidates would simply focus on highly populated areas. Case in point, in 1976, when Ford lost re-election to Carter, there was a faithless elector who voted for Ronald Reagan after the November election. Also this should not … It is simply an outdated system that should be done away with. Reagan also dominated in 1980, taking 489 votes to Jimmy Carter’s 49. Jul. The electoral college was set up to reflect this view. If a candidate had to travel to all over the U.S., it would cost exponentially more than it already does. We need to think hard, and quickly, about how to reform three aspects of the presidential nomination process: the debates, the primary elections and the conventions. Social change can seem sudden, as if millions awoke one day to the same realization. Taking all of this information into consideration, I think the Electoral College should be abolished. It also prevents candidates from going into states where the electorate typically votes for the other party. Found inside – Page 55Pros and Cons . The existing electoral college system , under which the entire electoral vote in a state is given to the candidate whose electors have won a plurality of the popular vote , has long been a matter of controversy . Some say the electoral college is key to maintaining what's good about U.S. politics, while others want to abolish the institution in favor of a more direct system. Nothing can stop the repaired cells now.By the way, a nine year-old wrote this, so look at it carefully! It is time to abolish the Electoral College in favor of a single national popular vote where all votes count equally, Stanford political experts say. Challenge Period. Proposals to abolish the Electoral College, though frequently put forward, have failed largely because the alternatives to it appear more problematic than is the … This process means that each candidate must speak with the entire country instead of visiting the largest cities as a way to solicit for votes. Flashcards. Created by. Found inside – Page 224Should the Electoral College Be Abolished ? understood that they were not casting a Technology , the electoral college ... Take an example : the sent far fewer citizens than the electoral learn more about the pros and cons of the twenty ... For almost the first half century of the republic, presidential candidates were chosen by the caucuses of the two parties in the House and the Senate. Today, many people believe the Electoral College should be abolished and replaced with a national popular vote. 5. Alexander Hamilton was a significant supporter of the Electoral College. Everyone will get a better chance to get elected. The electoral college is part of the basis on which this country was formed. The electors can vote their conscience as well, refusing to follow what their state elections guide them to do. It creates 50 individual contests. It mainly takes away the power to vote the president. 1. It is a process that allows the people to choose who serves in the White House instead of throwing it into Congress. No further attempts to reform, amend, or abolish the Electoral College system have yet been successful. As things stand as of now, candidates must be concerned about the thoughts and opinions of various states with various political beliefs. Opponents of the system argue that the … Even when it is against the law for these folks to vote for someone other than what the electoral results in their state indicate, there is always an option to become a faithless elector under the American structure. No, we should keep the Electoral College. Instead, you are electing a set of electors. According to . It is a power that can be used in an emergency, but is rarely exercised. Abolishing the Electoral College 2016 is slowly approaching as 2015 comes to an end and thus ushers in a new president at the end of the year! Let's take a look at the pros and cons of the electoral college in the context of modern American politics. The Electoral College should be abolished. The places where there are more people become the top priority, especially if there is a chance to swing some votes. How can a system where the loser of the popular vote can win an election (In 1876, 1888 and of course, 2000) even be kept? In your initial post of at least 200-250 words, briefly summarize how the Electoral College works. But there are other consequences as well. 5. The two parties have chosen the same year in which to nominate a person whom large numbers of Americans, probably a majority, regard as unfit (though not for the same reason). That makes it one of the most unique election systems in the world today, especially . To not let that happen, we need the Electoral College to vote. No!!!!!!!!! It gives a slight edge to candidates with broad-based support in many states over those who rack up huge majorities in just a few large states. This means that some states have more representatives than they should due to "fuzzy" math in order to spread out the number of Representatives available to be elected to that chamber. The Electoral College takes away from this importance. The Founding Fathers of the United States established a compromise in the Constitution when creating the foundation of their new nation. One of the definitions of a Republic is the idea of Representative government. As this book argues, promoting active liberty requires judicial modesty and deference to Congress; it also means recognizing the changing needs and demands of the populace. But its logic, its distortion of the democratic process and its underlying flaws will still strongly influence the conduct of the election. But even though Biden won the electoral vote, many Democrats are still pushing to abolish the electoral college for a multitude of reasons. To win the presidency, a candidate must obtain 270 electoral votes. The electoral college is working as it is meant to - it is allowing smaller states to have a larger voice in the process. With everything done electronically today, a simple popular vote would suffice. If a president's win hinges on a 0.1% national popular vote advantage, that is an entire country to recount, whereas if the win is by 0.1% in Florida, the recount need only be isolated to that particular state. A second argument holds less populous states deserve the further electoral weight they gain through the “senatorial bump” giving each state two electors, because their minority status entitles them to additional political protection. That same view will doubtless color the 2016 election as well. Abolishing the Electoral College would get rid of this confusing process. Instead of this, we should use the outrageous idea of having a person's vote count directly to a candidate (a.K.A. The 2010 census is therefore valid for the 2012, 2016, and 2020 Presidential elections. The fact that it no longer serves this purpose suggests that it is no longer necessary. In addition, the leader of the country should not depend on 538 members of the electoral college but the voice and . Found inside – Page 14It is slightly inefficient because it slows down action, but it does ensure that no one branch has too much power. ... One day the Electoral College may be abolished, but there are a lot of pros and cons to consider. Then I will list the pros and cons of the Electoral College and explain why it should be abolished. Found insideExamining the electoral college system and the dangers inherent within it, Glennon proposes reforms to the procedure for selecting members of the electoral college and to the procedure within the House of Representatives which selects a ... Explore the pros and cons of the debate The Electoral College Should Be Abolished. A New Mexico doctor describes the pain and horror of caring for COVID-19 patients. Electoral College Pros and Cons. The Electoral College is not going to be changed, and there are far more urgent and promising topics for reform of our presidential selection system. Keeping the electoral college restricts the voting to acknowledged states only. are some that would argue that the Electoral College should not be abolished. The electoral college was created in a time where it took months and months for votes to reach the capitol and the people could not always access information about the candidates; But now, the votes can be counted by the next day and the needed information is everywhere. The electoral college takes that away from us. That probably promotes a more national and less regional vision. The Electoral College makes it so that voting is truly democratic. Based on the Electoral College system their vote may possibly not be represented. Found inside – Page 69To examine the Electoral College, they decided to use a classic jigsaw cooperative group methodology, ... He says that the ultimate goals of each team are to determine the pros and cons of maintaining or abolishing the Electoral College ... The process of eliminating the electoral college would be such a complicated and time consuming process that it simply would not be worth it. Almost no one would adopt an Electoral College today if we were starting from scratch. Essay On Should Electoral College Be Abolished. @2021 Stanford University But reforming the Electoral College does not rank high among our national problems. Yes, because this country is a democracy and the popular vote should count not the electoral votes. Should the Electoral College Be Abolished. The debate over the continued use of the Electoral College resurfaced during the 2016 presidential election, when Donald Trump lost the general election to Hillary … 6. The Electoral College Should Be Abolished. Start a New Debate. The Electoral College system results in unfair outcomes for voters.. It's hard to imagine a political institution less suited to a … 3. Euthanasia Pros And Cons Essay - Dbq essay should the electoral college be abolished - Google Документи It could be said that the Electoral College was … We are a constitutional republic. Found insideFinally, it addresses the latent capability to produce nuclear weapons that would inevitably exist after abolition, and asks whether this is a barrier to disarmament, or whether it can be managed to meet the security needs of a world newly ... Although he said that the system was far from perfect, it was at least excellent. There is an important debate on whether or not the Electoral College should be reformed or even suppressed. Even though some Americans don’t like the gridlock that a two-party system creates, the electoral college keeps this design healthy with each 4-year cycle. 4. The Electoral College disproportionately reflects demographic shifts in the U.S. Whereas i obviously don't believe Reagan's decision to run in 1980 was bound by that faithless elector in 1976 -- i do believe it cause the leadership of the party lessen their attacks on Reagan as a potential candidate.In short, keep the electoral college - just reform the amount of representatives we have. Match Direct … When Americans are polled about the Electoral College, most of them say that they want it to disappear. 667 Words3 Pages. Should the Electoral College be Abolished? Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) oversee the counting of electoral votes in December 2016. There have been five times in US history when a candidate won the popular vote but did not win the Electoral College and therefore lost the election. Requires a distribution of popular support to be elected president- the winning candidate must demonstrate both a sufficient popular support to govern as well s a sufficient distribution of that . The general threshold that an election result must reach to trigger an automatic recount is a difference of 0.5% of the vote or less. The presidential election is every four years on the Tuesday after the second Monday in November. A presidential candidate must get at least 270 Electoral College votes to win the office. No, we should keep the Electoral College. Abolishing the Electoral College Is a Bad Idea. POLLS. Found insideThis book explores the consequences of lowering the voting age to 16 from a global perspective, bringing together empirical research from countries where at least some 16-year-olds are able to vote. They simply happen to be states that become competitive because of their demography, and which are readily identifiable as such because of the increasing sophistication of political polling. The Electoral College should not be abolished, because if it is then the election process would collapse. As I am clearly amused that it was the U.S that helped us through OUR FIRST DIRECT presidential election back in 1996....And we elect by popular vote, like so many other nations around the globe.....And have just elected OUR first female president this year! Electoral College and National Popular Vote Pros and Cons To become president of the United States of America, you must be at least 35 years old, have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years and be a natural-born . The goal of the Electoral College was to improve equality in voting on a national level. Pros And Cons On Homework - Abolish The …
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