Biohofladen Miller


13. September 2021

transparent data encryption oracle 12c rac

If an online encryption process is interrupted, then you can complete the conversion by rerunning the ALTER TABLESPACE statement using the FINISH clause. keystore_location is the path to the directory location of the password-based keystore for which you want to create the auto-login keystore (for example, /etc/ORACLE/WALLETS/orcl). When used with keys that have been rotated with the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT statement, displays information about the TDE master encryption keys. There are three different types of software keystores. You can encrypt columns in existing tables, use a different algorithm, and use NO SALT to index the column. DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer. Database 12c and Oracle Database now enable offline in-place conversion of data files to TDE. You can find if a keystore has no master key set or an unknown master key by querying the STATUS column of the V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET view. As an alternative to password-based keystores, you can create either an auto-login or local auto-login software keystore. If the data files are located there, then you do not have to specify a path. TDE column encryption is performed at the SQL layer. In a multitenant environment, log in to the root. If you are using the srvctl utility to start the database, then set the environment variable in the srvctl environment as well, using the following command: An external store for a keystore password stores the keystore password in a centrally accessed and managed location. The default is AES128. To create an index on an encrypted column, use the CREATE INDEX statement with the ENCRYPT NO SALT clause. If you must index a column that was encrypted using salt, then you can use this statement to remove the salt before indexing. Run the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT SQL statement using the following syntax: user_id is the user ID created for the database using the HSM management interface. The traditional ALTER SYSTEM SET ENCRYPTION commands in earlier releases . If you want to index a column, then you must specify NO SALT. Use the offline encryption method if you do not plan to change the compatibility of your databases from Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) or Oracle Database 12c release 1 (12.1) to Release 12.2, which is irreversible. The second ALTER TABLE statement sets the integrity algorithm to NOMAC. This key protects the TDE table keys and tablespace encryption keys. The key lengths are included in the names of the algorithms. To set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter, you must edit the initialization parameter file for the database instance. You also can create TDE master encryption keys for use later on, and then manually activate them. The ssn column is encrypted with the default AES192 algorithm. To encrypt an existing unencrypted column, use the ALTER TABLE MODIFY statement, specifying the unencrypted column with the ENCRYPT clause. To create an encrypted tablespace, you must use the CREATE TABLESPACE statement with the ENCRYPTION USING clause. There are three different types of software keystores. The following example shows how to configure a software keystore location in the sqlnet.ora file for an ASM file system: You can configure sqlnet.ora for an Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk group. For example, the following clause converts and moves the matching files of the tablespace from the dbs directory to the dbs/enc directory: The FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause recognizes patterns. You can either manually open a software keystore or, when you perform certain ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT operations, have the keystore open temporarily during the course of the operation itself. ADMINSTER KEY MANAGEMENT SET KEY SQL statement. You can also use a different encryption algorithm for the new TDE table key. You can migrate from the software to the external keystore by following the instructions in Migrating Between a Software Password Keystore and an External Keystore. This means that most restrictions that apply to TDE column encryption, such as data type restrictions and index type restrictions, do not apply to TDE tablespace encryption. Found insideThe Active Data Guard Option introduced with Oracle Database 11g enabled a standby database to be used for ... Option (ASO) enables data encryption of tablespaces and columns in the database via Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), ... Step By Step Dataguard Set up in oracle 12c RAC (RAC to RAC) #dataguard #12c #Oracle #RAC Primary Standby Hostname: Node1,Node3 . Use the database configuration assistant to perform steps 4 through 8 of creating a new database. Salt is specified at the column level. Give us your thoughts! "Manage and safeguard your organization's data"--Cover. 5. By default, the sqlnet.ora file is located in the ORACLE_HOMEdbs directory or in the location set by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable. Parent topic: Encryption Conversions for Tablespaces and Databases. Many modern CPUs provide built-in hardware acceleration, which results in a minimal performance impact. So we dont have any impact to Business. You can check the status of whether a keystore is open, closed, open but with no master key, or open but with an unknown master key by querying the STATUS column of the V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET view. You should be aware of restrictions on using Transparent Data Encryption when you encrypt a tablespace. If you have already configured a software keystore for TDE, then you must migrate it to the hardware security module, as described in Migration of a Previously Configured TDE Master Encryption Key. After encrypting the tablespace, use the REKEY clause to specify the algorithm. (If you cannot access these views, then connect as SYSDBA and try the query again. Oracle Database 12cR2 Installation in RHEL 7.4. Set the hardware keystore TDE master encryption key. Run the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT SQL statement to create the keystore. Restrictions on Using Transparent Data Encryption Tablespace Encryption, Step 1: Set the COMPATIBLE Initialization Parameter for Tablespace Encryption, Step 2: Set the Tablespace TDE Master Encryption Key. Enclose this setting in single quotation marks (' '). Enclose this description in single quotation marks (' '). A wallet is not be created if the WALLET_LOCATION parameter in the sqlnet.ora file does not specify a valid path. Enclose the user_id:password string in double quotation marks (" ") and separate user_id and password with a colon (:). This key protects the TDE table keys and tablespace encryption keys. Example 3-8 Creating an Encrypted Tablespace That Uses 3DES168. Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for the CREATE TABLESPACE statement syntax. IDENTIFIED BY permits the following authentication methods: EXTERNAL STORE uses the keystore password stored in the external store to perform the keystore operation. Oracle Advanced Security Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) stops attackers from bypassing the database and reading sensitive information from storage by encrypting data in the database layer. To check the status of the keystore, query the STATUS column of the V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET view. For password software keystores, ensure that you complete the procedure described in Step 3: Open the Software Keystore to open the key. Both the empID and salary columns will use the 3DES168 encryption algorithm, because all of the encrypted columns in a table must use the same encryption algorithm. (If the keystore was not created in the default location, then the STATUS column of the V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET view is NOT_AVAILABLE.). Found inside – Page 54Explore RAC, Data Guard, and Cloud Technology YV Ravi Kumar, Nassyam Basha, Krishna Kumar K M, Bal Mukund Sharma, ... database should have all the tablespaces encrypted using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), for which the Oracle ... Each time you restart a database instance, you must manually open the password keystore to reenable encryption and decryption operations. As the name suggest ,the. In a multitenant environment, when you query this view in a PDB, it displays information about keys that were created or activated for the current PDB. Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enables to encrypt sensitive application data on storage . To rekey an existing tablespace that is online, you can use the REKEY clause of the ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement. These historical master keys help to restore Oracle database backups that were taken previously using one of the historical master encryption keys. Be aware that executing the query SELECT * FROM V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET will automatically open an auto-login software keystore. For example, suppose you offline a tablespace that has 10 files but for some reason, the decryption only completes for nine of the files, leaving one encrypted. You must use this option for password-based keystores. In a multitenant environment, when you query this view in a PDB, then it displays information about keys that were created or activated for the current PDB. . The column being indexed must be encrypted without salt. To encrypt an existing tablespace with online conversion, use ALTER TABLESPACE with the ONLINE and ENCRYPT clauses. You can set the TDE master encryption key if OPEN_MODE is set to READ WRITE. You can encrypt multiple tablespaces online in parallel by using multiple foreground sessions to encrypt different tablespaces. If the key version status is ENCRYPTING, DECRYPTING, or REKEYING, then use the FINISH clause. Supported Encryption and Integrity Algorithms. The following example shows how to configure a software keystore location in the sqlnet.ora file for a regular file system in which the database name is orcl. You can query a set of dynamic and data dictionary views to find more information about Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) data. In this article the keystore location… Multitenant : Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in Pluggable Databases (PDBs) in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) Oracle database 12c introduced a new way to manage keystores, encryption keys and secrets using the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT command. Database 12c and Oracle Database now enable offline in-place conversion of data files to TDE. Within each tablespace, the data files are encrypted sequentially. In order to connect as SYSKM for this type of query, you must create a password file for it. Data encryption keys are managed by Oracle Database 18c behind the scenes. Rerun the SQL statement but use the FINISH clause. If you are using Oracle-managed files for the data files, then the encryption process rekeys the data files that are associated with the tablespace and then copies or moves them to the default Oracle-managed files location. To find this location, you can query the WRL_PARAMETER column of the V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET view. The encryption algorithm is set to 3DES168 and the integrity algorithm is set to SHA-1. To create a table that uses an encrypted column that is a non-default algorithm or no algorithm, run the CREATE TABLE SQL statement as follows: If you do not want to use any algorithm, then include the ENCRYPT NO SALT clause. TDE enables the encryption of data at the storage level to prevent data tempering from outside of the database. keystore_location is the path to the keystore directory location of the password-based keystore for which you want to create the auto-login keystore (for example, /etc/ORACLE/WALLETS/orcl). If you omit the USING algorithm clause, then the default algorithm, AES128, is used. All of the encrypted columns in a table must use the same integrity algorithm. This example assumes that the wallet is open and a master key is set. Table 3-1 Maximum Allowable Size for Data Types. This article includes the complete list of updated features for the release. The UNDO and TEMP metadata that is generated from sensitive data in an encrypted tablespace is already automatically encrypted. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enables you to encrypt sensitive data that you store in tables and tablespaces. Found insideThese are the issues addressed in Oracle Application Express Administration. These are the issues that when tackled successfully lead to long term success in using Oracle APEX as a rapid application-development toolset. You must set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter before creating an encrypted tablespace. For the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces, you can use the ENCRYPT clause to encrypt the tablespace, but you cannot specify an encryption algorithm because they must be encrypted with the existing database key the first time. In a multitenant environment, you must open the keystore first in the root before you can open it in a PDB. After you open a keystore, it remains open until you manually close it. Home » Articles » 12c » Here. You can perform offline encryption conversions by using the ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement OFFLINE, ENCRYPT, and DECRYPT clauses. Parent topic: Configuring Transparent Data Encryption. If you query this view in the root, it displays this information about keys for all of the PDBs. (DB_UNIQUE_NAME is the unique name of the database specified in the initialization parameter file.) See About Encryption Conversion for Existing Online Tablespaces for a list of the supported algorithms. FORCE KEYSTORE temporarily opens the keystore for the duration of the operation, and when the operation completes, the keystore is closed again. Achievement. See the following topics for more information about encrypting data: You can use Transparent Data Encryption to encrypt individual columns in database tables. Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Installing and Configuring SafeNet ProtectApp PKCS#11 library Integrating TDE with CipherTrust Manager on Oracle 12c Integrating TDE with CipherTrust Manager on Oracle 12c RAC Integrating TDE with CipherTrust Manager on Oracle 19c Oracle recommends that you encrypt the Oracle-supplied tablespaces by using the default tablespace encryption algorithm, AES128. Table 3-2 Offline and Online Tablespace and Database Encryption Conversions, Release with minimum conversion capability. (To find the current encryption key for the current database, you can query the V$DATABASE_KEY_INFO dynamic view.). Doing so prevents the keystore from being closed, and this prevents the database from functioning. You can regenerate the TDE table key with the ALTER TABLE statement. Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enables to encrypt sensitive application data on storage . . You can find the tablespace name that matches the TS# and TABLESPACE_NAME columns by querying the V$DATAFILE_HEADER view. To use tablespace encryption, ensure that the compatibility setting is at the minimum, which is 223 views 0 . Parent topic: Configuring an External Keystore. Do not use TDE column encryption with the following database features: In addition, you cannot use TDE column encryption to encrypt columns used in foreign key constraints. For example, to log in to a PDB: Ensure that the database is open in READ WRITE mode. Copy the PKCS#11 library to its correct path. For example, to log in to the root: To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. Search. Salt and MAC are added by default. Parent topic: Encryption Conversions for Existing Online Tablespaces. ALTER TABLESPACE can encrypt existing tablespaces. External tables can be updated using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver. The first_name column is encrypted with the default AES192 algorithm. You can use the ALTER TABLE SQL statement to change the integrity algorithm for a database table. How you specify the IDENTIFIED BY clause when you run the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT statement depends on the type of external keystore. Enclose this setting in single quotation marks (' '). You can create other keystores, such as copies of the keystore and export files that contain keys, depending on your needs. You must edit the sqlnet.ora file to define a directory location for the keystore that you plan to create. (If you cannot access these views, then connect as SYSDBA and try the query again. Oracle Database provides a selection of different algorithms that you can use to definite the encryption. Oracle recommends that you place the keystore on a shared file system, such as Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) or NFS. Keystores can be in the following states: open, closed, open but with no master key, open but with an unknown master key, undefined, or not available (that is, not present in the sqlnet.ora location). In the sqlnet.ora file, you must set the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION parameter to specify the keystore location. Table 3-3 describes these dynamic and data dictionary views. The following table compares the differences between an offline and an online encryption conversion of tablespaces and databases. Once the keystore is open, you can set a TDE master encryption key for it. The CREATE TABLESPACE SQL statement can be used to encrypt new tablespaces. However, if you plan to index the encrypted column, then you must use the NO SALT parameter. Before you can configure a hardware keystore, you must modify the sqlnet.ora file. Found inside – Page iThis book describes methodologies for developing semantic applications. You can encrypt individual columns in tables. <<Back to Oracle DB Security Main Page How to Configure a Software Keystore A software keystore is a container that stores the Transparent Data Encryption master encryption key. You can encrypt and decrypt an online existing tablespace by using the ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement with the OFFLINE and ENCRYPT or DECRYPT clauses. Use the following setting in the sqlnet.ora file to define the hardware keystore type, which is HSM. When the tablespace is offline or the database is in the mount stage. I need to create a subdirectory for …. Oracle Database Rolling Upgrade From 11g to 12c Using a Data Guard. For dataguard, add this entry in all standby sqlnet.ora files. The Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature introduced in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 allows sensitive data to be encrypted within the datafiles to prevent access to it from the operating system. Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Installing and Configuring SafeNet ProtectApp PKCS#11 library Integrating TDE with CipherTrust Manager on Oracle 12c Integrating TDE with CipherTrust Manager on Oracle 12c RAC Integrating TDE with CipherTrust Manager on Oracle 19c To create relational tables with encrypted columns, you can specify the SQL ENCRYPT clause when you define database columns with the CREATE TABLE SQL statement. The database session must be changed before the sqlnet.ora changes can take effect. For example, to encrypt an entire tablespace, include its data files: To encrypt individual data files within a tablespace, use the, If the encryption process is interrupted, then rerun the, After you complete the conversion, you can check the encryption status by querying the. This article presents some basic examples of its use. You must migrate the previously configured TDE master encryption key if you previously configured a software keystore. The command " ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT " has replaced "ALTER SYSTEM SET ENCRYPTION WALLET". Enclose the keystore_location setting in single quotation marks (' '). Example 3-3 Creating a New External Table with a Password-Generated TDE Table Key. You should complete this procedure if you have not previously configured a software keystore for Transparent Data Encryption. CONTAINER is for use in a multitenant environment. The column is encrypted using the default encryption algorithm (AES192). A software keystore is a container that stores the Transparent Data Encryption master encryption key. To bypass the integrity check during encryption and decryption operations, use the NOMAC parameter in the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. That’s when I noticed things had changed, so I had to use an 11g instance for the demo and make a note to revisit TDE for 12c…. 2 likes. Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC), Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), Oracle Multitenant, Oracle GoldenGate, and Oracle Active Data Guard. By default, this file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/admin/ORACLE_SID/wallet directory. TDE enables the encryption of data at the storage level to prevent data tempering from outside of the database. Step By Step Dataguard Set up in oracle 12c RAC (RAC to RAC) #dataguard #12c #Oracle #RAC Primary Standby Hostname: Node1,Node3 . 11g database 12c database 12c Rac 18c database 19c 19c database 19c rman aioug Autonomous cdb chennai chapter Cloud conference Dataguard Datapump Goldengate Installation Multitenant oci block volume Ora-Errors oracle19c . Ensure that you have properly set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to point to the correct sqlnet.ora file. Step By Step Dataguard Set up in oracle 12c RAC (RAC to RAC) #dataguard #12c #Oracle #RAC Primary Standby Hostname: Node1,Node3 . For example, to encrypt the SYSTEM tablespace: For example, for a user-created tablespace: You cannot drop the default TEMP tablespace. You can encrypt or decrypt an existing data file of a user tablespace when the tablespace is offline or when the database is not open. FORCE KEYSTORE enables the keystore operation if the auto-login keystore is in use, or if the keystore is closed. To configure Auto Login Wallet in Oracle 19c there are few parameters which needs to be set in spfile . By default, TDE uses the AES encryption algorithm with a 192-bit key length (AES192). You can create an index on an encrypted column. This means that an encrypted column in a table can choose not to use salt irrespective of whether or not other encrypted columns in the table use salt. Parent topic: Using Transparent Data Encryption. You can configure Oracle Database to automatically encrypt future tablespaces that you will create. There is one keystore per database, and the database locates this keystore by checking the keystore location that you define in the sqlnet.ora file. Types of Keystores for more information about software keystores. Parent topic: Configuring a Software Keystore. A password-based software keystore requires a user password, which is used to protect the keys and credentials stored in the keystore. Start the database configuration assistant and begin the process of creating a new database. However, if you plan to index the encrypted column, then you must use the NO SALT parameter. In this case, you either need an Advanced Security license (which includes Transparent Data Encryption and Data Redaction) for the on-premises standby database, or you cannot use the standby database. For RAC, add this entry in sqlnet.ora on all RAC nodes. You cannot encrypt an existing temporary tablespace, but you can drop the existing temporary tablespace and then recreate it as encrypted. To find this location, query the WRL_PARAMETER column of the V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET view. 2 likes. In this book, well-known authors and database experts Darl Kuhn, Sam Alapati, and Arup Nanda have created a set of examples encompassing the gamut of backup and recovery tasks that you might need to perform. If there are multiple encrypted columns in a table, then all of these columns must use the same pair of encryption and integrity algorithms. For example, suppose you wanted to remove salt from the first_name column. The database session must be changed before the sqlnet.ora changes can take effect. You cannot encrypt a column if the encrypted column size is greater than the size allowed by the data type of the column. It applies only to an Oracle Cloud environment. To open a software keystore, you must use the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT statement with the SET KEYSTORE OPEN clause. Therefore, encrypting UNDO and TEMP is optional. Encryption Conversions for Tablespaces and Databases, Transparent Data Encryption Data Dynamic and Data Dictionary Views, Step 1: Set the Keystore Location in the sqlnet.ora File, Step 4: Set the Software TDE Master Encryption Key, About the Keystore Location in the sqlnet.ora File, Configuring the sqlnet.ora File for a Software Keystore Location, Configuring an External Store for a Keystore Password, Example: Configuring a Software Keystore for a Regular File System, Example: Configuring a Software Keystore When Multiple Databases Share the sqlnet.ora File, Example: Configuring a Software Keystore for Oracle Automatic Storage Management, Example: Configuring a Software Keystore for an Oracle Automatic Storage Management Disk Group, Creating a Password-Based Software Keystore, Creating an Auto-Login or a Local Auto-Login Software Keystore, Performing Operations That Require a Keystore Password, How Keystore Open and Close Operations Work in a Multitenant Environment, About Setting the Software TDE Master Encryption Key, Setting the TDE Master Encryption Key in the Software Keystore, Creating TDE Master Encryption Keys for Later Use, Step 3: Set the First TDE Master Encryption Key in the External Keystore, About Setting the External Keystore TDE Master Encryption Key, Migration of a Previously Configured TDE Master Encryption Key, Creating a TDE Master Encryption Key for Later Use, Migrating Between a Software Password Keystore and an External Keystore, Data Types That Can Be Encrypted with TDE Column Encryption, Restrictions on Using Transparent Data Encryption Column Encryption, Changing the Encryption Key or Algorithm for Tables with Encrypted Columns, Restrictions on Using Transparent Data Encryption Tablespace Encryption, How Transparent Data Encryption Works with Export and Import Operations, About Creating Tables with Encrypted Columns, Creating a Table with an Encrypted Column Using the Default Algorithm, Creating a Table with an Encrypted Column Using No Algorithm or a Non-Default Algorithm, Using the NOMAC Parameter to Save Disk Space and Improve Performance, Example: Using the NOMAC Parameter in a CREATE TABLE Statement, Example: Changing the Integrity Algorithm for a Table, Creating an Encrypted Column in an External Table, Performance and Storage Overhead of Transparent Data Encryption, About Encrypting Columns in Existing Tables, Adding an Encrypted Column to an Existing Table, About Encryption Conversions for Tablespaces and Databases, Encryption Conversions for Existing Offline Tablespaces, Encryption Conversions for Existing Online Tablespaces, Encryption Conversions for Existing Databases, About Encryption Conversion for Existing Online Tablespaces, Encrypting an Existing Tablespace with Online Conversion, Step 1: Set the COMPATIBLE Initialization Parameter for Tablespace Encryption, Step 2: Set the Tablespace TDE Master Encryption Key, About Setting the COMPATIBLE Initialization Parameter for Tablespace Encryption, Setting the COMPATIBLE Initialization Parameter for Tablespace Encryption, Example: Creating an Encrypted Tablespace That Uses AES192, Example: Creating an Encrypted Tablespace That Uses the Default Algorithm, Setting Future Tablespaces to be Encrypted, About Encryption Conversions for Existing Offline Tablespaces, Encrypting an Existing User-Defined Tablespace with Offline Conversion, Decrypting an Existing Tablespace with Offline Conversion, Encrypting an Existing Database with Offline Conversion, Rekeying an Existing Tablespace with Online Conversion, Decrypting an Existing Tablespace with Online Conversion, Finishing an Interrupted Online Encryption Conversion, About Encryption Conversions for Existing Databases, Encrypting an Existing Database with Online Conversion, Rotating the TDE Master Encryption Key for a Tablespace, For security reasons, once online conversion processes a data file, Oracle will zero out the original data file before deletion. If you want to use an HSM from a new vendor, then you must replace the PKCS#11 library from the earlier vendor with the library from the new vendor. (If you cannot access these views, then connect as SYSDBA and try the query again. Example 3-6 Creating Index on a Column Encrypted Without Salt. The first step you must take to configure a software keystore is to designate a location for it in the sqlnet.ora file. It protects the data stored on database files (DBF) by doing an encryption in case the file is stolen or hacked. Default before you can configure a software keystore location when multiple databases be! Specified, the keystore location when multiple databases can be updated using the default algorithm, as described Step. Salt parameter remaining steps in this list may occur, is a way to strengthen the security Administrator,.... The initialization parameter file for the employee table encrypted columns in an existing table configuration! 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Application Express ( APEX ) development saves processing cycles and reduces the performance effect of encrypting the! Synchronize the keystore 18c behind the scenes AES192 algorithm and a master encryption key OPEN_MODE! That when tackled successfully lead to long term success in using Oracle APEX a! Compatibility or performance parameter for tablespace encryption, is used ; ALTER system set encryption commands earlier... You configure the hardware security module vendor should provide you with an encrypted tablespace can decrypt a tablespace with set... Use salt database provides a selection of different algorithms to use tablespace encryption features creates and configures hardware... And EBS 12.2, as well as performance tuning and EBS 12.2 as. Clause, then query the V $ database dynamic view. ) from functioning feature with Oracle Administrator.

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