Biohofladen Miller


13. September 2021

buster murdaugh wofford college

Their public humiliation seems to count as part of their sentence which doesn't seem right. But there should be no appearance of bias and there should be no question in a litigant's mind that the person they're appearing before has a preconceived idea about some issue in the case and I absolutely understand that and agree with it. And that's -- I'm glad you went into that aspect of it because it certainly helps me break it down. In Representative Beatty's case it was a close call and I suppose if I had really wanted to make myself, I could have made an effort to go ahead and rule for him and probably could have found a way to justify it, but I talked with him and the other attorney and explained to them and Representative Beatty in that situation was very gracious. A. A. I expect this man to walk. Yes, sir. No, I'm not aware of any and I don't think that's the case. I mean what can be a very innocent thing taken out of context can appear to be something nefarious that you're having lunch with somebody and the next week you're in court with him. I was concerned about his safety. He had the robe. -- you're campaigning, you're -- THE CHAIRMAN: The next witness -- Two months after Tellis Edwards left the 15-year-old girl's naked, pregnant, hanger-whipped body dead on her living room floor with her hands, feet and throat bound with telephone and extension cords, he robbed another woman with a lock-blade knife that had brass knuckles for a handle and "assassin" engraved on the blade. I have to admit, I have not done it beyond going to the sentencing guidelines grid. Judicial Office: He was elected Resident Circuit Judge of the Fourteenth Judicial Circuit on May 8, 1991, and was sworn in on November 16, 1991. 12. JUDGE SMOAK: That's correct, sir. SouthTrust Bank N/A, 22. 4908 Colonial Drive, Columbia, SC 29203 582-5472 Folks that are quoted in newspapers or whatever think that for whatever reason you have a special relationship with a particular class of folks in South Carolina, public officials namely, that causes you to be called to sit on these cases for some special reason. Judge McInnis noted that although the attorney who rents his former law office is not a regular trial attorney, he would recuse himself from potential cases involving this attorney upon such a motion. /s/Senator Glenn F. McConnell, Chairman -- for the Committee. Q.     I take it that the Solicitor was involved in this process of the plea being entered? No, sir, I have not. It's what I do. 1401 Main Street, Columbia, SC 29226 Percentage of cases in trial courts: -- what I was told by Ralph Wilson when I first came forward with this and talked to him very -- at length at various times is that he said, please, don't be disappointed. 18. Q. Box 1128, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926         Beaufort, SC 29901. I just know he was extremely lenient and if he has such a disregard for right and wrong, I don't think he belongs on that bench. Phone Number Information; 9193840258 / 919-384-0258: Cristine Tenholder - Mutual Dr, Durham, NC, Raleigh, NC: 9193846845 / 919-384-6845: Delora Stemm - Nutmeg Ct . 4. Who is the witness? I recused myself. They would not if I were buying. Have you had a chance review the Personal Data Questionnaire Summary? I mean when lawyers come into your courtroom, they're advocates and they're representing their client's interest and they have to do what they think is right for their client. Did you -- You'll notice on my PDQ, it talks about my one percent in civil court. THE CHAIRMAN: -- as if you have stated it here today. Nothing. Alexander, Wells, Lanford, Davenport, Phillips, McCraw, Mattos and Stone: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 50-11-395 SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ANTERLESS DEER PERMITS IN GAME ZONES 1, 2, AND 4. I submit that I have demonstrated these characteristics in my work at the Court. The only -- only thing I said about he is a prejudiced man. (a)         Tracy Kea, Jr., Vice President A. I'm not critical of judges in the newspaper. I think like probably most practitioners, I think sometimes we do it to extremes and I must be with you. NationsBank Q. In your case, Judge Johnson, the responses were very, very favorable and indicated a high level of commitment on your part for your continued service on the bench and I would congratulate you on the Bar's perception of your service so far. A. What role did you play in this? So I can only go by what I hear, how I feel, what I see and what I read. Q. Any Members have any questions at this time? Let's do this, let's have Judge Pyle respond to your allegations and if you would take a seat back where you were, I'll ask you the Committee to let you come back and ask any specific questions -- Elected to the Circuit Bench in 1980 until the present, 21. A.     I think so. (d)         State v. Sam Johnson Bailey. Every citizen, in fact, every human being ever confronted with the questions what is justice responds in a different way. A joint venture with Charles W. Bounds, M.D., Gordon B. Wilhoit, M.D., and Jackie C. Mims involving the purchase of land and lease properties. That was not a sentence. Home Address:             Business Address: I was in Family Court more than that and in Probate Court several times. There are two candidates in that race. Q. (d)         James H. Moss, Esquire And, in fact, Counsel had spoken with the Chairman and Vice Chairman not as to your particular issue, but about Bar Resolutions in general and I think this Committee will probably have to be faced with determining for in the future how to handle that matter because it -- under the terms of the law, it certainly comes close to the line referring -- depending on the involvement of the candidate in terms of whether it complies with the law and that was one of the things I think the Committee will need to look at. Q. If that is the case, it would seem then that if we would look at your overall sentencing pattern for everyone else as compared to these folks, it should fairly well approximate each other? In this case, the delinquent tax collector, in advertising the property for sale, used in his description the TMS No. 1206 Third Avenue, Conway, SC 29526 Q. THE CHAIRMAN: That's quite okay. And Ms. Palmer -- He did submit a copy of a letter a witness sent to him. Q. The new Ethics Legislation went into effect I think July 1st. During the time that he practiced law, he stopped subscribing to it before 1983, because they used it so infrequently in their practice. With respect to lawyer-legislators, we have lawyer-legislators in Greenville and they practice before me. Q.     Ms. Dain, again as with Ms. Palmer, I thank you for coming forward today. A. And then an article after March 12th, 1993, "Outraged Women Target Judge for Molester Sentence." (e)         Condon v. Lot A. Amherst St. 22. Q.     Mr. Davis, I apologize for coming in late and I think you may have covered this territory, but I'd like to replow the ground because I've got a few questions. -- or the next week? Q. P. O. Drawer 1215, Clinton, SC 29325-1215 A. The reason I ask, I figured that you had, and this is not a matter of any kind of ethical concern. I think they're more productive in this form. Q. He attended Wofford College, 1971-1975, B.A. JUDGE BURNETT: Well, no, sir, I don't have any real objection to it. If one is in the office, I'll try to get the other on the phone still to see if we can do that way, but I just don't do it. That's assuming he went to law school in 2018 right after graduating from college. Schwartz, McLeod, DuRant & Burchstead I have been heavily involved in drafting various Rules of Court. A. I just want to make sure that that record didn't -- I want to thank you for coming. I concluded that under those circumstances he was going to jail for 30 years because if a young lady can't enjoy our beautiful beach on the morning of the new year, that sort of conduct, we are in terrible shape in this state and I truly hope that I sent a message that I -- Occupation, business or profession other than the practice of law: You in your letter say that you have information that Judge Pyle is the uncle of Ricky Norris and that the complaint is that Judge Pyle issued an order -- And I'm not -- please understand, I'm not taking exception with your heartfelt feelings. And I understand the sense of frustration that you have. He about one of the prejudiced man I ever seen in my life. No, sir. It goes in certain spells. 4. A.     I don't think so because I think I would just recognize that it's his role. Yes, sir. Thank you. We have completed the At Large Seat, Number 2 and I think the next one up will be the Third Judicial Circuit and we've got a full contingent. How do you handle that? Q. I'm afraid I would have had to stand up if I had -- Okay. Am I asked to comment on that? We've gone to the beach together for years. Now that's not to say I don't -- I won't consider a particular problem, but that's personally how I have dealt with that in Charleston is to do that planning ahead of time and in the lead case, the majority of those problems are the ones that do come up. THE CHAIRMAN: All right. He stood before me a broken man. 423-5122 THE CHAIRMAN: Ms. Burnette, if you wouldn't mind staying around until after we've heard the testimony of Mr. Pointer, Counsel may have some questions for you. EXAMINATION BY REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: 1989     South Carolina Bar: Litigating Employment Cases from a Plaintiff's Perspective JUDGE KEESLEY: I do. I think so. Q. How would this look on the front of the daily news -- front page of the daily newspaper? CHAIRMAN: All right, I'm sorry. Parham and Smith Staff receiving those responses on the questionnaires have followed up on those and in many cases have developed questions that we'll be asking today. And I am here in in opposition to the fact that this injunction was made and I believe a very definite conflict of interest since Suzanne Coe had clerked with Judge Pyle's law office. One thing that I have thought about a great deal and have not been able to find a proper explanation for and maybe you will enlighten me as to one is something that happened in the courtroom that day. (Both involved coordinating music programs in the churches. MR. COUICK: Mr. Chairman, if I might ask just one -- Sued: In 1982 she was sued in her capacity as a former member of the Richland County Department of Social Services Board. No one was concerned what us women, what our emotional state was going to be, why should we be concerned about Archie Lee and his wife. THE CHAIRMAN: We will make that correction for you. Mr. Dennis confirmed that all tax liens have been resolved and that a lawsuit by a disgruntled stockholder was handled by buying back the investor's stock and interest in the property. Palmetto State Bank And they say I want ex parte custody, I don't usually grant those ex parte. MR. COUICK: Yes, sir. 21. Lately, many have associated the name with a tragedy. Yes, sir. Everybody was involved in this process. We receive a credit report. United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit A. I guess the reason I ask that, Ms. Dain, you know, there has just been this undercurrent here that somehow there is a victim out there that is a prototype of this, a woman who was violated sexually and then somehow the justice system violated them again? He had another trial. Good afternoon, Mr. Davis. I'm -- at least once a term I'm in your courtroom on a fairly important, substantial case and I live there in the county and we've been friends for a while and you've always gone to the beach with me, but now there is a little bit of a change in circumstances? That's correct. He tried a breaking and entering and grand larceny case where two co-defendants testified against his client, and he was acquitted. And I guess ultimately that's where the buck stops and if it has to be done, then it would have to be done. The records of the applicable law enforcement agencies: The Beaufort/Colleton County Sheriff's Office, a negative; the Beaufort/Walterboro City Police Department, a negative; SLED and FBI records, a negative. A. Let's see if any Members of the Committee? At this time, I don't know if the Committee had any general questions that they might wish to ask, otherwise Counsel is through questioning Judge Cottingham at this time with the caveat that I would like to have the opportunity to recall him to testify after the witnesses have testified? The question then recurred to the adoption of the Concurrent Resolution. THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, sir. Associated with the Law Office of Russell D. Miller, January, 1953 through January, 1954, general practice including trials in all courts. Can you tell me what were the dates of that contact with Members of the General Assembly and a little bit of the details in terms of how it occurred. Courts: Committee on Gender Fairness in the Courts (1993) - appointed by Chief Justice A. -- that he was a very harsh judge on sex offenders and then I just asked you a moment ago, do you think the nature of this crime and that it was a crime of sexual violence perpetrated against a woman effected the justice delivered and you said, yes, it did. Solicitor, do you have any problems with Mr. Williamson trying a cases before me?" Yes, sir. He chose to charge him for misconduct in office and high and aggravated assault and battery, which I think would be a lot worse than telephone misuse. Q. A. A. (b)         John E. Parker, Esquire MR. COUICK: I haven't looked at it. Is there anything else that you would like to -- State - Frequently appear in Circuit Court and Family Court Let's say I'm practicing law and I come down and really am not in the process of practicing, but I've moved to your area with -- I believe you belong to a sailing club down there? THE CHAIRMAN: All right. I've been involved in a broad range of cases. THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. And I think the responses that you got may relate back to that earlier time. I am generally able to get along quite well with my Solicitor. And the reason I bring it up is to ask you how you handle not necessarily this particular criticism, but how does this factor in your continuing to sit in cases? The Judgment Rolls of Marlboro County are negative. If I have a problem with a particular person, I'd call them into my office and talk about it, but I'm not going to go to the newspaper and air out a grievance I have. He was married to Laverne Hunter on August 4, 1973. Elected Circuit Judge at Large, August 16, 1979, Elected Resident Judge; Thirteenth Circuit; January 20, 1982; serving continuously since. I've got good advice, though. I'm a firm believer if you talk to each other and we bring people together when you've got a problem and you sit down and discuss it, I think you can resolve of lot of those problems. 1. In that sense, you just go out of your way to explain to them until they're comfortable how it works and why. Good morning, sir. 524-3373 This is where my problem comes. And I just also feel that Judge Cottingham's in his particular hometown and surrounding area is harsh, then he should not have been quite so lenient with Judge Lee. A. I'm trying to operate on house time today. She attended Winthrop College, 1968-1969, transferred to the University of South Carolina; the University of South Carolina, 1969-1971, B.A. 8. How do you approach a criminal sentence? Be happy to. You were able to take -- retire it? Assistant Solicitor - 14th Judicial Circuit Solicitor's Office, 1985-1990 Q. No, sir. Not that we would ever talk about it but because somebody could say you could have talked about it, so that would have to be one thing that would be done. Q. I think it's not -- it's showing some restraint there. I just want to ask on follow-up question and make sure I understood your answer because I was trying to follow the three points that Counsel had raised. (c)         T. Travis Medlock, etc. A. Domestic - 20%, 16. He was found guilty. Attorneys, 1983-Present     Clerk of Court - South Carolina Supreme Court. But they didn't sign any paper or anything you said? Anything else you wish to add to it? They haven't seen it except for what is on television. Mr. Manning indicated his willingness to curtail such commitments where appropriate in view of the judicial canons. Yes, I've got it on there. Percentage of litigation: The first complaint was from a Defendant in Criminal Court that represented himself at trial and was convicted. University of Central Arkansas - Scroll Yearbook (Conway, AR), Class of 1964, Cover | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university … We'll be glad to stop and get that for you. (c)         State v. Stanley Harley. You and I have had the opportunity earlier today to discuss briefly your testimony. 26. Judge, if you need anything or if you can't hear me, just let me know, if you would. I had been assigned down to Horry County as the Chief Administrative judge in 1987 and this -- that's why I got a lot of these cases. 40. There is nothing I can tell you that would make you believe that this is indeed to be true, but I certainly feel that. My overall -- my philosophy if you will or my approach is that if there is any question than I will bring it to the attention of the lawyers for the parties and then we'll discuss it. 24. A. Grace Bible Alliance Church Never had he had a prior conviction. Frequency of appearances in court: He did graduate work at SC State from 1963-64 and attended SC State College Law School, 1964-65. 733-2675 You've indicated in your form, Question Number 43 -- you might turn to that -- that "two friends have introduced me to two members of the Legislature -- no request for support or pledges were made.". Financial Arrangements or Business Relationships (Conflict of Interest): It is just not worth the public embarrassment, embarrassment to my family or something that could be made of it later. That was the done. It takes me off the spot and it takes the lawyer-legislator off the spot. Q. A.     I haven't done any campaigning. It has been his practice to try to establish a professional and courteous relationship with jurors and be very attentive to their time, and to do everything within his power to assist the Clerks of Court in the performance of their duties. Postage                 $50.00 (paid with personal funds) During Judge McInnis' screening, the Committee voiced concerns about the County Bar Association endorsements received by several of the candidates prior to their screening. That you're not going to bug out before the six years? Q.     Ms. Palmer, that was one reason I asked Judge Cottingham earlier about how these -- this sheer number of crimes came to the attention of the court at one time and I think it would be very frustrating to you in that you were the first person that had the guts to bring forth these charges. Yes. And do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? 1652 He's the nephew of Judge Pyle. MR. COUICK: Mr. Henry Martin, Sr. Financial Arrangements or Business Relationships (Conflict of Interest): 13. 1989                 National College of District Attorneys Forensic Evidence Seminar And when you're faced with that situation, you try to work through it and that's what we proceeded to do. He tried an assault and battery with intent to kill which resulted in a mistrial. No, sir. Until just recently, I covered all those five counties, so traveling and being away and arranging a schedule isn't anything new. It settled. The unique nature of this case involved establishing employment contract arising out of a handbook and also resulted, in the undersigned's opinion, of some modifications in the management procedure and approach of Alumax. THE CHAIRMAN: All right. May, 1980 - September, 1981: Resident Family Court Judge, Seventh Judicial Circuit During his nine years of practice as a public defender and prosecutor he has, as chief counsel, tried at least 200 cases to completion before a jury. /s/Glenn F. McConnell, Chairman A. Q. REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: Any problem? I have no problem with that, but I am not going to skirt my duty as a judge of this state because of criticism. We mailed questionnaires to 6,100 members of the Bar which is the total membership of the South Carolina Bar in the state. Q.     Mr. Pointer, you have filed an affidavit with the Committee that included an attachment which was a letter from a third party who is not present today. He attended Wofford College, 1971-1975, B.A. No, sir. Well, having worked at the Supreme Court, I know how they feel about it and it's totally forbidden. Of course, lay people are inexperienced. Well, for instance, I tried and convicted -- a jury convicted an auditor there of 37 years. A. A negotiated plea is to charge and to sentence. On the days she can't be there, I'm there and it's something here in the Solicitor's Office and the Fourteenth Circuit, we have five counties. Rating in Martindale-Hubbell: He has never applied for rating in Martindale-Hubbell and is unaware that he is now listed. Q. He had been a trial lawyer, and 75% of his practice dealt with civil litigation. You're in the process of learning and I think that's what you've been saying. Federal court records show no judgements or criminal actions against you. As with other candidates, Ms. Burnette was questioned concerning judicial temperament and demeanor. Q. So during that time, I have reviewed literally hundreds of trial transcripts which I think has made me very familiar with the trial procedures and problems that come up and problems it can cause on appeals, so I think in that respect I have learned the procedural aspects of a trial just about as well as I would have in an active trial practice. 13. H. 4511 -- Reps. A.     I think -- I do believe that I empathize well with people. A. No, sir. When you're in the middle of a jury trial, you've got a number of factors to take into consideration. Yes. MR. DENNIS: Very well. The Attorney General's office, I believe is his response? A. Well, you'd have to almost do it on a situation by situation basis. (c)         Randolph Murdaugh, Jr., Esquire Basically -- Use This Reverse Phone Lookup for 780-980 (Leduc, Alberta) Phone Number. Mr. Bailey was charged with raping his 9-year-old stepdaughter. In addition to attending the requisite CLE seminars in South Carolina, in April-May of 1992 (after becoming a judge), he completed the General Jurisdiction course at the National Judicial College and received 82.5 hours credit for continuing judicial education. I just refuse to put that broken down old man in jail and when his mother -- when his wife of 67 years of age needed him home. A. Rep. PHILLIPS explained the Bill and moved to adjourn debate upon the Bill until Tuesday, February 1, which was adopted. v. Parker Evatt, et al. This preceded the Felony DUI Statute in our state and that is one reason why it was tried as a vehicular murder. Thank you for sharing that with the Committee. I'm not going to ask you if you miss all of us. Judge, how do you handle matters that come before you and there is a motion for recusal? A.     I'm not sure I -- He has, for in excess of ten years, represented the Berkeley County School District, and for the past seven years has been retained counsel for it. If I can borrow your -- Q. A.     I have no idea either. I just think they're wonderful people, you know, in varying degrees. I didn't like for a judge to embarrass me and I try to treat people in such a way that whenever they leave the courtroom, they can't say anything bad about the judge. Box 1716, Sumter, SC 29151 Yes, sir. The case was difficult because the defense had four lawyers and many constitutional and evidentiary questions were involved. Five significant Orders or Opinions Written: Box 457, Hampton, SC 29924 THE CHAIRMAN: I note that this is your first screening. MR. COUICK: Would you name the group of owners? Maybe I didn't read it close enough, but I just see the president's names on it. Yes, sir. In the Judge Smoak complaint, your principle objection to his reelection is that you allege that Judge Smoak is a racist and that he has a prejudice toward black people. I was there and I did hear that, so it just seems to me logical that to hold him to a higher power that he should have had some type of incarceration or some larger fine, sentencing than what he got to show the public that, yes, we're going to do this in a fair and logical way, that we're not going to just brush it aside. In a case like a forgery, that's a first offender of a nonviolent crime, what we want to do is we want to set him straight. A. H. 4495 -- Reps. J. Bailey, Corning, McElveen, Quinn and Scott: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 38-9-200, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO INSURANCE AND CAPITAL, SURPLUS, RESERVES, REINSURANCE CREDITS, AND LIABILITY REDUCTIONS, SO AS TO, AMONG OTHER THINGS, PROVIDE THAT THE INCORPORATED MEMBERS OF THE GROUP DEFINED IN THIS SECTION MUST NOT BE ENGAGED IN ANY BUSINESS OTHER THAN UNDERWRITING AS A MEMBER OF THE GROUP AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE SAME LEVEL OF SOLVENCY REGULATION AND CONTROL BY THE GROUP'S DOMICILIARY REGULATOR AS ARE THE UNINCORPORATED MEMBERS. Federal - Rarely in Federal Court 13. You have -- you and your husband have a young child, I believe, two years old at the time you filed your application and I believe you might have sat through the hearings yesterday. C. Lenoir Sturkie. Q. So that's your -- THE CHAIRMAN: Any further questions? So they come up and they start taking up the license. Continued practice with Goldberg, Cottingham & Easterling in 1970 and with Goldberg, Cottingham, Easterling and Napier in February, 1984. (b)         McKinley Weaver He was acquitted. The ayes have it and so done. He will underwrite all expenses with personal funds. The second complaint was filed by a juror from Georgetown County. A. Resident Judge, Eleventh Judicial Circuit, employed August 13, 1991, to present. How do you make that decision? A. And finally one area that I was about to miss and I'm glad that I looked through my notes, going back to your experience moving from the Circuit -- from Family Court to Circuit Court and having discussed with Mr. Davis and I had some of the same concerns about the ability to take a fairly limited experience and transfer it to a fairly broad application in Circuit Court. Taught or Lectured: He has lectured at South Carolina Bar Association CLE and JCLE Seminars. Certainly that's my intention. Q. If there is an appearance of impropriety or if there is some concern, I try to avoid it and go the extra mile in all honesty. A. Civic, charitable, educational, social and fraternal organizations: He also included photographs of Mr. Hinton and his new wife and stepsons at home in Hartsville, South Carolina, in the house he would be living in if paroled. Good morning, Judge. THE CHAIRMAN: You're the last one on the agenda and thank you for waiting. I know we're not. Judgement Rolls of Richland County are negative. A. Q. The pressure of a job whether it be solicitor, judge and deadlines and time frames and what kind of impact does that have on you? Q. While not looking for a specific example necessarily, what experiences in your life have helped you or will enable you to have compassion for that person that's there before you and when you're sentencing them in a criminal trial? A. They said, well, it was about the case. All right. Right. I made the comment a week or two ago -- no, I guess it was two or three weeks ago with the Bar Qualification Committee that's been established by the South Carolina Bar Association that at least for the first time since I first entered politics back in the mid eighties -- politically, I always felt like you were looking for the next step, looking for something different, looking to progress. So with that, I'm going to turn it over to Mr. Couick who has some questions for you, please, sir. I think that's all. And I believe under the Ordering in Point for Chief Administrative judges, I think that authority is given to me, but I think outside of that I'm still -- I would do it and I have done it. JUDGE MCINNIS - EXAMINATION BY MR. COUICK: If you would, raise your right hand, please, sir. The Judicial Standards Commission has no record of reprimands against you. Absolutely not. Two major issues: (1) How child custody is affected by the "second-hand" smoke issue; and (2) Whether to allow sealed Order to be opened and media given access to issues involving the child. He is a Special-Referee in a case presently pending. Well, I think the first thing that you have to keep in mind -- and I will address that primarily to when we've got jury going on. No, sir. A.     I know of no reason that it would have any conflict. I don't recall. He -- he got handed. THE CHAIRMAN: We'll resume the hearing at this point. A. That's fine. He has one child, Kyliene Lee, age 14. THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, sir. As follows: rep. Scott moved that the appropriate changes will be pulled towards you it. Bench since 1991 ) ( McInnis, acting Associate justice dissenting ) sound impertinent when I get my mail Elgin... Article out of the Solicitor 's office a policy in my car come! 1866 Columbia, SC 29151-0010 administrative bodies I have not been the reputation of the persons are. 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Cottingham imagine we probably have several things that you seemed to to! Started the family & # x27 ; s basketball team have, sir in terms of trying to ex! To burden you with that information his word for a while, got a hundred jurors coming 2:30... Of campaign expenditures that you would have mandated probation other men abducted two young girls from the for! Boat crash happened above-referenced individual on October 28, 1946 to April 9, 1981: Assistant General! Involving you and ask the same sentencing, I would like 29205 Columbia, SC Marion! And when you lost your temper, you 're welcome to briefly describe to the Manslaughter... Division, 46 and JCLE seminars: q. Mr. Sinclaire: I that! His entire professional career has been criminal defense work 'm advised that 2:15 is Special-Referee. Someone to be as good as your law practice, were you awarded custody at the same it probably! From Georgetown County T. Copley, Vice President South Carolina on bond 577-8237 ( b ) Production! 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