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15. Februar 2021

der leiermann analyse

Related Music (Beta) question-dark. New York: Norton. But, he resolves it. #This is so sad #Classical Music #Franz Schubert #Winterreise #Der Leiermann #Lied #Schubert. Forgot account? Die erste Strophe fängt an mit den Worten „Drüben hinterm Dorfe, steht ein Leiermann(Z.1)“, was darstellen soll, dass das lyrische Ich sich am Ende seines Lebens befindet, wobei der Leiermann für den Tod steht und vom Leben ausgeschlossen ist. For example: how does one suggest in words that particular affect of the third and fourth bars of Schubert’s “Das Wandern”? Das Stück „der Leiermann“,  geschrieben von Wilhelm Müller, ist das letzte Stück aus dem, aus 24 Liedern bestehenden, Liederzyklus „die Winterreise“, und wurde 1827 von Franz Schubert vertont. But it … Blog en. This is the same form of the literal repetition as we have already learned in Heidenröslein. Create New Account. He stresses the subjectivity of implication – that the listener can gradually deduce the meaning of the work as they realize which of the available choices the composer made in terms of actualization of an event. The vocal melody is also a lot more static. German-English Dictionary: Translation for Leiermann. 8;∞≈ ≠∞+⊇∞ =+∋ 9+∋⊥+≈;≈†∞≈ ⊥∞≈≤+∋††∞≈, ;≈⊇∞∋ ∞+ ⊇∋≈ ⊥∋≈=∞ 7;∞⊇ ;≈ 4-4+†† ≈≤++;∞+, ≠∋≈ ≈∞++ ⊥∞† =∞ 7+⊇ ∞≈⊇ 2∞+=≠∞;††∞≈⊥ ⊥∋≈≈†.  4∞≤+ ⊇∋≈ †∋≈⊥≈∋∋∞ 7∞∋⊥+ ∞≈⊇ ⊇;∞ †∞;≈∞ 7∋∞†≈†=+∂∞ ⊇∞≈ 7;∞⊇∞≈ †+∋⊥∞≈ =∞ ⊇∞+ ∞+≈≈†∞≈ 3†;∋∋∞≈⊥ +∞;. The stimuli provided for this presentation were the three books detailed in the bibliography. No part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without written permission. Where are these surface embellishments in this piece, though? Tel. But he wears a smile, he shows no fear or disappointment; but turns the handle round and round. 2-3), there is no "implied simile" in "Der Leiermann". Moore himself says that “the defining feature of popular song lies in the interaction of every day words and music…it is how they interact that produces significance in the experience of song”. Here is a translation of the final song as another refresher: “Up behind the village, the organ-grinder has his pitch; He stands barefoot or shuffles on the frozen ground. It requires a different way of viewing music altogether. Der Leiermann (Ursprungliche Fassung) Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Text by Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Muller (1794-1827) Becca Carter MusTH 311 Form and Analysis Nagel Fall 2011 I. 4∞≤+ ∞+ ;≈† ∋††∞;≈. 3=++∞≈⊇ ⊇∞∋ 6∞≈∋≈⊥ ;≈† ∂∞;≈∞ 4∞†+⊇;∞ =∞ +++∞≈ ∞≈⊇ ∋≈⊇∞+≈+∞+∞∋ ⊥∞≈∋∞≈+. Like throughout the entirety of the song, we would expect the piece to finish on that open-ended dominant chord in the penultimate bar – this would fit nicely with the sense of endlessness that is implied throughout the piece. 03.12.2018 - „Musik ist das Unsagbare.“ (Bedrich Smetana) ….. Musik ist alles! Schuberts Entwicklung als Liedkomponist bis zur Winterreise op. The point I am trying to make is that this piece is amongst the kind of repertoire that much of Bent’s analytical methods are generally applied to – yet, I would argue, in this case techniques in structural analysis in order to uncover harmony are not the most useful for, or relevant to, this piece. Meyer’s approach, which is to show clearly the noncongruence of rhythmic structure and melodic patterning at the opening, and the congruence of rhythm and melody, but at a lower hierarchic level, at the close, goes directly to the heart of the analytic problem. The two parts alternate, creating a kind of cyclic motion – a motion representative of the notion of endlessness. To begin…this piece is a movement from what is considered to be one of the greatest pieces of the 19th century…one of the greatest in the history of Western tonal music, in fact. Private group. It also shows us the level at which Meyer intends his music criticism to operate”. Although Schubert does utilize some subtle but effective techniques in his harmony which contribute to the effect of the music, you can’t really determine why the piece has the effect it does by Schenkerian analysis or pitch-class set theory. „Und mit starren Fingern, dreht er was er kann(Z.2)“ Die starren Finger sind eine Bezeichnung für das Alter des Leiermanns, da der Tot schon immer besteht und es ihn auch immer geben wird. 8∞+ 7+⊇ ≠;+⊇ ≈∞≈ ≈;≤+† ∋∞++ ∋+⊥∞≈†+ß∞≈ ∞≈⊇ ≠;+⊇ ;∋ 6∞⊥∞≈≈∋†= =∞ ⊇∞≈ ∞+≈†∞≈ +∞;⊇∞≈ 3†++⊥+∞..... 8;∞≈ ∋∋≤+† ≈;≤+ ∋∞≤+ ;≈ ⊇∞+ 4∞≈;∂ +∞∋∞+∂+∋+, ⊇∋ +;∞+ ∞+∞≈†∋††≈ ∞;≈ 4∞†+⊇;∞≠∞≤+≈∞† ≈†∋†††;≈⊇∞†. Die Nebensonnen (Mässig) (A major - 1st version) Text Incipit see below. One thing I will say is that is seems extremely significant that our lonely wanderer that we have been following for 24 songs ends his ‘journey’ on interaction with the first human being he encounters, whether it is intended to be rhetorical or not. Mut (Mässig, kräftig) (A minor/A major - 1st version) 23. This is completely contradictory to how the vocal line ended, and it begs us to wonder why. Throughout his book Moore addresses a number of areas of analysis – shape, form, delivery, style, friction, reference and belonging; but for the sake of conciseness I am going to focus on just one element that is deeply relevant to the piece – the concept of persona. Die beiden Großstrophen (Takte 9-52) 4.2.… Contrary to a hypothesis put forward by Nigel Nettheim in The Schubertian (No. 8;∞ ∞+≈†∞≈ +∞;⊇∞≈ 3†++⊥+∞≈ ≈;≈⊇ =+≈ ⊇∞+ 7=≈⊥∞, ⊇∞+ 4∞†+⊇;∞ ∞≈⊇ ⊇∞+ 3∞⊥†∞;†≈†;∋∋∞ +∞+ ⊥†∞;≤+. My fascinations lie in all kinds of music, from Beethoven to Bartók to Behemoth. Der Leiermann Marielle und Charlotte Gliederung Gliederung Entwicklung des Wanderers Textanalyse musikalische Vertonung Gruppenarbeit Inhalt Text-analyse 1. This notion is enhanced even further when we consider the narrative – not just of the movement but indeed of the entire cycle; themes include love, pain, loneliness, isolation, death, dreams and memories – subject matter that could easily be denoted “every day” – themes that are regularly addressed in popular song and can certainly be related to on a human level. 3=++∞≈⊇ ⊇∞∋ ⊥∋≈=∞≈ 7;∞⊇ +∞++≈≤+† ∞;≈∞ ≈∞++ ∞+≈≈†∞ 3†;∋∋∞≈⊥. As of early this year, you have been able to visit iTunes and purchase an App that allows you to enjoy the piece with a synchronized score on your iPhone or iPad – you can’t really bring the piece more into the 21st Century than that. By helping UG you make the world better... and earn IQ Suggest correction Not only in the piano part, as I mentioned, but also in the vocal melody. Das Lied als inszenierte Kunstlosigkeit - "Der Leiermann" von Franz Schubert (German Edition) eBook: Dirk Hausen: Kindle Store It is dark and tired like us. Der Leiermann von Wilhelm Müller 2.1. Bent, I. Analyse von Der Leiermann 4.2.1. Original Key. “D ie Forelle” starts with a brief introduction of the piano, followed by the first stanza.. At 0:34, an almost exact repetition of the beginning begins, followed by the second stanza. His initial definition of ‘analysis’ is: “the resolution of a musical structure into relatively simpler constituent elements, and the investigations of the functions of those elements within that structure”. „Barfuß auf dem Eise, wankt er hin und her(Z.3)“ Die Kälte wenn man Barfuß auf dem Eis steht, sorgt für eine Gefühllosigkeit, die in diesem Fall die Gefühllosigkeit des Todes darstellen soll, der hin und her wankt vom einen zum anderen und den Gefühlen ein Ende bringt. For my masters I specialised in musicology and wrote my thesis on emotion theory in Rachmaninov's music (which you can read on this site, if you like). 9+ ≈;∋∋† ⊇∞≈ 7∋∞† ⊇∞≈ 7∞+∞≈≈ ∋≈ ∞≈⊇ +∋† ∂∞;≈∞ 4≈⊥≈† =++ ⊇∞∋ 7+⊇. Create a free website or blog at One of the most significant things about this song – and indeed one of the reasons I chose it to discuss – is that it’s the final one in the cycle. Das Kunstlied thematisiert die ausweglose Situation in der sich das lyrische Ich befindet und seinen Überlegungen ob er dem Tod folgen soll. Not Now. Even nearly 200 years after its composition it is performed on a regular basis; recordings of Die Winterreise are still being released, within this year even. The powerful thing about performance of the piece is that the singer assumes the role of the protagonist. Title by uploader: Winterreise, No.24 Der Leiermann, Low Voice, D.911 Look inside. Bleibt ihm immer leer. The interesting thing here is that the narrative changes from observational to more personal, ending on two questions – “Shall I join you on your journey? Entstehungshintergrund des Zyklus Die Winterreise 2.2. It's where your interests connect you with your people. 1∋ 6++ß∞≈ ∞≈⊇ 6∋≈=∞≈ ≠;+⊇ ⊇;∞ †+∋∞+;⊥∞ ∞≈⊇ =∞+=≠∞;†∞††∞ 3†;∋∋∞≈⊥ ⊇∞≈ †++;≈≤+∞≈ 1≤+≈ ⊇∞+≤+ 7∞≠† ∞≈⊇ 4∞†+⊇;∞ ≈∞++ ⊥∞† ⊇∋+⊥∞≈†∞†††.  Â, Der Leiermann von Wilhelm Müller: Liedanalyse, Interpretation Wilhelm Müller: Frühlingstraum Das Gedicht „Frühlingstraum­â€œ von Wilhelm Müller handelt von einem lyrischen Ich, welches, wie der Titel schon sagt, vom Frühling träumt. The lonely journey that begins with the steady monotonous chords of "Gute Nacht" ends with the haunting organ-grinder melody of "Der Leiermann." Er wird niemals aufhören seine immer gleichbleibende Leier zu drehen, also der Tod wird jeden einholen und man kommt niemals davon los. Frühlingstraum (Etwas geschwind) (A major - 1st version) 22. or. Die Winterreise is a story about isolation, however, it is in this final song that the protagonist encounters the first human being outside of his dreams, memories and hallucinations. Follow. To refresh… here is a recording (my personal favourite) of Die Winterreise – the esteemed Britten and Pears version. Entstehungshintergrund des Zyklus und Tonartencharakteristik 4.2. There is also the performance aspect. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. This is a transcript of a presentation that essentially explores the benefits of using other forms of analyses to those of the traditional musicological methods, in order to a) uncover potentially unexplored angles of thought, and b) examine how this could affect the perception of – in this instance – Western tonal music. Der Leiermann ( The Organ Grinder ) is the final poem. „Keiner mag ihn hören, keiner sieht ihn an(Z.5) und die Hunde knurren, um .....[read full text]. Assessment in music: “problematic” and “controversial”, Alternative Analyses – Schubert’s ‘Der Leiermann’ from Die Winterreise, Review: Benjamin R. Levy – Ligeti’s Requiem & Lux Aeterna, Musicological Study: ‘Popular’ v. ‘Traditional’, Interdisciplinarity: “We are all ‘Ethno’musicologists now”, “The Unreach’d Paradise of our Despair”: Melancholy And Pessimism In the ‘Reconsideration’ of Rachmaninov’s Music: Introduction, Tchaikovsky’s Psychological Influence: Chapter I, “The unreach’d Paradise of our despair”: melancholy, pessimism and beyond: Chapter III, “The Paradox of Negative Emotion”: Chapter IV, Romanticising English ‘Folk’ Culture: Authenticity And The Rural Idyll, Epitomizing Holst’s Compositional Outlook in The Planets. Again, this has much to do with some of Moore’s ideas – about proximity, and delivery of the narrative. You can easily access a wealth of articles on the work discussing symbolism, romanticism, aesthetics, musical rhetoric, rhythm, metre, structure, lyricism, narrative etc. Schubert described them as 'truly terrible'. Between these two pieces can be found a variety of short but detailed character studies of the forlorn figure at the center of the story. Comments; For voice and piano . Schwankt er hin und her; Und sein kleiner Teller . „Und sein kleiner Teller, bleibt ihm immer leer(Z.4)“ Das Essen ist ein Symbol von Leben und wird von ihm nicht gebraucht, was für den ewigen Tod steht, da niemals wieder etwas zum Essen benötigt wird. Barfuss auf dem Eise Schwankt er hin und her; Und sein kleiner Teller Bleibt ihm immer leer. It’s part of the magic of performance and relationships between music and narrative that cannot be explained through analysis of hierarchic structures. 8++† ≈⊥+;≤+† ⊇∋≈ †++;≈≤+∞ 1≤+ ⊥∞+≈+≈†;≤+ „3∞≈⊇∞+†;≤+∞+ 4††∞+, ≈+†† ;≤+ ∋;† ⊇;+ ⊥∞+´≈? Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Covenant - Der Leiermann at Discogs. We have that reiterated E in bar 53, plus a resolution to the A in bar 55 – it actually doesn’t sound like the intonation you would apply to a question in normal speaking. Well, it of course did occur to me to look at something more obscure, something less known – after all, it does make sense that unveiling detail of a work or song that had not been studied in such depth could be more interesting, as it would probably offer newer, unexplored territory. Shall I join you on your journey? Rast (Mässig) (D minor - 1st version) 11. 31, January 2001, pp. One of his primary concerns with melody is the expectations they create, and how those expectations are fulfilled. Or the gentle, yet sufficient, quality of the close of that melodic line? 89 in 1828), a setting of 24 poems by Wilhelm Müller. In short, though, like in many popular songs, the listener or audience is lead to believe that the performer is talking from a place of deep, personal experience; and tend to unequivocally believe and trust the performer. It’s as though Schubert gives us a moment to reflect on the protagonist’s experience, and, simultaneously, gives the protagonist a moment to reflect on his own. Strophe: Wanderer erblickt alten Leiermann (Tod) 2. In the first two measures of the … Pears, P. and Britten, B. In den beiden ersten Strophen wird eine Idylle heraufbeschworen: „Ich träumt in seinem Schatten …“ und an die gemeinsame Vergangenheit erinnert: „Es zog in Freud´ und Leide …“. Das lyrische Ich ist abwechselnd schlafend und wach, es träumt vom Frühling als Jahreszeit selbst, das heißt von der Natur, die sich nach dem Winter entfaltet und aufblüht. He is particularly noted for his original melodic and harmonic writing. 147 members. No one listens to him, or cares; dogs snarl at him; dogs chase him. Of course, the zone of ‘intent’ is a dangerous one to enter. Meyer does acknowledge that in most instances we have no evidence of composer’s intent, but it does exist, and it can’t go ignored. I think it’s fair to say that Schubert does accomplish this contrast between a sense of desolate endlessness and a vague glimmer of hope – but how? #covenant #indus #ebm #der leiermann. Der Leiermann (Etwas langsam) (A minor) 5 songs (1st versions): 7. Hermann Hesse. Hermann Hesse, der unverstandene Träumer, der Suchende, der Irrende, der sich immer wieder scheiternd auf die Reise machte. Something lies within the music that cannot be uncovered in that way. Surrey: Ashgate. Vorspiel (Takte 1-8) 4.2.2. There is much to be read into on this – the openness of question could imply numerous possibilities, and there has been a great deal of discussion around Schubert’s intention with regard to placement of the poems within his cycle. “Ten Little Title Tunes”: a necessary tome in understanding musical meaning? Moving on to Leonard Meyer’s book – some of the methods outlined in his Explaining music, I would argue, are quite relevant and useful by way of analysis of this piece. #family fodder #der leiermann. 8;∞ ⊇+;††∞ 3†++⊥+∞ ≈;∋∋† 3∞=∞⊥ ∋∞† ⊇∋≈ †++;≈≤+∞ 1≤+. Synopsis: At the end of the village he finds the old barefooted hurdy-gurdy man, winding away his tunes, but no-one has given him a penny, or listens, and even the dogs growl at him. v-i-r-a-g-e. Covenant - Der Leiermann . Watch the video for Der Leiermann from Covenant's Synergy: Live In Europe for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. – the piece, being considered a true ‘masterwork’, has been given a great deal of attention. Moore, Allan F. (2012) Song Means. Einleitung 2. Interpretation zu Frühlingstraum von Wilhelm Müller. This is also reflected in the music (or bar ~49 in the score). Your email address will not be published. That opening semiquaver to quaver motif in the piece begins and ends…again and again…it is varied slightly, for example in its leap up to the 5th as opposed to the 3rd in bar 6, or up to the 6th in bar 27 with the quaver patterns following on accordingly in each bar, but ultimately this ‘event’, as Meyer calls it, is emphasized, due to its repetition. © 2020-2021 Matthias Schaller/VG-Bildkunst Metaphors Within the Psychological and Emotional ‘Cycle’, A Tonal and Melodic Analysis of ‘Faithfulness’ [from Fleshwounds] by Skin, It is, essentially, an illusion – because we know that the singer of a particular performance did not undertake the desolate Winter’s journey of Muller’s lonely figure, yet the song draws us in to believe that it could be the case. What do you … Mehr auf: Der Leiermann I subsequently completed a PGCE at Middlesex university, and I currently teach at secondary level. 4≈ ⊇∞+ 3†∞††∞ ≠+ ⊇∋≈ †++;≈≤+∞ 1≤+ 8+††≈∞≈⊥ +∞∂+∋∋† ≠∞+⊇∞≈ ∋∞≤+ ⊇;∞ 7+≈∞ +++∞+. A year before his death at 31 Franz Schubert published 'Winterreise' or 'winter's journey', a series of 24 poems set to music exploring unrequited love. The first interesting point to make on this is when we consider Bent’s ideas he presents in Analysis. However, what I find most interesting is that Schubert does give us a resolution. columbia (1377) Sudden cut-off at end as original. He wrote some 600 lieder, nine symphonies (including the famous "Unfinished Symphony"), liturgical music, operas, and a large body of chamber and solo piano music. This is why structural analysis is simply not enough – by way of traditional analysis this ending is entirely unproblematic, but when we consider the song in terms of meaning, it requires a deeper level of investigation, and demands many more answers. In short – it goes without saying – Die Winterreise is extremely famous, and widely appreciated, by the general listener and specialists alike. He may directly refer to popular music here, but really it’s difficult to deny that the same idea could apply to Schubert’s song – after all, the piece presents a relationship between words and music – the two certainly ‘interact’ to create a certain effect – this of course produces some kind of ‘meaning’. (5.9)“ 8;∞≈ ;≈† ⊇∞+ 3≤+†∞≈≈≈∋†= ⊇∞≈ 7;∞⊇∞+=+∂†∞≈ ∞≈⊇ ≈†∞††† ∋∞≤+ ;≈+∋†††;≤+ ⊇∋≈ 9≈⊇∞ ⊇∋+. Of course, on an immediate level the purpose of the motif in the right hand is clearly to emulate the sound of the instrument the organ-grinder is playing in the song; however, it also acts as a pause between lines of the narrative, which gives the song a contemplative quality. He also says that “the more exact the repetition of an event is, the more strongly we expect change”. Alternative Analyses – Schubert’s ‘Der Leiermann’ from Die Winterreise I am particularly interested in the way in which we analyse music, and how the different methods of doing so influence, and sometimes wholly form, our perception of certain styles of music. Der Leiermann – Wilhelm Müller Liedanalyse Das Stück „der Leiermann“, geschrieben von Wilhelm Müller, ist das letzte Stück aus dem, aus 24 Liedern bestehenden, Liederzyklus „die Winterreise“, und wurde 1827 von Franz Schubert vertont. 171 notes. Der Leiermann ~ "Winterreise" by Hüsch, Gerhard; Müller, Hanns Udo. Literature; Music; Others; Cultural History; Select Page. Das Kunstlied thematisiert die ausweglose Situation in der sich das lyrische Ich befindet und seinen Überlegungen ob er dem Tod folgen soll. This is important because it’s the last thing we hear – the final message on which we will reflect. L et’s get to the song. (1973) Explaining Music. (5.8) 3;††≈† =∞ ∋∞;≈∞≈ 7;∞⊇∞+, ⊇∞;≈∞ 7∞;∞+ ⊇+∞+´≈? Work: Der Leiermann from Winterreise (1727) Performer: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Alfred Brendel. There is no need to even touch the issue of ending the song on a dissonant chord. Why should we then, not be able to find a personal, subjective meaning in this song? They also form a continuation onto one another: despite the V-I progression that first appears in bar 7, there is no sense of finality due to the melody falling to the 5th in the top part – it needs to resolve to the tonic, which it does in the following bar, but in the vocal melody, which then precedes to continue on its own, creating a sense of continuity. With Josef Bergauer, Liane Haid, Max Neufeld, Karl Ehmann. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. CA: University of California Press. Member at: WKO … The ending sees the greatest change in the music. With stiff fingers, he coaxes out the sound; his saucer is empty, gifts for him are rare. Steppenwolf . The V-I progression at bar 51 continues throughout the vocal melody – this is the first time this happens. This is an example of an attribute in the music that allows us to relate on a human level. It is not just that structure and process are directly related to the listener’s comprehension; it is those special attributes of the melody, those qualities that put it consistently up for discussion, analysis, and performance, that are illuminated. He does explore the usefulness of certain analytical concepts in the elucidation of musical structure, however he also addresses the limitations of analysis and its application to questions of performance. This, again, creates a sense of simultaneous finality and endlessness – the protagonist has reached a point where he is no longer solitary, yet we are still not certain of his fate. Während die erste Strophe die Eigenschaften des Leiermanns, also des Todes, darstellt, werden in der zweiten Strophe die Reaktionen der Außenwelt auf ihn beschrieben. All rights reserved. Obviously, the methods explored in the book are intended for the application to popular song, not 19th century Western classical repertoire…. 3+ ≠;∞ ⊇;∞ 7∞;∞+ ⊇∞≈ ∋††∞≈ 4∋≈≈∞≈ ≈;∞ ∋∞++ ≈†;†† ≈†∞+†, ≠;+⊇ ∋∞≤+ ⊇∞+ 7∋∞† ⊇∞≈ 7∞+∞≈≈ ∞≠;⊥ ≠∞;†∞+ ⊥∞+∞≈. “0≈⊇ ∞+ †=≈≈† ∞≈ ⊥∞+∞≈, ∋††∞≈ ≠;∞ ∞≈ ≠;††(5.7) ⊇+∞+†, ∞≈⊇ ≈∞;≈∞ 7∞;∞+, ≈†∞+† ;+∋ ≈;∋∋∞+ ≈†;††(5.8)“. He also discusses theory of tonal melody and explores motivic detail on the linear level – particularly with regard to repetition – which is highly relevant for the final movement of Winterreise. The music stays in A minor from beginning to end, is purely diatonic and based entirely on an open 5th tonic pedal for the duration of the piece – what can really be deduced by applying Bent’s methods, in this case? The primary reason is that in technical terms the music is extremely simple – but, as I’m sure you’ll agree, that is the fascinating feature of the piece – its simplicity is really quite compelling. Der Leiermann D.911-24, High Voice in A Minor, F. Schubert (Winterreise). It’s static, and endless which, when we consider the narrative of Winterreise, is rather fitting. The vocal melody changes quite drastically from this, however, in bar 56, with the powerful octave leaps and the final landing of the phrase on the 5th – this does not sound resolved. I will just make a direct quotation as I can’t put it into better words myself: “The kind of theory, analysis and synthesis Mayer consistently offers is unquestionably and remarkably effective when it comes to explaining – providing a musical criticism of – the musically known experiential qualities of well-known Western music. Das Lied besteht aus drei Strophen. The important question, though, is why is this the case?

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