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13. September 2021

france country report

Men, women, and children, mainly from Eastern Europe, West Africa, and Asia, were subjected to forced labor, including domestic servitude (also see section 7.c.). The law also requires employers to conduct yearly negotiations with employees on professional and pay equity between women and men in companies with more than 50 employees. There were some reports of government corruption during the year. The Supreme Court reversed case law, ruling that it was up to the judge to ensure adequate detention conditions and that if conditions violating human dignity could not be remedied, the judge should order the prisoner’s immediate release. On November 20, the government released estimates that 130,000 girls and 35,000 boys annually suffered rape or attempted rape and that 140,000 children were exposed to domestic violence. Women will be able to recognize participating locations by a label displayed outside the business. There were reports of anti-Roma violence by private citizens. Each country information page contains a Travel Advisory, Alerts, and other important details specific to that country that could affect you. This report focuses on food laws in force in France that cover areas which are not EU It is still expected at- 5.8% of GDP in 2022 in addition to disbursements of the NGEU (around 1.2% of GDP in 2022). Five divisions are overseas “collectivities”: French Polynesia, Saint-Barthelemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, and Wallis and Futuna. Far from empowering France, this new situation seems to isolate the country within Europe and create new tensions against the EU as far as the military budget or military statute are concerned (CJEU, B.K., 2021, C-742/19 for example). The age-standardised rate was at least 300 per 100,000 in 11 countries (Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, the US, the Netherlands, Norway and South Korea). Why so many visitors? France also has a number of local reduction plans including the Regional Waste Reduction Plan in Ile-de-France, which focuses on the prevention of all waste generated across the region. Deaths have decreased by 33 percent . 349 TFEU), but on other hand, special arrangements for association shall apply to overseas countries and territories of France (art. In November 2019 the government’s Interministerial Agency for the Protection of Women against Violence and Combatting Human Trafficking published data showing that in 2018 approximately 213,000 women older than 18 declared they had been victims of physical or sexual violence at the hands of a partner or former partner. France has two kinds of overseas territories. France is a founding member of the European Communities, in such capacity is one of the five countries which signed the agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at their internal borders (, Therefore, since 1995 the country is member of Schengen area in accordance with the rules laid down by the Convention implementing the Agreement (, ). Both the victim and a local Jewish association filed a complaint. After arrival in France, the visa holder must follow the same procedure as other asylum seekers in France; however, the visa holder is authorized to work while his or her asylum application is processed and evaluated, unlike other applicants. It also includes measures to facilitate the removal of aliens in detention, extend from 45 to 90 days the maximum duration of administrative detention, and from 16 to 24 hours the duration of administrative detention to verify an individual’s right to stay. Defendants enjoyed a presumption of innocence, and authorities informed defendants of the charges against them at the time of arrest. Sometimes referring to the structure as The Big Ear, the military was able to use the Eiffel Tower to intercept strategic enemy messages and help capture spies like Mata Hari. A GPS monitor alerts victims and police if known abusers come within a certain distance of their victims. Transportation users must also receive clear and reliable information on the services that would be available in the event of a disruption. Get Your Free France Report Here. On July 16, judicial sources announced three police officers were charged with manslaughter after the January death of a Paris delivery driver from asphyxia during his arrest by police. If a suspect refuses, the judge may order prosecutors to open a criminal inquiry. The report called for funding “at the level of need,” citing the estimated annual, societal cost of domestic violence of 3.6 billion euros ($4.3 billion). The man was ordered to perform 75 hours of community service and attend citizenship classes. Approximately 100,000 police and gendarmes were mobilized throughout the country to enforce the measures, including with the help of drones and helicopters in some regions. average decreasing over last 2 weeks. Since January 1, new companies have five years to comply with the 6 percent requirement, instead of the previous 3 percent. The law allows a judge to deny the right to vote to individuals who are assigned guardians to make decisions on their behalf, which mainly affected persons with disabilities. Respect for Civil Liberties, Including: a. During the COVID-19 pandemic, firms were required to consult labor unions before implementing organizational change in the workplace, including health and safety measures related to the sanitary crisis. In September 2017, French President Emmanuel Macron called for a new vision for the European Union at Sorbonne University (Initiative for Europe). No country is fully prepared for epidemics or pandemics, and every country has … As of April 2019, the Ministry of Culture did not have the final say on restitution; the authority for final decisions on restitution rests with the Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation under the Office of the Prime Minister. Opposing forces were not happy that, led by divine voices, an eighteen year old girl rallied French troops, defeated English forces, and helped annoint Charles VII King of France. On August 6, a man was attacked by two persons who shouted anti-Semitic insults, stole his watch, and beat him unconscious in the hallway of his parents’ apartment building in Paris. These two small islands are located off the south coast of Newfoundland. It brings together scholars from across Europe to share knowledge and ideas on how to address some of the toughest challenges facing the continent. By law, only officially recognized first names could be registered. Latest news from around the globe, including the nuclear arms race, migration, North Korea, Brexit and more. OFPRA stated that priority attention was given to female victims of violence, persons persecuted on the basis of their sexual orientation, victims of human trafficking, unaccompanied minors, and victims of torture. News Politics. The labor code prohibits discrimination based upon an individual’s national origin; sex; customs; sexual orientation; gender identity; age; family situation or pregnancy; genetic characteristics; particularly vulnerability resulting from an economic situation that is apparent or known to the author of the discrimination; real or perceived ethnicity, nationality, or race; political opinions; trade union or mutual association activities; religious beliefs; physical appearance; family name; place of residence or location of a person’s bank; state of health; loss of autonomy or disability; and ability to express oneself in a language other than French. A patient treated in a hospital near Paris on 27 December for suspected pneumonia … Several suspects’ professions put them in regular contact with children. Defendants have the right to remain silent and to appeal. France's real GDP increased by 1.1% in 2015. It also mobilized museum experts, supported university-level research, and aided in the appointment of in-house specialists at art institutions. Citizens, asylum seekers, and migrants may report cases of discrimination based on national origin and ethnicity to the defender of rights. The law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, employment, nationality laws, and access to government services. Homophobic violence and hate speech increased 36 percent in 2019, with 1,870 acts compared to 1,380 in 2018, according to Interior Ministry statistics released May 16. Between the 17th and 19th centuries, French was the language of diplomacy and culture in Europe, and many northern European monarchs spoke it in their courts. The funds go to financial support for persons with disabilities seeking employment or firms employing persons with disabilities, research and analysis on disability employment issues, and support for employment retention of persons with disabilities. Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law criminalizes sexual exploitation of children. It also approved making it a criminal offense for protesters to conceal their faces at demonstrations, punishable by one year in prison and 15,000 euros ($18,000) in fines. Freedom of Movement: Authorities maintained administrative holding centers for foreigners pending deportation. Shipping information is based on orders from the store's main country, which is defined as the one where the store generates most of its online revenue. It recommended the creation of counselors specialized in accompanying refugees to facilitate access to employment. On October 9, the High Council for Equality issued a report assessing the results of its commission on domestic violence. Denmark 2017 (1.2 MiB) France Top100 Report. French intellectuals have long been studied and admired by academics worldwide. Coercion in Population Control: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. A hospital in France discovered a coronavirus case from December, weeks before French authorities confirmed the first cases of the novel virus in the country, according to a report. The constitution and law provide citizens the ability to choose their government through free and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot and based on universal and equal suffrage. On Epiphany, January 6, Catholics celebrate the visit of the Three Kings to the baby Jesus. In addition blacks and Arabs were more likely to be treated with a lack of professionalism by police. The person who finds it is given a gilt crown to wear and is king for the day. Although standard practice allowed pretrial detention only in cases involving possible sentences of more than three years in prison, some suspects spent many years in detention before trial. Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, Office of the U.S. English is the most common foreign language. A woman whose sister and parents were murdered by the sister’s former partner asked a court to find the state responsible for their deaths, again citing failure to protect. On September 8, a Nimes court sentenced a father and his partner to 18-month suspended prison sentences for compelling the father’s daughter to leave France and forcing her to get married in Morocco. On October 14, Junior Minister of Gender Equality Elisabeth Moreno unveiled a three-year national plan to combat hatred and discrimination against LGBTI persons. The government sponsored and funded programs for women victims of violence, including shelters, counseling, hotlines, free mobile phones, and a media campaign. Authorities could hold undocumented migrants in these facilities for a maximum of 90 days, except in cases related to terrorism. In conjunction with specific gendarmerie units used for military operations, the army is responsible for external security under the Ministry of Defense. Albania. France is set to receive a total of about 39,4 billion euros in community aid to finance its recovery plan, which will mobilize overall 100 billion (€30BN to speed up the greening of the economy, €34BN to improve competitiveness, and €36BN in favor of social and territorial cohesion). The constitution and law provide for an independent judiciary. Extremist ffender anagement Europe: Country Reports 3 1 Extremist Offender Management in Belgium Thomas Renard, Egmont Institute T he presence of terrorist convicts in prison is not a new phenomenon in Belgium. Then gender-equality minister Schiappa also confirmed LGBTI individuals could notify police at pharmacies or text a hotline, which was also possible for victims of domestic violence. This policy reduced the chances of an asylum seeker from one of these countries obtaining asylum but did not prevent it. Data used from other international sources is also correct to that date. The report provides a state-of-play and analysis of the national level R&I system and its challenges, to support the European Semester. Found inside – Page 39Ambient Ready Meals ( 4 reports - France , Germany , Italy , Spain ) Euroview . Beer ( 4 reports - France , Germany , Italy , Spain ) Euroview . Bottled Water ( 4 reports - France , Germany , Italy , Spain ) Euroview . Data presented here were used in the preparation of the 2020 Human Development Report “The Next Frontier: Human Development and the Anthropocene", released on 15 December 2020. The Ministry of Justice reported it reviewed 6,603 cases related to racism in 2019 (compared with 6,122 in 2018) and 393 racist offenses were punished with convictions. Of 30,883 URLs that internet users flagged to authorities, the report noted it assessed 14,327 (46 percent) of them to be illegal, including 656 URLs related to terrorism–a 63 percent decrease from 2018. We hope this analysis will be of interest to policymakers around the world, Officials who fail to comply are subject to sanctions. Explore human development data from around the world using the interactive tools below. The new provisions tighten enforcement for street harassment against women, allowing prosecutors to hear cases immediately. Access to Asylum: The laws provide for the granting of asylum or refugee status, and the government has a system for providing protection to refugees. The 18th century, known as the Age of Enlightenment, produced philosophers such as Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau. Rape and Domestic Violence: The law criminalizes rape of men or women, including spousal rape, and the government generally enforced the law effectively. France - France - Economy: France is one of the major economic powers of the world, ranking along with such countries as the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. It features a driverless train called the Météor. It includes measures to strengthen the protection of girls and young men exposed to the risk of sexual mutilation, states that a country persecuting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) persons cannot be considered “safe,” and adopts protective provisions on the right to remain for victims of domestic violence. A gender equality law provides measures to reinforce equality in the workplace as well as sanctions against companies whose noncompliance could prevent women from bidding for public contracts. The Country Wire TM provides daily news coverage for all countries and features up-to-date articles from regional news wire services across the globe. In-country Movement: The law requires persons engaged in itinerant activities with a fixed domicile to obtain a license that is renewable every four years. The associations Stop Homophobia and Mousse took legal action against the Lyon daily newspaper Le Progres for “homophobic defamation” following its April 18 publication of an inflammatory article that implied members of the gay community did not respect COVID-19 lock-down rules, accusing them of risky sexual encounters and drug parties. Except for those involving minors, trials were public. Violators faced fines of 135 euros ($162) for first-time offenders, increasing to 3,700 euros ($4,440) for multiple offenses with maximum punishment of up to six months in prison for more than four offenses in a single month. The report noted that the Yellow Vest protests had led to “an overload for the IGPN” with 310 related complaints. According to official statistics, disability affected 12 million citizens. The penalty for rape is 15 years’ imprisonment, which may be increased. You can add more than one country or area. The office coordinated research and investigated claims submitted to the Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation (CIVS). Societal violence and discrimination against immigrants of North African origin, Roma, and other ethnic minorities remained a problem. In its ruling, the court specified that “under the guise of sexist and crude jokes,” Stephane Trompille adopted “conduct detrimental to the health” of the staffer, the only woman on the team, who then suffered “health consequences.”. French tax … Independent Monitoring: The government permitted prison visits by independent human rights observers, both local and foreign. Robust and transparent research methodology, conducted in-country. As of November 20, the country had experienced seven terrorist attacks during the year in Paris, Metz, the southeastern town of Romans-sur-Isere, Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, and Nice. A bean or charm is hidden inside the cake. The majority of illegal content the office found related to child pornography. Click Step 1 to select the topics, Step 2 to select the countries/areas to be included in the report, and Step 3 to confirm your selections. Itinerant persons without a fixed abode must possess travel documents. On October 29, a Tunisian terrorist killed three Christian worshippers in a church in Nice. This paper describes economic developments in France during 1990–95. The officers drove the man 18 miles from the point of arrest and abandoned him; he also claimed they beat him. The minimum wage adequately met the poverty-line income level, which employers in the formal sector generally adhered to. The court rejected the appeal of the municipality of Ris-Orangis and upheld a 2017 ruling that found separate classes for Romani children to be illegal. Since 2003 the annual Franco-German Council of Ministers meets in on an alternating basis in France and Germany. (PESCO) in the area of security and defense policy established by the Council in December 2017. In such cases a panel of professional and lay judges heard the case. On October 14, President Macron announced a 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew in areas most impacted by COVID-19, which included Paris and the Ile-de-France region, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Montpellier, Rouen, Saint-Etienne, and Toulouse. Families enjoy a cake known as la Galette des Rois. On March 16, a Paris court found the State guilty of negligence for police failure to prevent a woman’s former partner from murdering her and ordered payment of 100,000 euros ($120,000) to her family. The commission issued and made available to the public periodic reports on officials’ financial holdings on a discretionary basis at least once every three years. The president of the regional Council of the Muslim Faith denounced the fire, while regional and religious leaders expressed solidarity with the Muslim community and lamented the country was experiencing “rising hatred.” On August 12, a fire broke out at the Essalam Mosque in the city of Lyon. Residents were asked to stay at home except to buy groceries, travel to work, exercise, or seek medical care. There were 23 holding centers on the mainland and three in the overseas territories, with a total capacity of 1,970 persons. In addition a notification of intent to strike is permissible only after negotiations between trade unions and employers have broken down. The evacuated migrants were brought to shelters in Pas-de-Calais, other departments in the north, and other regions of the country. Renowned for her cooking school in France and her many best-selling cookbooks, Anne Willan combines years of hands-on experience with extensive research to create a brand new classic. Applicants, however, must complete them in French, generally without government-funded language assistance. Cancer rates in women. Concerning the area of freedom, security and justice France has opted to participate in the European Public Prosecutor’s Office from the launch of this enhanced cooperation. Workers are not entitled to receive pay while striking. Found inside – Page 3It is designed to be used in conjunction with the Country Labor Profile : France . No attempt is made to repeat any of the background information contained in the Country Labor Profile . This report's sole purpose is to go into greater ... Most crimes are non-violent, but pick-pocketing is a significant problem. On March 24, the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) published a report on its 2018 visit to examine the treatment and conditions of persons detained under immigration and asylum law. France also joined the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) in the area of security and defense policy established by the Council in December 2017. It is constrained to be always non-negative. Economy. France is one of the major economic powers of the world, ranking along with such countries as the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Its financial position reflects an extended period of unprecedented growth that lasted for much of the postwar period until the mid-1970s; frequently this period was referred... The country’s government launched an official mission in 2019 for the discovery and restitution of Nazi-looted art held in French museums. They were sentenced to prison terms of five and four years respectively. The Ministry of Gender Equality, Diversity, the Fight against Discrimination and Equal Opportunities is responsible for protecting the legal rights of women. OFPRA reported there were 1,493 stateless persons in the country at the end of 2019. Cases have increased by 183 percent from the average two weeks ago. Some companies also allowed other compensatory days for work in excess of 35 hours to 39 hours per week, called “spare-time account.” Work in excess of 39 hours per week was generally remunerated. Workers, except those in certain essential services, such as police and the armed forces, have the right to strike unless the strike threatens public safety. The plan, backed by the UN, allows women who feel in danger “to know where they can find refuge if there are no police officers at hand to take their statement.” Refuge shelters can be bars, restaurants, pharmacies, or any business willing to take part in the program. Euro-crisis. Crisis Impact and Response. Are you an Admin? France 12,617. The government announced April 24 an emergency plan to help LGBTI persons during COVID-19 lock-downs, including authorizing 300,000 euros ($360,000) to fund 6,000 hotel nights for young persons facing homophobic violence at home. Before Joan of Arc was canonized as a Saint, she was accused of witchcraft. Update 2: on a third round, the proposal has failed in the national assembly. Youth unemployment in metropolitan France decreased from a high of 25.4% in the fourth quarter of … Report On Human Rights Practices For 2011 Country Of Mauritania US Department Of State, Kids' Cookbook, The American Heart Association American Heart Association, Aaltje Of Aurora, Indiana: 1773-1819 Bonnie L Schermer, Inside Washington William A. Delphos Reconsider travel to Zambia due to COVID-19.. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel.. French citizens were required to stay at home except to buy groceries, go to school, travel to work, exercise, or seek medical care. The law gives employees the “right to disconnect” digitally from their work. This is far from the end of it. Over 83 million come every year to see places like The Palace of Versailles, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum. The law provides for the prosecution of forced marriage cases, even when the marriage occurred abroad. The Ministry of Labor treats such discrimination as a criminal offense and prosecutes cases of discrimination by both individuals and companies. In 2019, 1,098 major industrial accidents occurred, according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, causing death or serious injury to workers. The ministry reported 687 anti-Semitic acts, up 27 percent from 2018. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor, c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment, d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation. This political activism has not gone so far as to reduce the budget deficit of France: for France the so called “règle d’or” (balanced budget rule) remains a formal and not a substantial rule. Coordinated by the Brexit Institute at Dublin City University (Ireland), the consortium also includes the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Central European University (Hungary) and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy). The law distinguishes between defamation, which consists of the accusation of a particular fact, and insult, which does not. The country’s Romani community faced employment discrimination. 03 / Select Countries You can add more than one country or area. On June 8, the defender of rights, a constitutionally created, independent civil rights watchdog, reported registering 1,957 complaints against the security forces’ intervention methods in 2019. (2.4 MB - PDF) Download PDF - 2.4 MB. Many French children put their lost teeth under their pillows. The junior secretary for children, Adrien Taquet, presented 22 measures “to end once and for all violence against children.” New measures include 400,000 euros ($480,000) in additional funding for responses to the “child in danger” emergency hotline and strengthened implementation of background checks for those working in contact with children. What unique things can you discover about France? On November 25, the government reported that among the 43 measures announced, 23 of them had been implemented and that 1,000 places in shelters were available to women who had to get away from their homes. On June 26, the inspector general of the National Police placed six officers from a Paris unit into custody on charges of theft, drug possession, and extorting money from drug dealers. But, if France has largely participated in the adoption of new practices and texts in European Union (notably the ESM Treaty of 2012 and the TSCG Treaty, also of 2012), their adoption at national level has given rise to numerous political debates. The law prohibits the worst forms of child labor. On August 3, Facebook confirmed it had banned the notorious comedian Dieudonne M’Bala from its platforms for repeatedly violating its policies by posting anti-Semitic comments and for “organized hatred.” Dieudonne was also banned from YouTube in June. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. The review is based on 100 indicators for adaptation, mitigation and finance and aims to make good practices and gaps transparent. Traffickers exploited the large influx of unaccompanied minors who entered the country in recent years. Noncompliant companies must contribute to a fund managed by AGEFIPH. Algeria. As of 1 September, France hit 48 million vaccinated (72% of the population). Medecines Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) is an international humanitarian aid organization founded in France. A small number of detainees also claimed to have been subjected to violence by codetainees. NGOs agreed that detention conditions for women were often better than for men because overcrowding was less common. On June 15, the government lifted coronavirus restrictions on movement at its European borders (land, air, and sea) for EU members and a few other countries. Authors: ReferNet France, Centre for the Development of information on Long life vocational training, Centre Inffo . It touches on the distant as well as recent history of its local industries, while listing its current capabilities, inventories, and plans for future force structure. On March 16, President Macron announced nationwide lock-down measures aimed at curbing the COVID 19 pandemic outbreak. This risk is due to conditions or events outside any company's control. Construction began in 1898 and the first line opened in 1900. A foreign couple claimed to own it, but several courts ruled the work belonged to the descendants of Jewish collector Simon Bauer and ordered its restitution. The constitution and law provide for the right to a fair trial, and an independent judiciary generally enforced this right. The companies must publish on their company websites an estimate of salary disparities between men and women. Its return to the top spot is testament to its robust soft power resources, boosted by strong presidential leadership amidst wider geopolitical uncertainty. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (now called the Ministry for Solidarity and Health) reported in 2016 that only 300,000 of one million establishments open to the public were fully accessible. Financial Disclosure: The president, members of parliament and the European Parliament, ministers, regional and departmental council heads, mayors of larger communities, and directors of government-owned companies (post office, railway, and telephone) are required to declare their personal assets to the Commission for the Financial Transparency of Political Life at the beginning and end of their terms. The Eiffel Tower has also made it 's mark on france country report violated their rights the! 2018 to nine years on August 7, the most offered shipping providers within the top 500 online in! 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